# File download/unzip written 2012 by Lenna X. Peterson (arklenna@gmail.com) # Dictionary extraction written 2011 by Hongbo Zhu # # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. """Download PDB Chemical Component Dictionary and generate dict. Download and parse PDB Chemical Component Dictionary, then write out dict for to_one_letter_code. """ from __future__ import print_function import gzip import inspect import os import warnings from Bio._py3k import urlopen url = "ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/data/monomers/components.cif.gz" # extract name of gzip file gzname = os.path.basename(url) # extract name of cif file (split by sep, remove last, rejoin) cifname = os.extsep.join(gzname.split(os.extsep)[:-1]) url_handle = urlopen(url) with open(gzname, 'wb') as gzh: print("Downloading file... (approx. 29 MB)") while True: data = url_handle.read(1024) if len(data) == 0: break gzh.write(data) # size as of 13 April 2012 if os.path.getsize(gzname) < 29944258: warnings.warn("ERROR: Downloaded file is too small", RuntimeWarning) fh = gzip.open(gzname, 'rb') # write extracted file to disk (not necessary) # with open(cifname, 'wb') as cifh: # print("Extracting file...") # cifh.write(fh.read()) # The following code written by Hongbo Zhu # generate three_to_one_dict # two records in PDB Chemical Component Dictionary are parsed to # generate the dictionary: # _chem_comp.one_letter_code # _chem_comp.three_letter_code three_to_one_buf = [] # all three-letter codes three_to_one_buf_noq = [] # only those with non-'?' one-letter codes current_line = 'to_one_letter_code = {' current_line_noq = 'to_one_letter_code = {' found_one = False # found one-letter code found_three = False # found three-letter code counter = 0 counter_noq = 0 line = fh.readline() while line: if line.startswith('_chem_comp.one_letter_code'): one = line.strip().split()[-1] found_one = True if line.startswith('_chem_comp.three_letter_code'): three = '%-3s' % (line.strip().split()[-1],) # make it three-letter found_three = True if found_one and found_three: if counter % 5 == 0: three_to_one_buf.append('%s\n' % (current_line,)) current_line = ' ' current_line = '%s\'%s\':\'%s\',' % (current_line, three, one) counter += 1 if one != '?': if counter_noq % 5 == 0: three_to_one_buf_noq.append('%s\n' % (current_line_noq,)) current_line_noq = ' ' current_line_noq = '%s\'%s\':\'%s\',' % (current_line_noq, three, one) counter_noq += 1 found_one = False found_three = False line = fh.readline() if len(current_line) < 5: three_to_one_buf[-1] = three_to_one_buf[:-1] # remove the last comma three_to_one_buf.append('}') else: three_to_one_buf.append('%s }' % (current_line[:-1])) if len(current_line_noq) < 5: three_to_one_buf_noq[-1] = three_to_one_buf_noq[:-1] three_to_one_buf_noq.append('}') else: three_to_one_buf_noq.append('%s }' % (current_line_noq[:-1])) # Find path of current script _scriptPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0]) # Path to SCOP module _rafPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_scriptPath, "..", "..", "Bio", "SCOP")) _threeAllPath = os.path.join(_rafPath, 'three_to_one_all.py') _threePath = os.path.join(_rafPath, 'three_to_one_dict.py') # with open(_threeAllPath, 'w') as fh: # fh.writelines(three_to_one_buf) with open(_threePath, 'w') as fh: fh.writelines(three_to_one_buf_noq)