#!/usr/bin/perl use lib "/home/birch/BIRCH/local/install/quast-4.6.3/quast_libs/MUMmer/scripts"; use Foundation; my $SCRIPT_DIR = "/home/birch/BIRCH/local/install/quast-4.6.3/quast_libs/MUMmer/scripts"; my $VERSION_INFO = q~ mapview version 1.01 ~; my $HELP_INFO = q~ USAGE: mapview [options] [UTR coords] [CDS coords] DESCRIPTION: mapview is a utility program for displaying sequence alignments as provided by MUMmer, NUCmer, PROmer or Mgaps. mapview takes the output of show-coords and converts it to a FIG, PDF or PS file for visual analysis. It can also break the output into multiple files for easier viewing and printing. MANDATORY: coords file The output of 'show-coords -rl[k]' or 'mgaps' OPTIONS: UTR coords UTR coordinate file in GFF format CDS coords CDS coordinate file in GFF format -d|maxdist Set the maximum base-pair distance between linked matches (default 50000) -f|format Set the output format to 'pdf', 'ps' or 'fig' (default 'fig') -h --help Display help information and exit -m|mag Set the magnification at which the figure is rendered, this is an option for fig2dev which is used to generate the PDF and PS files (default 1.0) -n|num Set the number of output files used to partition the output, this is to avoid generating files that are too large to display (default 10) -p|prefix Set the output file prefix (default "PROMER_graph or NUCMER_graph") -v --verbose Verbose logging of the processed files -V --version Display the version information and exit -x1 coord Set the lower coordinate bound of the display -x2 coord Set the upper coordinate bound of the display -g|ref If the input file is provided by 'mgaps', set the reference sequence ID (as it appears in the first column of the UTR/CDS coords file) -I Display the name of query sequences -Ir Display the name of reference genes ~; my $USAGE_INFO = q~ USAGE: mapview [options] [UTR coords] [CDS coords] ~; my @DEPEND_INFO = ( "fig2dev", "$SCRIPT_DIR/Foundation.pm" ); my $err_gff = q~ ERROR in the input files ! The reference seq ID can't be found in GFF files ! The first column in the GFF file should be the ID of the reference seq. The alignments file should provide the same info in the column before the last one. Here are some example records for the GFF file: gnl|FlyBase|X Dmel3 initial-exon 2155 2413 . - . X_CG3038.1 gnl|FlyBase|X Dmel3 last-exon 1182 2077 . - . X_CG3038.1 ... The fields are : ~; my $tigr; my $err; my $alignm; my $futr; my $fcds; #-- Initialize TIGR::Foundation $tigr = new TIGR::Foundation; if ( !defined ($tigr) ) { print (STDERR "ERROR: TIGR::Foundation could not be initialized"); exit (1); } #-- Set help and usage information $tigr->setHelpInfo ($HELP_INFO); $tigr->setUsageInfo ($USAGE_INFO); $tigr->setVersionInfo ($VERSION_INFO); $tigr->addDependInfo (@DEPEND_INFO); $err = $tigr->TIGR_GetOptions ( "d|maxdist=i" => \$match_dist, "f|format=s" => \$format, "m|mag=f" => \$magn, "n|num=i" => \$noOutfiles, "p|prefix=s" => \$outfilename, "x1=i" => \$x1win, "x2=i" => \$x2win, "v|verbose" => \$verb, "g|ref=s" => \$Mgaps, "I" => \$printIDconting, "Ir" => \$printIDgenes ); if ( $err == 0 || scalar(@ARGV) < 1 || scalar(@ARGV) > 3 ) { $tigr->printUsageInfo( ); print (STDERR "Try '$0 -h' for more information.\n"); exit (1); } ($alignm,$futr,$fcds)=@ARGV; if ((substr($x1win,0,1) eq '-') || (substr($x2win,0,1) eq '-')){ print "ERROR2 : coords x1,x2 should be positive integers !!