#!/usr/bin/env python """General test for the NeuralNetwork libraries. This exercises various elements of the BackPropagation NeuralNetwork libraries. """ # standard library import random import unittest # local stuff from Bio.NeuralNetwork.Training import TrainingExample, ExampleManager from Bio.NeuralNetwork.StopTraining import ValidationIncreaseStop class StopTrainingTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test functionality for stopping training networks. """ def test_validation_increase_stop(self): """Stop training when the ValidationExamples increase. """ stopper = ValidationIncreaseStop(max_iterations=20, min_iterations=2) stopper.last_error = 1.0 do_stop = stopper.stopping_criteria(5, 1.0, 1.5) assert do_stop == 1, \ "Did not tell us to stop when validation error increased." stopper.last_error = 1.0 do_stop = stopper.stopping_criteria(1, 1.0, 1.5) assert do_stop == 0, \ "Told us to stop before we reached the minimum iterations." stopper.last_error = 1.0 do_stop = stopper.stopping_criteria(25, 1.0, 0.5) assert do_stop == 1, \ "Did not tell us to stop when reaching maximum iterations." class ExampleManagerTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests to make sure the example manager is working properly. """ def setUp(self): self.num_examples = 500 self.examples = [] for make_example in range(self.num_examples): inputs = [] for input_make in range(3): inputs.append(random.randrange(1, 7)) outputs = [random.randrange(1, 7)] self.examples.append(TrainingExample(inputs, outputs)) def test_adding_examples(self): """Make sure test examples are added properly. """ manager = ExampleManager() # figure out the expected number of examples in each category expected_train = manager.training_percent * self.num_examples expected_validation = manager.validation_percent * self.num_examples expected_test = self.num_examples - expected_train \ - expected_validation manager.add_examples(self.examples) for expect, actual in [(expected_train, len(manager.train_examples)), (expected_validation, len(manager.validation_examples)), (expected_test, len(manager.test_examples))]: wrong_percent = abs(expect - actual) / self.num_examples assert wrong_percent < .1, \ "Deviation in how examples were added, expect %s, got %s" \ % (expect, actual) def test_partioning_examples(self): """Test that we can change how to partition the test examples. """ manager = ExampleManager(0, 0) manager.add_examples(self.examples) assert len(manager.test_examples) == self.num_examples, \ "Did not partition correctly to test_examples." manager = ExampleManager(1.0, 0) manager.add_examples(self.examples) assert len(manager.train_examples) == self.num_examples, \ "Did not partition correctly to train_examples." manager = ExampleManager(0, 1.0) manager.add_examples(self.examples) assert len(manager.validation_examples) == self.num_examples, \ "Did not partition correctly to validation_examples." if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)