#!/usr/bin/env python # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Test the different representations of Genes. This exercises the Motif, Schema and Signature methods of representing genes, as well as generic Pattern methods. """ # standard library from __future__ import print_function import os import unittest # Biopython from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC # stuff we are testing from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene import Schema from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene import Motif from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene import Signature from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Gene import Pattern VERBOSE = 0 # --- Tests for Pattern class PatternIOTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for reading and writing patterns to a file. """ def setUp(self): self.alphabet = IUPAC.ambiguous_dna self.test_file = os.path.join("NeuralNetwork", "patternio.txt") # Remove any existing copy of the output file, if os.path.isfile(self.test_file): os.remove(self.test_file) self.pattern_io = Pattern.PatternIO(self.alphabet) def tearDown(self): # Clean up by removing our output file, if os.path.isfile(self.test_file): os.remove(self.test_file) def test_motif(self): """Reading and writing motifs to a file """ # write to a file motifs = ["GAC", "AAA", "TTT", "GGG"] with open(self.test_file, "w") as output_handle: self.pattern_io.write(motifs, output_handle) # read 'em back with open(self.test_file, "r") as input_handle: read_motifs = self.pattern_io.read(input_handle) self.assertEqual(read_motifs, motifs, "Failed to get back expected motifs %s, got %s" % (motifs, read_motifs)) # write seqs seq_motifs = [] for motif in motifs: seq_motifs.append(Seq(motif, self.alphabet)) with open(self.test_file, "w") as output_handle: self.pattern_io.write_seq(seq_motifs, output_handle) # read the seqs back with open(self.test_file, "r") as input_handle: read_motifs = self.pattern_io.read(input_handle) self.assertEqual(read_motifs, motifs, "Failed to get back expected motifs %s from seqs, got %s" % (motifs, read_motifs)) def test_schema(self): """Reading and writing schemas to a file. """ schemas = ["GTR", "GAC"] # write out the schemas with open(self.test_file, "w") as output_handle: self.pattern_io.write(schemas, output_handle) # read back the schemas with open(self.test_file, "r") as input_handle: read_schemas = self.pattern_io.read(input_handle) self.assertEqual(schemas, read_schemas, "Read incorrect schemas %s, expected %s." % (read_schemas, schemas)) # --- make sure inappropriate alphabets are reported schemas = ["GTR", "G*C"] # '*' not in the unambigous alphabet with open(self.test_file, "w") as output_handle: self.pattern_io.write(schemas, output_handle) input_handle = open(self.test_file, "r") try: read_schemas = self.pattern_io.read(input_handle) raise AssertionError("Did not report error on bad alphabet.") except ValueError: pass # expected behavior except: raise AssertionError("Got unexpected error while reading.") input_handle.close() def test_signature(self): """Reading and writing signatures to a file. """ signatures = [("GAC", "GAC"), ("AAA", "TTT")] with open(self.test_file, "w") as output_handle: self.pattern_io.write(signatures, output_handle) input_handle = open(self.test_file, "r") read_sigs = self.pattern_io.read(input_handle) input_handle.close() self.assertEqual(read_sigs, signatures, "Got back unexpected signatures %s, wanted %s" % (read_sigs, signatures)) class PatternRepositoryTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for retrieving info from a repository of patterns. """ def setUp(self): self.motifs = {"GATC": 30, "GGGG": 10, "GTAG": 0, "AAAA": -10, "ATAT": -20} self.repository = Pattern.PatternRepository(self.motifs) def test_get_all(self): """Retrieve all patterns from a repository. """ all_motifs = self.repository.get_all() self.assertEqual(all_motifs, ["GATC", "GGGG", "GTAG", "AAAA", "ATAT"], "Unexpected motifs returned %s" % all_motifs) def test_get_random(self): """Retrieve random patterns from the repository. """ for num_patterns in range(5): patterns = self.repository.get_random(num_patterns) self.assertEqual(len(patterns), num_patterns, "Got unexpected number of patterns %s, expected %s" % (len(patterns), num_patterns)) for pattern in patterns: self.assertTrue(pattern in list(self.motifs.keys()), "Got unexpected pattern %s" % pattern) def test_get_top_percentage(self): """Retrieve the top percentge of patterns from the repository. """ for num_patterns, percentage