\n"; $info=1; } if ($x1win > $x2win) { print "ERROR3 : wrong range coords : x1 >= x2 !!!\n"; $info=1; } if ($Mgaps){ #formating the mgaps output to be similar with show-coords output format_mgaps(); } if (!$format){$format="fig";} if (($x1win) and ($x2win)){ $startfind=0; } else{ $startfind=1; } $endfind=0; if (!$noOutfiles) {$noOutfiles=10;} if (!$match_dist){$match_dist=50000;} #```````init colors```````````````````````````` $color{"2"}=27;#dark pink 5utr $color{"3"}=2;#green ex $color{"4"}=1;#blue 3utr #`````````````````````` @linkcolors=(31,14,11); #`````````````````````````````````````````````` open(F,$alignm); ; $prog=; chomp($prog); ; $_=; @a=(m/\s+(\||\[.+?\])/g) ; for ($ind=0;$ind<=$#a;$ind++){ if ($a[$ind] eq "[S1]") { $ind_s1=$ind; } elsif ($a[$ind] eq "[E1]"){ $ind_e1=$ind; } elsif ($a[$ind] eq "[% IDY]"){ $ind_pidy=$ind; } elsif ($a[$ind] eq "[LEN R]"){ $ind_lenchr=$ind; } # elsif ($a[$ind] eq "[TAGS]"){ # $ind_tags=$ind+1; #there are two columns for this header col # } } ;$mref=-1; while (){ chomp; @a=split; if (!exists $hRefContigId{$a[-2]}) { # print $a[-2]."\n"; $hRefContigId{$a[-2]}=$a[$ind_lenchr]; $lenrefseqs+=$a[$ind_lenchr]; $mref++; } } $nobpinfile=int($lenrefseqs/$noOutfiles); close(F); #`````````````````````` if (@ARGV > 1) { get_cds_ends(); get_utrcds_info(); test_overlap(); } elsif(!$mref) { $fileno=$noOutfiles; $startcoord=0;$endcoord=0; for ($i=0;$i<$fileno;$i++) { $endcoord=$startcoord+$nobpinfile-1; $endcoord=$lenrefseqs if ($endcoord>$lenrefseqs); $file[$i]="$startcoord $endcoord"; $startcoord=$endcoord+1; } } $Yorig=3000; $YdistPID=2000; $yscale=$YdistPID/50; $Xscale=14.5; $gap=800; #$maxfiles = ($fileno < 10) ? $fileno : 10; #--------------------------------- if (!$mref){ for($i=0; $i < $fileno; $i++) { $nrf=$i; set_output_fname(); ($startcoord,$endcoord)=split(/\s+/,$file[$i]); open(O,">$procfile".$nrf.".fig"); print_header(); print $procfile.$nrf.".fig\t range : $startcoord\t$endcoord \n" if ($verb && ($format eq "fig")); $xs=0; $xe=int(($endcoord-$startcoord+1)/$Xscale); #$xs=200; #$xe=$xs+int(($endcoord-$startcoord+1)/$Xscale); print_grid($xs,$xe,$startcoord,$endcoord); $tmpIdQrycontig=""; $linkcolor=$linkcolors[0]; open(F,$alignm); ;;;;; while() { chomp; @a=split; if($a[$ind_s1] > $endcoord) { last;} if($a[$ind_s1]<$startcoord && $a[$ind_e1] > $startcoord ) { $a[$ind_s1]=$startcoord;} if($a[$ind_s1] < $endcoord && $endcoord < $a[$ind_e1]) { $a[$ind_e1]=$endcoord;} if($a[$ind_s1]>=$startcoord && $a[$ind_e1]<=$endcoord) { $x1=int(($a[$ind_s1]-$startcoord)/$Xscale);# $x2=int(($a[$ind_e1]-$startcoord)/$Xscale);# print_align($x1,$x2); } } close(F); %hQrycontig=(); print_genes() if ($futr); print_legend(); close(O); change_file_format() if ($format ne "fig"); } } elsif($mref){#multiple ref seqs set_output_fname(); $tmpIdQrycontig=""; $linkcolor=$linkcolors[0]; $startdrawX=0; $proclen=0; $first=1; $nrf=0; open(F,$alignm); ;;;;; while() { chomp; @a=split; if ($a[-2] ne $tmpcontig){ %hQrycontig=(); $tmpcontig=$a[-2]; if ($first){ $first=0; $nrf++; open(O,">$procfile".$nrf.".fig"); print_header(); print $procfile.$nrf.".fig"."\n" if ($verb && ($format eq "fig")); $len=$hRefContigId{$a[-2]}; } else { $startdrawX+=int($len/$Xscale)+$gap; $len=$hRefContigId{$a[-2]}; if (($proclen+$len>$nobpinfile) and ($proclen != 0)){ print_legend(); close(O); change_file_format() if ($format ne "fig"); $nrf++; open(O,">$procfile".$nrf.".fig"); print_header(); print "\n".$procfile.$nrf.".fig"."