# Copyright 1999 by Jeffrey Chang. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. import unittest import os.path from Bio.SwissProt import KeyWList class KeyWListTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse(self): "Parsing keywlist.txt" filename = os.path.join("SwissProt", "keywlist.txt") handle = open(filename) records = KeyWList.parse(handle) # Testing the first record record = next(records) self.assertEqual(record["ID"], "2Fe-2S.") self.assertEqual(record["AC"], "KW-0001") self.assertEqual(record["DE"], "Protein which contains at least one 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster: 2 iron atoms complexed to 2 inorganic sulfides and 4 sulfur atoms of cysteines from the protein.") self.assertEqual(record["SY"], "Fe2S2; [2Fe-2S] cluster; [Fe2S2] cluster; Fe2/S2 (inorganic) cluster; Di-mu-sulfido-diiron; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding.") self.assertEqual(len(record["GO"]), 1) self.assertEqual(record["GO"], ["GO:0051537; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding"]) self.assertEqual(len(record["HI"]), 2) self.assertEqual(record["HI"][0], "Ligand: Iron; Iron-sulfur; 2Fe-2S.") self.assertEqual(record["HI"][1], "Ligand: Metal-binding; 2Fe-2S.") self.assertEqual(record["CA"], "Ligand.") # Testing the second record record = next(records) self.assertEqual(record["IC"], "Molecular function.") self.assertEqual(record["AC"], "KW-9992") self.assertEqual(record["DE"], "Keywords assigned to proteins due to their particular molecular function.") # Testing the third record record = next(records) self.assertEqual(record["ID"], "Zymogen.") self.assertEqual(record["AC"], "KW-0865") self.assertEqual(record["DE"], "The enzymatically inactive precursor of mostly proteolytic enzymes.") self.assertEqual(record["SY"], "Proenzyme.") self.assertEqual(len(record["HI"]), 1) self.assertEqual(record["HI"][0], "PTM: Zymogen.") self.assertEqual(record["CA"], "PTM.") handle.close() def test_parse2(self): "Parsing keywlist2.txt (without header and footer)" filename = os.path.join("SwissProt", "keywlist2.txt") handle = open(filename) records = KeyWList.parse(handle) # Testing the first record record = next(records) self.assertEqual(record["ID"], "2Fe-2S.") self.assertEqual(record["AC"], "KW-0001") self.assertEqual(record["DE"], "Protein which contains at least one 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster: 2 iron atoms complexed to 2 inorganic sulfides and 4 sulfur atoms of cysteines from the protein.") self.assertEqual(record["SY"], "Fe2S2; [2Fe-2S] cluster; [Fe2S2] cluster; Fe2/S2 (inorganic) cluster; Di-mu-sulfido-diiron; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding.") self.assertEqual(len(record["GO"]), 1) self.assertEqual(record["GO"], ["GO:0051537; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding"]) self.assertEqual(len(record["HI"]), 2) self.assertEqual(record["HI"][0], "Ligand: Iron; Iron-sulfur; 2Fe-2S.") self.assertEqual(record["HI"][1], "Ligand: Metal-binding; 2Fe-2S.") self.assertEqual(record["CA"], "Ligand.") # Testing the second record record = next(records) self.assertEqual(record["ID"], "3D-structure.") self.assertEqual(record["AC"], "KW-0002") self.assertEqual(record["DE"], "Protein, or part of a protein, whose three-dimensional structure has been resolved experimentally (for example by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy) and whose coordinates are available in the PDB database. Can also be used for theoretical models.") self.assertEqual(len(record["HI"]), 1) self.assertEqual(record["HI"][0], "Technical term: 3D-structure.") self.assertEqual(record["CA"], "Technical term.") # Testing the third record record = next(records) self.assertEqual(record["ID"], "3Fe-4S.") self.assertEqual(record["AC"], "KW-0003") self.assertEqual(record["DE"], "Protein which contains at least one 3Fe-4S iron-sulfur cluster: 3 iron atoms complexed to 4 inorganic sulfides and 3 sulfur atoms of cysteines from the protein. In a number of iron-sulfur proteins, the 4Fe-4S cluster can be reversibly converted by oxidation and loss of one iron ion to a 3Fe-4S cluster.") self.assertEqual(record["SY"], "") self.assertEqual(len(record["GO"]), 1) self.assertEqual(record["GO"], ['GO:0051538; 3 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding']) self.assertEqual(len(record["HI"]), 2) self.assertEqual(record["HI"][0], "Ligand: Iron; Iron-sulfur; 3Fe-4S.") self.assertEqual(record["HI"][1], "Ligand: Metal-binding; 3Fe-4S.") self.assertEqual(record["CA"], "Ligand.") handle.close() if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)