in ((1, 0.2), (2, .4), (5, 1.0)): patterns = self.repository.get_top_percentage(percentage) self.assertEqual(len(patterns), num_patterns, "Got unexpected number of patterns %s, expected %s" % (len(patterns), num_patterns)) for pattern in patterns: self.assertTrue(pattern in list(self.motifs.keys()), "Got unexpected pattern %s" % pattern) def test_get_top(self): """Retrieve a certain number of the top patterns. """ for num_patterns in range(5): patterns = self.repository.get_top(num_patterns) self.assertEqual(len(patterns), num_patterns, "Got unexpected number of patterns %s, expected %s" % (len(patterns), num_patterns)) for pattern in patterns: self.assertTrue(pattern in list(self.motifs.keys()), "Got unexpected pattern %s" % pattern) def test_get_differing(self): """Retrieve patterns from both sides of the list (top and bottom). """ patterns = self.repository.get_differing(2, 2) self.assertEqual(patterns, ["GATC", "GGGG", "AAAA", "ATAT"], "Got unexpected patterns %s" % patterns) def test_remove_polyA(self): """Test the ability to remove A rich patterns from the repository. """ patterns = self.repository.get_all() self.assertEqual(len(patterns), 5, "Unexpected starting: %s" % patterns) self.repository.remove_polyA() patterns = self.repository.get_all() self.assertEqual(len(patterns), 3, "Unexpected ending: %s" % patterns) self.assertEqual(patterns, ["GATC", "GGGG", "GTAG"], "Unexpected patterns: %s" % patterns) def test_count(self): """Retrieve counts for particular patterns in the repository. """ num_times = self.repository.count("GGGG") self.assertEqual(num_times, 10, "Did not count item in the respository: %s" % num_times) num_times = self.repository.count("NOT_IN_THERE") self.assertEqual(num_times, 0, "Counted items not in repository: %s" % num_times) # --- Tests for motifs class MotifFinderTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for finding motifs from sequences. """ def setUp(self): test_file = os.path.join('NeuralNetwork', 'enolase.fasta') diff_file = os.path.join('NeuralNetwork', 'repeat.fasta') self.test_records = [] self.diff_records = [] # load the records for file, records in ((test_file, self.test_records), (diff_file, self.diff_records)): handle = open(file, 'r') iterator = SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) while True: try: seq_record = next(iterator) except StopIteration: break if seq_record is None: break records.append(seq_record) handle.close() self.motif_finder = Motif.MotifFinder() def test_find(self): """Find all motifs in a set of sequences. """ motif_repository = self.motif_finder.find(self.test_records, 8) top_motif = motif_repository.get_top(1) self.assertEqual(top_motif[0], 'TTGGAAAG', "Got unexpected motif %s" % top_motif[0]) def test_find_differences(self): """Find the difference in motif counts between two sets of sequences. """ motif_repository = \ self.motif_finder.find_differences(self.test_records, self.diff_records, 8) top, bottom = motif_repository.get_differing(1, 1) self.assertEqual(top, "TTGGAAAG", "Got unexpected top motif %s" % top) self.assertEqual(bottom, "AATGGCAT", "Got unexpected bottom motif %s" % bottom) class MotifCoderTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test the ability to encode sequences as a set of motifs. """ def setUp(self): motifs = ["GAG", "GAT", "GCC", "ATA"] self.match_strings = (("GATCGCC", [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]), ("GATGATCGAGCC", [.5, 1.0, .5, 0.0])) self.coder = Motif.MotifCoder(motifs) def test_representation(self): """Convert a sequence into its motif representation. """ for match_string, expected in self.match_strings: seq_to_code = Seq(match_string, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) matches = self.coder.representation(seq_to_code) self.assertEqual(matches, expected, "Did not match representation, expected %s, got %s" % (expected, matches)) # --- Tests for schemas class SchemaTest(unittest.TestCase): """Matching ambiguous motifs with multiple ambiguity characters. """ def setUp(self): ambiguity_chars = {"G": "G", "A": "A", "T": "T", "C": "C", "R": "AG", "*": "AGTC"} self.motif_coder = Schema.Schema(ambiguity_chars) self.match_string = "GATAG" self.match_info = [("GA", ["GA"]), ("GATAG", ["GATAG"]), ("GA*AG", ["GATAG"]), ("GATRG", ["GATAG"]), ("*A", ["GA", "TA"])] def test_find_matches(self): """Find all matches in a sequence. """ for motif, expected in self.match_info: found_matches = self.motif_coder.find_matches(motif, self.match_string) self.assertEqual(found_matches, expected, "Expected %s, got %s" % (expected, found_matches)) def test_num_matches(self): """Find how many matches are present in a sequence. """ for motif, expected in self.match_info: num_matches = self.motif_coder.num_matches(motif, self.match_string) self.assertEqual(num_matches, len(expected), "Expected %s, got %s" % (num_matches, len(expected))) def test_find_ambiguous(self): """Find the positions of ambiguous items in a sequence. """ ambig_info = (("GATC", []), ("G***", [1, 2, 3]), ("GART", [2]), ("*R*R", [0, 1, 2, 3])) for motif, expected in ambig_info: found_positions = self.motif_coder.find_ambiguous(motif) self.assertEqual(found_positions, expected, "Expected %s, got %s for %s" % (expected, found_positions, motif)) def test_num_ambiguous(self): """Find the number of ambiguous items in a sequence. """ ambig_info = (("GATC", 0), ("G***", 3), ("GART", 1), ("*R*R", 4)) for motif, expected in ambig_info: found_num = self.motif_coder.num_ambiguous(motif) self.assertEqual(found_num, expected, "Expected %s, got %s for %s" % (expected, found_num, motif)) def test_motif_cache(self): """Make sure motif compiled regular expressions are cached properly. """ test_motif = "GATC" self.motif_coder.find_matches(test_motif, "GATCGATC") self.assertTrue(test_motif in self.motif_coder._motif_cache, "Did not find motif cached properly.") # make sure we don't bomb out if we use the same motif twice self.motif_coder.find_matches(test_motif, "GATCGATC") def test_all_unambiguous(self): """Return all unambiguous characters that can be in a motif. """ found_unambig = self.motif_coder.all_unambiguous() expected = ["A", "C", "G", "T"] self.assertEqual(found_unambig, expected, "Got %s, expected %s" % (found_unambig, expected)) class SchemaFinderTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test finding schemas from a set of sequences. """ def setUp(self): test_file = os.path.join('NeuralNetwork', 'enolase.fasta') diff_file = os.path.join('NeuralNetwork', 'repeat.fasta') self.test_records = [] self.diff_records = [] # load the records for file, records in ((test_file, self.test_records), (diff_file, self.diff_records)): handle = open(file, 'r') records.extend(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)) handle.close() self.num_schemas = 2 schema_ga = Schema.GeneticAlgorithmFinder() schema_ga.min_generations = 1 self.finder = Schema.SchemaFinder(num_schemas=self.num_schemas, schema_finder=schema_ga) def test_find(self): """Find schemas from sequence inputs. """ # this test takes too long if VERBOSE: repository = self.finder.find(self.test_records + self.diff_records) schemas = repository.get_all() self.assertTrue(len(schemas) >= self.num_schemas, "Got too few schemas.") def test_find_differences(self): """Find schemas that differentiate between two sets of sequences. """ # this test takes too long if VERBOSE: repository = self.finder.find_differences(self.test_records, self.diff_records) schemas = repository.get_all() self.assertTrue(len(schemas) >= self.num_schemas, "Got too few schemas.") class SchemaCoderTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test encoding sequences as a grouping of motifs. """ def setUp(self): ambiguity_chars = {"G": "G", "A": "A", "T": "T", "C": "C", "R": "AG", "*": "AGTC"} motif_representation = Schema.Schema(ambiguity_chars) motifs = ("GA", "GATAG", "GA*AG", "GATRG", "*A") self.motif_coder = Schema.SchemaCoder(motifs, motif_representation) self.match_strings = [("GATAG", [.5, .5, .5, .5, 1.0]), ("GAGAGATA", [float(3) / float(4), 0, float(1) / float(4), 0, 1])] def test_representation(self): """Convert a string into a representation of motifs. """ for match_string, expected in self.match_strings: match_seq = Seq(match_string, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) found_rep = self.motif_coder.representation(match_seq) self.assertEqual(found_rep, expected, "Got %s, expected %s" % (found_rep, expected)) class SchemaMatchingTest(unittest.TestCase): """Matching schema to strings works correctly.""" def shortDescription(self): return "%s:%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__doc__) def runTest(self): match = Schema.matches_schema("GATC", "AAAAA") self.assertEqual(match, 0, "Expected no match because of length differences") match = Schema.matches_schema("GATC", "GAT*") self.assertEqual(match, 1, "Expected match") match = Schema.matches_schema("GATC", "GATC") self.assertEqual(match, 1, "Expected match") match = Schema.matches_schema("GATC", "C*TC") self.assertEqual(match, 0, "Expected no match because of char mismatch.") match = Schema.matches_schema("G*TC", "*TTC") self.assertEqual(match, 