\n" if ($verb && ($format eq "fig")); $proclen=0; $startdrawX=0; } } $xs=$startdrawX; $xe=$startdrawX+int($len/$Xscale); print_grid($xs,$xe,0,$len); #print genes from %geneinfo for contig print $a[-2]."\t".$hRefContigId{$a[-2]}."\n"; print_genes_mr() if ($futr); $proclen+=$len; }#end if new contig $x1=$startdrawX+int($a[$ind_s1]/$Xscale); $x2=$startdrawX+int($a[$ind_e1]/$Xscale); print_align($x1,$x2); } print_legend(); close(O); change_file_format() if ($format ne "fig"); close(F); } #******************************************************************************* #******************************************************************************* sub set_output_fname{ if (!$outfilename) {$procfile=$prog."_graph"."_";} else {$procfile=$outfilename."_";} if ($format ne "fig"){ $procfile="tmp".$procfile; } } #********************************* sub get_cds_ends{ #3. print "create \%hcds_ends...\n"; $testGffFormat=0; open(F,"<".$fcds);#|| die "can't open \" $fcds cds \" file !"; while() { chomp; if($_) { @a=split; if (exists $hRefContigId{$a[0]}){#record if at least one of the ref id is the same in GFF and Align files $testGffFormat++; } $genename=$a[8]; if ($genename ne $tmpname){ if ($sign eq "+"){ $hcds_ends{$tmpname} = "$cds5 $cds3";} elsif ($sign eq "-"){ $hcds_ends{$tmpname} = "$cds3 $cds5";} $tmpname=$genename; $sign=$a[6]; } if($sign eq "-") { $temp=$a[3]; $a[3]=$a[4]; $a[4]=$temp; } if ($a[2] eq "single-exon"){ $cds5=$a[3]; $cds3=$a[4]; } elsif ($a[2] eq "initial-exon"){ $cds5=$a[3]; } elsif ($a[2] eq "last-exon"){ $cds3=$a[4]; } } } if ($sign eq "+"){ $hcds_ends{$tmpname} = "$cds5 $cds3";} elsif ($sign eq "-"){$hcds_ends{$tmpname} = "$cds3 $cds5";} test_formatGFF(); #foreach $k ( keys %hcds_ends){ # print "cds_ends: ".$k."\t"."\n"; #} exit; } #********************************* sub test_formatGFF{ if ($testGffFormat==0){ print (STDERR "$err_gff \n"); exit (1); } } #********************************* sub get_utrcds_info{ #test for gene overlap $geneinfo{gene_name}->[0]=level,stock gene 5'3' utr ends, #determina %geneinfo{id gene}->5utr,ex,3utr #and @file # get_gene_ends(); $testGffFormat=0; open(F,"<".$futr);# || die "can't open \" $futr utr \" file !"; while() { chomp; if($_) { @a=split; #get gene ends-utr $genename=$a[8]; if (exists $hRefContigId{$a[0]}){ #check if [align file(col before the last one)] = [GFF file(col 1)] $testGffFormat++; } if ($genename ne $tmpname){ if ($sign eq "+"){ $utr_ends{$tmpname} = "$utr5 $utr3";} elsif ($sign eq "-"){ $utr_ends{$tmpname} = "$utr3 $utr5";} if ($tmpgene) {# for the distinct_utr_cds get_utrcds_ends() ; } $tmpgene="$a[3] $a[4]";# $tmpname=$genename; $sign=$a[6]; $hContig_genes{$a[0]}.=" ".$a[8]; # for multiple ref. seqs } else{# for the distinct_utr_cds if($sign eq "-") { $tmpgene="$a[3] $a[4];".$tmpgene; } else { $tmpgene.=";$a[3] $a[4]"; } }# if($sign eq "-") { $temp=$a[3]; $a[3]=$a[4]; $a[4]=$temp; } if ($a[2] eq "single-exon"){ $utr5=$a[3]; $utr3=$a[4]; } elsif ($a[2] eq "initial-exon"){ $utr5=$a[3]; } elsif ($a[2] eq "last-exon"){ $utr3=$a[4]; } #init gene info (level) $geneinfo{$a[8]}->[0]=1 if (!exists $geneinfo{$a[8]}); } } # for the distinct_utr_cds get_utrcds_ends(); %cds_ends=();# if ($sign eq "+"){$utr_ends{$tmpname}="$utr5 $utr3"; } elsif ($sign eq "-"){$utr_ends{$tmpname}="$utr3 $utr5"; } $hContig_genes{$a[0]}.=" ".