# Copyright 2012 by Jeff Hussmann. All rights reserved. # Revisions copyright 2013-2016 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. import sys import re import unittest from io import BytesIO from Bio.SeqIO.SffIO import _sff_find_roche_index, _sff_read_roche_index from Bio.SeqIO.SffIO import _sff_do_slow_index from Bio.SeqIO.SffIO import SffIterator, SffWriter, ReadRocheXmlManifest from Bio import SeqIO # sffinfo E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff | sed -n '/>\|Run Prefix\|Region\|XY/p' test_data = """ >E3MFGYR02JWQ7T Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 3946_2103 >E3MFGYR02JA6IL Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 3700_3115 >E3MFGYR02JHD4H Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 3771_2095 >E3MFGYR02GFKUC Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2520_2738 >E3MFGYR02FTGED Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2268_2739 >E3MFGYR02FR9G7 Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2255_0361 >E3MFGYR02GAZMS Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2468_1618 >E3MFGYR02HHZ8O Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2958_1574 >E3MFGYR02GPGB1 Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2633_0607 >E3MFGYR02F7Z7G Run Prefix: R_2008_01_09_16_16_00_ Region #: 2 XY Location: 2434_1658""" class TestUAN(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.records = [record for record in SeqIO.parse('Roche/E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff', 'sff')] self.test_annotations = {} for line in test_data.splitlines(): fields = re.split(r"\s+", line.strip()) if '>' in line: current_name = fields[0].lstrip('>') self.test_annotations[current_name] = {} elif 'Prefix' in line: time_list = [int(v) for v in fields[2].split('_')[1:-1]] self.test_annotations[current_name]["time"] = time_list elif 'Region' in line: region = int(fields[-1]) self.test_annotations[current_name]["region"] = region elif 'XY' in line: x, y = [int(v) for v in fields[-1].split('_')] self.test_annotations[current_name]["coords"] = (x, y) def test_time(self): for record in self.records: self.assertEqual(record.annotations["time"], self.test_annotations[record.name]["time"]) def test_region(self): for record in self.records: self.assertEqual(record.annotations["region"], self.test_annotations[record.name]["region"]) def test_coords(self): for record in self.records: self.assertEqual(record.annotations["coords"], self.test_annotations[record.name]["coords"]) class TestErrors(unittest.TestCase): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff", "rb") as handle: good = handle.read() def test_empty(self): fh = BytesIO() try: records = list(SeqIO.parse(fh, "sff")) except ValueError as err: self.assertEqual(str(err), "Empty file.") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Empty file did not raise exception") def check_bad_header(self, header, msg): try: records = list(SeqIO.parse(BytesIO(header), "sff")) except ValueError as err: if isinstance(msg, (tuple, list)): self.assertTrue(str(err) in msg, "Unexpected error: %s" % err) else: self.assertEqual(str(err), msg) else: self.assertTrue(False, "Test SFF header only did not raise exception") def test_30bytes(self): self.check_bad_header(b"x" * 30, "File too small to hold a valid SFF header.") def test_31bytes(self): self.check_bad_header(b"x" * 31, ("SFF file did not start '.sff', but 'xxxx'", "SFF file did not start '.sff', but b'xxxx'")) def test_31bytes_index_header(self): self.check_bad_header(b".srt" + b"x" * 27, "Handle seems to be at SFF index block, not start") def test_31bytes_bad_ver(self): self.check_bad_header(b".sff1.00" + b"x" * 23, "Unsupported SFF version in header,") def test_31bytes_bad_flowgram(self): self.check_bad_header(b".sff\x00\x00\x00\x01" + b"x" * 23, "Flowgram format code 120 not supported") def test_bad_index_offset(self): bad = self.good[:12] + b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + self.good[16:] self.check_bad_header(bad, "Index offset 0 but index length 764") def test_bad_index_length(self): bad = self.good[:16] + b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + self.good[20:] self.check_bad_header(bad, "Index offset 16824 but index length 0") def test_bad_index_eof(self): # Semi-random edit to the index offset value, bad = self.good[:13] + b"\x01" + self.good[14:] self.check_bad_header(bad, "Gap of 65536 bytes after final record end 16824, " "before 82360 where index starts?") def test_no_index(self): # Does a lot of work to create a no-index SFF file # (in the process checking this bit of SffWriter works) records = list(SeqIO.parse(BytesIO(self.good), "sff")) with BytesIO() as handle: writer = SffWriter(handle, index=False) count = writer.write_file(records) self.assertEqual(count, len(records)) handle.seek(0) new = list(SeqIO.parse(handle, "sff")) self.assertEqual(len(records), len(new)) for a, b in zip(records, new): self.assertEqual(a.id, b.id) handle.seek(0) try: values = _sff_find_roche_index(handle) except ValueError as err: self.assertEqual(str(err), "No index present in this SFF file") else: self.assertTrue(False, "Test _sff_find_roche_index did not raise exception") def test_unknown_index(self): # TODO - Add SFF file with no index, # self.assertEqual(str(err), "No index present in this SFF file") with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_alt_index_in_middle.sff", "rb") as handle: try: values = _sff_find_roche_index(handle) except ValueError as err: self.assertTrue(str(err) in ("Unknown magic number '.diy' in SFF index header:\n'.diy1.00'", "Unknown magic number b'.diy' in SFF index header:\nb'.diy1.00'")) else: self.assertTrue(False, "Test _sff_find_roche_index did not raise exception") def check_sff_read_roche_index(self, data, msg): handle = BytesIO(data) try: index = list(_sff_read_roche_index(handle)) except ValueError as err: self.assertEqual(str(err), msg) else: self.assertTrue(False, "_sff_read_roche_index did not raise exception") def test_premature_end_of_index(self): self.check_sff_read_roche_index(self.good[:-50], "Premature end of file!") def test_index_name_no_null(self): self.assertEqual(self.good[17502:17503], b"\x00") self.check_sff_read_roche_index(self.good[:17502] + b"x" + self.good[17503:], "Expected a null terminator to the read name.") def test_index_mft_version(self): self.assertEqual(self.good[16824:16832], b".mft1.00") self.check_sff_read_roche_index(self.good[:16828] + b"\x01\x02\x03\x04" + self.good[16832:], "Unsupported version in .mft index header,") def test_index_mft_data_size(self): self.assertEqual(self.good[16824:16832], b".mft1.00") self.check_sff_read_roche_index(self.good[:16836] + b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + self.good[16840:], "Problem understanding .mft index header, 764 != 8 + 8 + 548 + 0") def test_index_lengths(self): # Reduce the number of reads from 10 to 9 so index loading fails... self.assertEqual(self.good[20:24], b"\x00\x00\x00\x0A") self.check_sff_read_roche_index(self.good[:20] + b"\x00\x00\x00\x09" + self.good[24:], "Problem with index length? 17568 vs 17588") def test_no_manifest_xml(self): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_no_manifest.sff", "rb") as handle: try: xml = ReadRocheXmlManifest(handle) except ValueError as err: self.assertEqual(str(err), "No XML manifest found") else: self.assertTrue(False, "ReadRocheXmlManifest did not raise exception") class TestIndex(unittest.TestCase): def test_manifest(self): filename = "Roche/E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff" with open(filename, "rb") as handle: metadata = ReadRocheXmlManifest(handle) def test_both_ways(self): filename = "Roche/E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff" with open(filename, "rb") as handle: index1 = sorted(_sff_read_roche_index(handle)) with open(filename, "rb") as handle: index2 = sorted(_sff_do_slow_index(handle)) self.assertEqual(index1, index2) with open(filename, "rb") as handle: self.assertEqual(len(index1), len(list(SffIterator(handle)))) with open(filename, "rb") as handle: self.assertEqual(len(index1), len(list(SffIterator(BytesIO(handle.read()))))) if