# Copyright 2007-2009 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. import os import unittest from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Alphabet import single_letter_alphabet from Bio.Seq import Seq, MutableSeq from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from Bio.SeqUtils import GC, seq1, seq3 from Bio.SeqUtils.lcc import lcc_simp, lcc_mult from Bio.SeqUtils.CheckSum import crc32, crc64, gcg, seguid from Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsage import CodonAdaptationIndex def u_crc32(seq): # NOTE - On Python 2 crc32 could return a signed int, but on Python 3 it is # always unsigned # Docs suggest should use crc32(x) & 0xffffffff for consistency. return crc32(seq) & 0xffffffff def simple_LCC(s): # Avoid cross platforms with printing floats by doing conversion explicitly return "%0.2f" % lcc_simp(s) def windowed_LCC(s): return ", ".join("%0.2f" % v for v in lcc_mult(s, 20)) class SeqUtilsTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Example of crc64 collision from Sebastian Bassi using the # immunoglobulin lambda light chain variable region from Homo sapiens # Both sequences share the same CRC64 checksum: 44CAAD88706CC153 self.str_light_chain_one = "QSALTQPASVSGSPGQSITISCTGTSSDVGSYNLVSWYQQHPGK" \ + "APKLMIYEGSKRPSGVSNRFSGSKSGNTASLTISGLQAEDEADY" \ + "YCSSYAGSSTLVFGGGTKLTVL" self.str_light_chain_two = "QSALTQPASVSGSPGQSITISCTGTSSDVGSYNLVSWYQQHPGK" \ + "APKLMIYEGSKRPSGVSNRFSGSKSGNTASLTISGLQAEDEADY" \ + "YCCSYAGSSTWVFGGGTKLTVL" def test_codon_usage_ecoli(self): """Test Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) using default E. coli data.""" CAI = CodonAdaptationIndex() self.assertEqual("%0.5f" % CAI.cai_for_gene("ATGCGTATCGATCGCGATACGATTAGGCGGATG"), "0.09978") def test_codon_usage_custom(self): """Test Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) using FASTA file for background.""" # We need a FASTA file of CDS sequences to count the codon usage... dna_fasta_filename = "fasta.tmp" dna_genbank_filename = "GenBank/NC_005816.gb" record = SeqIO.read(dna_genbank_filename, "genbank") records = [] for feature in record.features: if feature.type == "CDS" and len(feature.location.parts) == 1: start = feature.location.start.position end = feature.location.end.position table = int(feature.qualifiers["transl_table"][0]) if feature.strand == -1: seq = record.seq[start:end].reverse_complement() else: seq = record.seq[start:end] # Double check we have the CDS sequence expected # TODO - Use any cds_start option if/when added to deal with the met a = "M" + str(seq[3:].translate(table)) b = feature.qualifiers["translation"][0] + "*" self.assertEqual(a, b, "%r vs %r" % (a, b)) records.append(SeqRecord(seq, id=feature.qualifiers["protein_id"][0], description=feature.qualifiers["product"][0])) with open(dna_fasta_filename, "w") as handle: SeqIO.write(records, handle, "fasta") CAI = CodonAdaptationIndex() # Note - this needs a FASTA file which containing non-ambiguous DNA coding # sequences - which should each be a whole number of codons. CAI.generate_index(dna_fasta_filename) # Now check codon usage index (CAI) using this species self.assertEqual(record.annotations["source"], "Yersinia pestis biovar Microtus str. 91001") self.assertEqual("%0.5f" % CAI.cai_for_gene("ATGCGTATCGATCGCGATACGATTAGGCGGATG"), "0.67213") os.remove(dna_fasta_filename) def test_crc_checksum_collision(self): # Explicit testing of crc64 collision: self.assertNotEqual(self.str_light_chain_one, self.str_light_chain_two) self.assertNotEqual(crc32(self.str_light_chain_one), crc32(self.str_light_chain_two)) self.assertEqual(crc64(self.str_light_chain_one), crc64(self.str_light_chain_two)) self.assertNotEqual(gcg(self.str_light_chain_one), gcg(self.str_light_chain_two)) self.assertNotEqual(seguid(self.str_light_chain_one), seguid(self.str_light_chain_two)) def seq_checksums(self, seq_str, exp_crc32, exp_crc64, exp_gcg, exp_seguid, exp_simple_LCC, exp_window_LCC): for s in [seq_str, Seq(seq_str, single_letter_alphabet), MutableSeq(seq_str, single_letter_alphabet)]: self.assertEqual(exp_crc32, u_crc32(s)) self.assertEqual(exp_crc64, crc64(s)) self.assertEqual(exp_gcg, gcg(s)) self.assertEqual(exp_seguid, seguid(s)) self.assertEqual(exp_simple_LCC, simple_LCC(s)) self.assertEqual(exp_window_LCC, windowed_LCC(s)) def test_checksum1(self): self.seq_checksums(self.str_light_chain_one, 2994980265, "CRC-44CAAD88706CC153", 9729, "BpBeDdcNUYNsdk46JoJdw7Pd3BI", "1.03", "0.00, 1.00, 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 0.65, 0.43, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.53, 0.59, 0.26") def test_checksum2(self): self.seq_checksums(self.str_light_chain_two, 802105214, "CRC-44CAAD88706CC153", 9647, "X5XEaayob1nZLOc7eVT9qyczarY", "1.07", "0.00, 1.00, 0.96, 0.96, 0.96, 0.65, 0.43, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.53, 0.59, 0.26") def test_checksum3(self): self.seq_checksums("ATGCGTATCGATCGCGATACGATTAGGCGGAT", 817679856, "CRC-6234FF451DC6DFC6", 7959, "8WCUbVjBgiRmM10gfR7XJNjbwnE", "1.98", "0.00, 2.00, 1.99, 1.99, 2.00, 1.99, 1.97, 1.99, 1.99, 1.99, 1.96, 1.96, 1.96, 1.96") def test_GC(self): seq = "ACGGGCTACCGTATAGGCAAGAGATGATGCCC" self.assertEqual(GC(seq), 56.25) def test_seq1_seq3(self): s3 = "MetAlaTyrtrpcysthrLYSLEUILEGlYPrOGlNaSnaLapRoTyRLySSeRHisTrpLysThr" s1 = "MAYWCTKLIGPQNAPYKSHWKT" self.assertEqual(seq1(s3), s1) self.assertEqual(seq3(s1).upper(), s3.upper()) self.assertEqual(seq1(seq3(s1)), s1) self.assertEqual(seq3(seq1(s3)).upper(), s3.upper()) if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)