$a[8]; close(F); test_formatGFF(); } #**************************************************************** sub get_utrcds_ends{ $u5="";$ex="";$u3=""; if ($fcds eq $futr) { $ex=$tmpgene; } else { @ex=split(";",$tmpgene); @cds=split(" ",$hcds_ends{$tmpname}); for($i=0;$i<=$#ex;$i++){ @coord=split(" ",$ex[$i]); if ($cds[0]>$coord[0]){ if ($cds[0]>$coord[1]){ $u5.="$coord[0] $coord[1];"; } else{ $u5.= "$coord[0] "; $u5.=$cds[0]-1 .";" ; #? if ($cds[1]<$coord[1]){ $ex.="$cds[0] $cds[1];"; $u3.=$cds[1]+1 ." $coord[1];"; } else{ $ex.="$cds[0] $coord[1];";} } } else { if ($cds[1]>$coord[0]){ if ($cds[1]>$coord[1]){ $ex.="$coord[0] $coord[1];"; } else{ $ex.="$coord[0] $cds[1];"; $u3.=$cds[1]+1 ." $coord[1];"; } } else { $u3.="$coord[0] $coord[1];";} } } chop($u5, $ex, $u3); } $geneinfo{$tmpname}->[1]=$sign; $geneinfo{$tmpname}->[2]=$u5; $geneinfo{$tmpname}->[3]=$ex; $geneinfo{$tmpname}->[4]=$u3; } #********************************* sub test_overlap{ if (!$mref){ $fileno=0;### $endcoord=0;### } foreach $kcontgid (sort keys %hContig_genes){ @allgenes=split(/\s+/,$hContig_genes{$kcontgid}); for ($i=1;$i<=$#allgenes;$i++){ @g1=split (" ", $utr_ends{$allgenes[$i]}); $Utr5End{$allgenes[$i]}=$g1[0]; ### for ($j=$i+1;$j<=$#allgenes;$j++){ #comparing with the rest of the genes @g2=split (" ", $utr_ends{$allgenes[$j]}); #if the genes are overpaling and they have the same level ,the second gene is liflet to the next level if ( (($g2[0]>=$g1[0]) and ($g2[0]<=$g1[1])) or (($g2[1]>=$g1[0]) and ($g2[1]<=$g1[1])) or (($g1[0]>=$g2[0]) and ($g1[0]<=$g2[1])) ){ if ($geneinfo{$allgenes[$i]}->[0] == $geneinfo{$allgenes[$j]}->[0]){ $geneinfo{$allgenes[$j]}->[0]=$geneinfo{$allgenes[$i]}->[0] + 1 ; } } } SetTheRangeForEachFile() if ((!$endfind) and (!$mref)); ### } } $file[$fileno++]="$startcoord $endcoord" if (!$mref);### %utr_ends=();### } #************************************** sub SetTheRangeForEachFile{ $currstart=$g1[0]; $currend=$g1[1]; #---test range ends intersection if (!$startfind) { if (($x1win <= $currstart) || ($x1win <= $currend)){ $currstart = $x1win; $startfind = 1; } } if ( $startfind && $x1win && $x2win){ if (($x2win <= $currstart) || ($x2win <= $currend) ){ $currend = $x2win; $endfind = 1; } } #-------------------- if ($startfind) { if(!$endcoord) { #$startcoord=0; $startcoord = $x1win ? $x1win : 0; $endcoord=$currend; } else { if($currend > $endcoord) { if($currend-$startcoord < $nobpinfile) { $endcoord=$currend; } else { $file[$fileno++]="$startcoord $endcoord"; $startcoord=$endcoord+1; $endcoord=$currend; } } } }#if startfind } #********************************* sub print_header{ print O "#FIG 3.2\nLandscape\nCenter\nInches\nLetter \n100.00\nMultiple\n-2\n1200 2\n"; } #********************************* sub print_align{ my ($x1,$x2)=@_; $a[$ind_pidy]=50 if ($a[$ind_pidy]<50); $a[$ind_pidy]=int($a[$ind_pidy]); if ($Mgaps){ $y=$Yorig+250+$YdistPID-$yscale*2; if($a[$#a]=~/rev$/){$y-=25*$yscale;} } else{ $y=$Yorig+250+$YdistPID-$yscale*($a[$ind_pidy]-50); } if($x1==$x2) { $x2++;} #draw the line between matches. is dif color for each contig if ($a[$#a] eq $tmpIdQrycontig) { print_connections($hQrycontig{$tmpIdQrycontig}->[1], $x1,$y); } else{#new contig #remember the start coord for printing the id alignments if ($printIDconting){ if ( $x1 - $XlastPrint > 400 ) { print O "4 0 0 5 0 0 8 0.0000 4 90 270 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",$x1,$y); print O $a[$#a], "\\001\n"; $XlastPrint=$x1; $YlastPrint=$y; } } # ##if it was seen before,but interrupted by another contig