1, "Expected match because of ambiguity.") class SchemaFactoryTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test the SchemaFactory for generating Schemas. """ def __init__(self, method): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, method) # a cached schema bank, so we don't have to load it multiple times self.schema_bank = None def setUp(self): self.factory = Schema.SchemaFactory() self.test_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "NeuralNetwork", "enolase.fasta") ambiguity_chars = {"G": "G", "A": "A", "T": "T", "C": "C", "R": "AG", "*": "AGTC"} self.schema = Schema.Schema(ambiguity_chars) def test_easy_from_motifs(self): """Generating schema from a simple list of motifs. """ motifs = {"GATCGAA": 20, "GATCGAT": 15, "GATTGAC": 25, "TTTTTTT": 10} motif_bank = Pattern.PatternRepository(motifs) schema_bank = self.factory.from_motifs(motif_bank, .5, 2) if VERBOSE: print("\nSchemas:") for schema in schema_bank.get_all(): print("%s: %s" % (schema, schema_bank.count(schema))) def test_hard_from_motifs(self): """Generating schema from a real life set of motifs. """ schema_bank = self._load_schema_repository() if VERBOSE: print("\nSchemas:") for schema in schema_bank.get_top(5): print("%s: %s" % (schema, schema_bank.count(schema))) def _load_schema_repository(self): """Helper function to load a schema repository from a file. This also caches a schema bank, to prevent having to do this time consuming operation multiple times. """ # if we already have a cached repository, return it if self.schema_bank is not None: return self.schema_bank # otherwise, we'll read in a new schema bank # read in the all of the motif records motif_handle = open(self.test_file, 'r') seq_records = list(SeqIO.parse(motif_handle, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)) motif_handle.close() # find motifs from the file motif_finder = Motif.MotifFinder() motif_size = 9 motif_bank = motif_finder.find(seq_records, motif_size) schema_bank = self.factory.from_motifs(motif_bank, .1, 2) # cache the repository self.schema_bank = schema_bank return schema_bank def test_schema_representation(self): """Convert sequences into schema representations. """ # get a set of schemas we want to code the sequence in schema_bank = self._load_schema_repository() top_schemas = schema_bank.get_top(25) schema_coder = Schema.SchemaCoder(top_schemas, self.schema) # get the sequences one at a time, and encode them fasta_handle = open(self.test_file, 'r') for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_handle, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna): schema_values = schema_coder.representation(seq_record.seq) if VERBOSE: print("Schema values: %s" % schema_values) fasta_handle.close() # --- Tests for Signatures class SignatureFinderTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test the ability to find signatures in a set of sequences. """ def setUp(self): test_file = os.path.join('NeuralNetwork', 'enolase.fasta') self.test_records = [] # load the records handle = open(test_file, 'r') self.test_records = list(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta", alphabet=IUPAC.unambiguous_dna)) handle.close() self.sig_finder = Signature.SignatureFinder() def test_find(self): """Find signatures from sequence inputs. """ repository = self.sig_finder.find(self.test_records, 6, 9) top_sig = repository.get_top(1) self.assertEqual(top_sig[0], ('TTGGAA', 'TGGAAA')) class SignatureCoderTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test the ability to encode sequences as a set of signatures. """ def setUp(self): signatures = [("GAC", "GAC"), ("AAA", "TTT"), ("CAA", "TTG")] self.coder = Signature.SignatureCoder(signatures, 9) self.test_seqs = [("GACAAAGACTTT", [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]), ("CAAAGACGACTTTAAATTT", [0.5, 1.0, 0.0]), ("AAATTTAAAGACTTTGAC", [1.0 / 3.0, 1.0, 0.0]), ("GACGAC", [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ("GACAAAAAAAAAGAC", [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), ("GACAAAAAAAAAAGAC", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])] def test_representation(self): """Convert a sequence into its signature representation. """ for seq_string, expected in self.test_seqs: test_seq = Seq(seq_string, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) predicted = self.coder.representation(test_seq) self.assertEqual(predicted, expected, "Non-expected representation %s for %s, wanted %s" % (predicted, seq_string, expected)) if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)