# Copyright 2011-2016 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # # This script looks for entries in the LaTeX source for the # Biopython Tutorial which can be turned into Python doctests, # e.g. # # %doctest # \begin{verbatim} # >>> from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna # >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq # >>> len("ACGT") # 4 # \end{verbatim} # # Code snippets can be extended using a similar syntax, which # will create a single combined doctest: # # %cont-doctest # \begin{verbatim} # >>> Seq("ACGT") == Seq("ACGT", generic_dna) # True # \end{verbatim} # # The %doctest line also supports a relative working directory, # and listing multiple Python dependencies as lib:XXX which will # ensure "import XXX" works before using the test. e.g. # # %doctest examples lib:numpy lib:scipy # # Note if using lib:XXX you must include a relative path to the # working directory, just use . for the default path, e.g. # # %doctest . lib:reportlab # # TODO: Adding bin:XXX for checking binary XXX is on $PATH? # TODO: Adding way to specify the doctest needs the network? # # See also "Writing doctests in the Tutorial" in the Tutorial # itself. # This future import will apply to all the doctests too: from __future__ import print_function from Bio._py3k import _universal_read_mode import unittest import doctest import os import sys import warnings from Bio import BiopythonExperimentalWarning warnings.simplefilter('ignore', BiopythonExperimentalWarning) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from lib2to3 import refactor fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package("lib2to3.fixes") fixers.remove("lib2to3.fixes.fix_print") # Already using print function rt = refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers) assert rt.refactor_docstring(">>> print(2+2)\n4\n", "example1") == \ ">>> print(2+2)\n4\n" assert rt.refactor_docstring('>>> print("Two plus two is", 2+2)\n' 'Two plus two is 4\n', "example2") == \ '>>> print("Two plus two is", 2+2)\nTwo plus two is 4\n' # Cache this to restore the cwd at the end of the tests original_path = os.path.abspath(".") if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "test_Tutorial.py": # sys.argv[0] will be (relative) path to test_Turorial.py - use this to allow, e.g. # [base]$ python Tests/test_Tutorial.py # [Tests/]$ python test_Tutorial.py tutorial_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "../Doc/")) tutorial = os.path.join(tutorial_base, "Tutorial.tex") else: # Probably called via run_tests.py so current directory should (now) be Tests/ # but may have been changed by run_tests.py so can't infer from sys.argv[0] with e.g. # [base]$ python Tests/run_tests.py test_Tutorial tutorial_base = os.path.abspath("../Doc/") tutorial = os.path.join(tutorial_base, "Tutorial.tex") if not os.path.isfile(tutorial): from Bio import MissingExternalDependencyError raise MissingExternalDependencyError("Could not find ../Doc/Tutorial.tex file") # Build a list of all the Tutorial LaTeX files: files = [tutorial] for latex in os.listdir(os.path.join(tutorial_base, "Tutorial/")): if latex.startswith("chapter_") and latex.endswith(".tex"): files.append(os.path.join(tutorial_base, "Tutorial", latex)) def _extract(handle): line = handle.readline() if line != "\\begin{verbatim}\n": raise ValueError("Any '%doctest' or '%cont-doctest' line should be followed by '\\begin{verbatim}'") lines = [] while True: line = handle.readline() if not line: if lines: print("".join(lines[:30])) raise ValueError("Didn't find end of test starting: %r", lines[0]) else: raise ValueError("Didn't find end of test!") elif line.startswith("\end{verbatim}"): break else: lines.append(line) return lines def extract_doctests(latex_filename): """Scans LaTeX file and pulls out marked doctests as strings. This is a generator, yielding one tuple per doctest. """ base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(latex_filename))[0] with open(latex_filename, _universal_read_mode) as handle: line_number = 0 in_test = False lines = [] name = None while True: line = handle.readline() line_number += 1 if not line: # End of file break elif line.startswith("%cont-doctest"): x = _extract(handle) lines.extend(x) line_number += len(x) + 2 elif line.startswith("%doctest"): if lines: if not lines[0].startswith(">>> "): raise ValueError("Should start '>>> ' not %r" % lines[0]) yield name, "".join(lines), folder, deps lines = [] deps = [x.strip() for x in line.split()[1:]] if deps: folder = deps[0] deps = deps[1:] else: folder = "" name = "test_%s_line_%05i" % (base_name, line_number) x = _extract(handle) lines.extend(x) line_number += len(x) + 2 if lines: if not lines[0].startswith(">>> "): raise ValueError("Should start '>>> ' not %r" % lines[0]) yield name, "".join(lines), folder, deps # yield "dummy", ">>> 2 + 2\n5\n" class TutorialDocTestHolder(object): """Python doctests extracted from the Biopython Tutorial.""" pass def check_deps(dependencies): missing = [] for dep in dependencies: assert dep.startswith("lib:"), dep lib = dep[4:] try: tmp = __import__(lib) del tmp except ImportError: missing.append(lib) return missing # Create dummy methods on the object purely to hold doctests missing_deps = set() for latex in files: # print("Extracting doctests from %s" % latex) for name, example, folder, deps in extract_doctests(latex): missing = check_deps(deps) if missing: missing_deps.update(missing) continue if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: example = ">>> from __future__ import print_function\n" + example example = rt.refactor_docstring(example, name) def funct(n, d, f): global tutorial_base method = lambda x: None if f: p = os.path.join(tutorial_base, f) method.__doc__ = "%s\n\n>>> import os\n>>> os.chdir(%r)\n%s\n" \ % (n, p, d) else: method.__doc__ = "%s\n\n%s\n" % (n, d) method._folder = f return method setattr(TutorialDocTestHolder, "doctest_%s" % name.replace(" ", "_"), funct(name, example, folder)) del funct # This is a TestCase class so it is found by run_tests.py class TutorialTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Python doctests extracted from the Biopython Tutorial.""" # Single method to be invoked by run_tests.py def test_doctests(self): """Run tutorial doctests.""" runner = doctest.DocTestRunner() failures = [] for test in doctest.DocTestFinder().find(TutorialDocTestHolder): failed, success = runner.run(test) if failed: name = test.name assert name.startswith("TutorialDocTestHolder.doctest_") failures.append(name[30:]) # raise ValueError("Tutorial doctest %s failed" % test.name[30:]) if failures: raise ValueError("%i Tutorial doctests failed: %s" % (len(failures), ", ".join(failures))) def tearDown(self): global original_path os.chdir(original_path) # This is to run the doctests if the script is called directly: if __name__ == "__main__": if missing_deps: print("Skipping tests needing the following:") for dep in sorted(missing_deps): print(" - %s" % dep) print("Running Tutorial doctests...") import doctest tests = doctest.testmod() if tests.failed: raise RuntimeError("%i/%i tests failed" % tests) print("Tests done")