# Copyright 2012 by Wibowo Arindrarto. All rights reserved. # Revisions Copyright 2012-2015 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. from __future__ import print_function import os import gzip import unittest try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: sqlite3 = None from Bio._py3k import _as_bytes from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from Bio import BiopythonExperimentalWarning import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', BiopythonExperimentalWarning) from Bio import SearchIO class CheckRaw(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for testing index's get_raw method.""" fmt = None # define this in subclasses! def check_raw(self, filename, id, raw, **kwargs): """Index filename using **kwargs, check get_raw(id)==raw.""" idx = SearchIO.index(filename, self.fmt, **kwargs) raw = _as_bytes(raw) # Anticipate cases where the raw string and/or file uses different # newline characters ~ we set everything to \n. new = idx.get_raw(id) self.assertTrue(isinstance(new, bytes), "Didn't get bytes from %s get_raw" % self.fmt) self.assertEqual(raw.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n'), new.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')) idx.close() # Now again, but using SQLite backend if sqlite3: idx = SearchIO.index_db(":memory:", filename, self.fmt, **kwargs) new = idx.get_raw(id) self.assertTrue(isinstance(new, bytes), "Didn't get bytes from %s get_raw" % self.fmt) self.assertEqual(raw.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n'), new.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')) idx.close() if os.path.isfile(filename + ".bgz"): # Do the tests again with the BGZF compressed file print("[BONUS %s.bgz]" % filename) self.check_raw(filename + ".bgz", id, raw, **kwargs) class CheckIndex(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for testing indexing.""" def check_index(self, filename, format, **kwargs): # check if Python3 installation has sqlite3 try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: sqlite3 = None if filename.endswith(".bgz"): handle = gzip.open(filename) parsed = list(SearchIO.parse(handle, format, **kwargs)) handle.close() else: parsed = list(SearchIO.parse(filename, format, **kwargs)) # compare values by index indexed = SearchIO.index(filename, format, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(len(parsed), len(indexed), "Should be %i records in %s, index says %i" % (len(parsed), filename, len(indexed))) # compare values by index_db, only if sqlite3 is present if sqlite3 is not None: db_indexed = SearchIO.index_db(':memory:', [filename], format, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(len(parsed), len(db_indexed), "Should be %i records in %s, index_db says %i" % (len(parsed), filename, len(db_indexed))) for qres in parsed: idx_qres = indexed[qres.id] # parsed and indexed qresult are different objects! self.assertNotEqual(id(qres), id(idx_qres)) # but they should have the same attribute values self.assertTrue(compare_search_obj(qres, idx_qres)) # sqlite3 comparison, only if it's present if sqlite3 is not None: dbidx_qres = db_indexed[qres.id] self.assertNotEqual(id(qres), id(dbidx_qres)) self.assertTrue(compare_search_obj(qres, dbidx_qres)) indexed.close() if sqlite3 is not None: db_indexed.close() db_indexed._con.close() if os.path.isfile(filename + ".bgz"): # Do the tests again with the BGZF compressed file print("[BONUS %s.bgz]" % filename) self.check_index(filename + ".bgz", format, **kwargs) def _num_difference(obj_a, obj_b): """Returns the number of instance attributes presence only in one object.""" attrs_a = set(obj_a.__dict__) attrs_b = set(obj_b.__dict__) diff = attrs_a.symmetric_difference(attrs_b) privates = len([x for x in diff if x.startswith('_')]) return len(diff) - privates def compare_search_obj(obj_a, obj_b): """Compares attribute values of two QueryResult objects.""" # check that both qresults contain the same instance attributes assert _num_difference(obj_a, obj_b) == 0 # compare qresult attributes # if the above assertion pass, doesn't matter if we use a or be here compare_attrs(obj_a, obj_b, list(obj_a.__dict__)) # compare objects recursively if it's not an HSPFragment if not isinstance(obj_a, SearchIO.HSPFragment): # check the number of hits contained assert len(obj_a) == len(obj_b), "length: %i vs %i for %r vs %r" % (len(obj_a), len(obj_b), obj_a, obj_b) for item_a, item_b in zip(obj_a, obj_b): assert compare_search_obj(item_a, item_b) return True def compare_attrs(obj_a, obj_b, attrs): """Compares attribute values of two objects.""" for attr in attrs: # don't check for contained items, they are handled separately if attr.startswith('_items'): continue # get attribute values from each objects val_a = getattr(obj_a, attr) val_b = getattr(obj_b, attr) # special case for HSP and HSPFragment {hit,query} # since they are seqrecords, we compare the strings only # comparing using compare_record is too slow if attr in ('_hit', '_query') and (val_a is not None and val_b is not None): # compare seq directly if it's a contiguous hsp if isinstance(val_a, SeqRecord) and isinstance(val_b, SeqRecord): assert str(val_a.seq) == str(val_b.seq), \ "%s: %r vs %r" % (attr, val_a, val_b) elif isinstance(val_a, list) and isinstance(val_b, list): for seq_a, seq_b in zip(val_a, val_b): assert str(seq_a.seq) == str(seq_b.seq), \ "%s: %r vs %r" % (attr, seq_a, seq_b) # if it's a dictionary, compare values and keys elif isinstance(val_a, dict): assert isinstance(val_b, dict) keys_a = sorted(val_a) values_a = sorted(val_a.values()) keys_b = sorted(val_b) values_b = sorted(val_b.values()) assert keys_a == keys_b, "%s: %r vs %r" % (attr, keys_a, keys_b) assert values_a == values_b, "%s: %r vs %r" % (attr, values_a, values_b) # if it's an alphabet, check the class names as alphabets are instances elif attr == '_alphabet': alph_a = val_a.__class__.__name__ alph_b = val_b.__class__.__name__ assert alph_a == alph_b, "%s: %r vs %r" % (attr, alph_a, alph_b) else: assert val_a == val_b, "%s: %r vs %r" % (attr, val_a, val_b) return True