sys.platform != "win32" and sys.version_info[0] < 3: # Can be lazy and treat as binary... with open(filename, "r") as handle: self.assertEqual(len(index1), len(list(SffIterator(handle)))) with open(filename) as handle: index2 = sorted(_sff_read_roche_index(handle)) self.assertEqual(index1, index2) with open(filename, "r") as handle: index2 = sorted(_sff_do_slow_index(handle)) self.assertEqual(index1, index2) with open(filename, "r") as handle: self.assertEqual(len(index1), len(list(SffIterator(handle)))) with open(filename, "r") as handle: self.assertEqual(len(index1), len(list(SffIterator(BytesIO(handle.read()))))) class TestAlternativeIndexes(unittest.TestCase): filename = "Roche/E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff" with open(filename, "rb") as handle: sff = list(SffIterator(handle)) def check_same(self, new_sff): self.assertEqual(len(self.sff), len(new_sff)) for old, new in zip(self.sff, new_sff): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) self.assertEqual(str(old.seq), str(new.seq)) def test_alt_index_at_end(self): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_alt_index_at_end.sff", "rb") as handle: sff2 = list(SffIterator(handle)) self.check_same(sff2) def test_alt_index_at_start(self): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_alt_index_at_start.sff", "rb") as handle: sff2 = list(SffIterator(handle)) self.check_same(sff2) def test_alt_index_in_middle(self): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_alt_index_in_middle.sff", "rb") as handle: sff2 = list(SffIterator(handle)) self.check_same(sff2) def test_index_at_start(self): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_index_at_start.sff", "rb") as handle: sff2 = list(SffIterator(handle)) self.check_same(sff2) def test_index_in_middle(self): with open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_index_in_middle.sff", "rb") as handle: sff2 = list(SffIterator(handle)) self.check_same(sff2) def test_trim(self): with open(self.filename, "rb") as handle: sff_trim = list(SffIterator(handle, trim=True)) self.assertEqual(len(self.sff), len(sff_trim)) for old, new in zip(self.sff, sff_trim): self.assertEqual(old.id, new.id) class TestConcatenated(unittest.TestCase): def test_parses_gzipped_stream(self): import gzip count = 0 fh = gzip.open("Roche/E3MFGYR02_random_10_reads.sff.gz", 'rb') for record in SeqIO.parse(fh, 'sff'): count += 1 self.assertEqual(10, count) def test_parse1(self): count = 0 caught = False try: for record in SeqIO.parse("Roche/invalid_greek_E3MFGYR02.sff", "sff"): count += 1 except ValueError as err: self.assertTrue("Additional data at end of SFF file, perhaps " "multiple SFF files concatenated? " "See offset 65296" in str(err), err) caught = True self.assertTrue(caught, "Didn't spot concatenation") self.assertEqual(count, 24) def test_index1(self): try: d = SeqIO.index("Roche/invalid_greek_E3MFGYR02.sff", "sff") except ValueError as err: self.assertTrue("Additional data at end of SFF file, perhaps " "multiple SFF files concatenated? " "See offset 65296" in str(err), err) else: raise ValueError("Indxing Roche/invalid_greek_E3MFGYR02.sff should fail") def test_parse2(self): count = 0 caught = False try: for record in SeqIO.parse("Roche/invalid_paired_E3MFGYR02.sff", "sff"): count += 1 except ValueError as err: self.assertTrue("Your SFF file is invalid, post index 5 byte " "null padding region ended '.sff' which could " "be the start of a concatenated SFF file? " "See offset 54371" in str(err), err) caught = True self.assertTrue(caught, "Didn't spot concatenation") self.assertEqual(count, 20) def test_index2(self): try: d = SeqIO.index("Roche/invalid_paired_E3MFGYR02.sff", "sff") except ValueError as err: self.assertTrue("Your SFF file is invalid, post index 5 byte " "null padding region ended '.sff' which could " "be the start of a concatenated SFF file? " "See offset 54371" in str(err), err) else: raise ValueError("Indxing Roche/invalid_paired_E3MFGYR02.sff should fail") if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)