if ((exists $hQrycontig{$a[$#a]}) and ($a[$ind_s1]-$hQrycontig{$a[$#a]}->[2] < $match_dist )) { $linkcolor=$hQrycontig{$a[$#a]}->[0]; print_connections($hQrycontig{$a[$#a]}->[1], $x1,$y); } else{ #change the link color unshift(@linkcolors, pop(@linkcolors)); $linkcolor=$linkcolors[0]; $hQrycontig{$a[$#a]}->[0] = $linkcolor; } } $tmpIdQrycontig=$a[$#a]; $hQrycontig{$tmpIdQrycontig}->[1]="$x2 $y"; $hQrycontig{$tmpIdQrycontig}->[2]=$a[$ind_e1]; #the matches line is red print O "2 1 0 2 4 0 40 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t$x1 $y $x2 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 5 20 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf O ("\t $x1 %.0f $x2 %.0f\n",$Yorig+150 , $Yorig+150); } #********************************* sub print_connections{ my ($setc1,$setx2,$sety2)=@_; # print "\nparam connect @_\n"; my ($setx1,$sety1) =split(/ /,$setc1); if ($Mgaps){ if ($setx1>$setx2){ $tmpsetx1=$setx1; $setx1=$setx2; $setx2=$tmpsetx1; } $distx1x2=int(($setx2-$setx1)/2); $xcenter= $setx1+$distx1x2; if ($setx2-$setx1>4000) { #if the distance is to big then heigh of the arc is set to 20 $heightArcUp = 20*$yscale; $yoffcenter=int((($distx1x2**2)+$heightArcUp**2)*(1/(2*$heightArcUp)))-$heightArcUp ; } else{ $heightArcUp = int (0.447 * $distx1x2);#sectorul de cerc la 1/3 din raza. $yoffcenter=2*$heightArcUp; } print O "5 1 0 2 $linkcolor 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 0 0 "; printf O ("%.3f %.3f $setx1 $sety1 $xcenter %.0f $setx2 $sety1 \n",$xcenter,$sety1+$yoffcenter,$sety1-$heightArcUp); } else{ print O "2 1 0 1 $linkcolor 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t".$setc1." $setx2 $sety2\n"; } } #********************************* sub print_genes_mr{ %hLastOnLevel=(); @g=split(/\s+/,$hContig_genes{$a[-2]}); for ($i=1;$i<=$#g;$i++){ $kname=$g[$i]; $tmpx2=0; $y=$Yorig-100-200*$geneinfo{$kname}->[0]; #print id gena $xid =$startdrawX+ int($Utr5End{$kname}/$Xscale); print_Id_genes() if ($printIDgenes); # for ($l=2;$l<5;$l++){ @c=split(";",$geneinfo{$kname}->[$l] ) ; if (@c){ #print "de unde?@c\n" if (($l==2) or ($l==4)); $colorend=$color{$l}; if ($geneinfo{$kname}->[1] eq "-"){ if ($l==2) { $colorend=$color{"4"}; } elsif ($l==4) {$colorend=$color{"2"};} } for ($k=0;$k<=$#c;$k++){ @e=split (" ",$c[$k]); $x1=$startdrawX+int($e[0]/$Xscale); $x2=$startdrawX+int($e[1]/$Xscale); if($x1==$x2) { $x2++;} if ( ($tmpx2) and ($x1-$tmpx2>1)){ #print the intron print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t $tmpx2 $y $x1 $y\n"; } $tmpx2=$x2; print O "2 1 0 5 $colorend 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";# print O "\t $x1 $y $x2 $y\n"; } } } #delete ($geneinfo{$kname}); } } #********************************* sub print_Id_genes{ if (exists $hLastOnLevel{$geneinfo{$kname}->[0]}){ $lastOnlevel=$hLastOnLevel{$geneinfo{$kname}->[0]}; $printidspace = int(($Utr5End{$kname}-$Utr5End{$lastOnlevel})/$Xscale); } else{$printidspace=601;} if ($printidspace > 600){ #print contig name# print O "4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0.0000 4 90 270 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",$xid,$y-50); print O $kname, "\\001\n"; $hLastOnLevel{$geneinfo{$kname}->[0]}=$kname; } } #********************************* sub print_genes{ %hLastOnLevel=(); foreach $kname (sort {$Utr5End{$a} <=> $Utr5End{$b}} keys %Utr5End){ $tmpx2=0; if ($Utr5End{$kname}>$startcoord && $Utr5End{$kname}<$endcoord){ $y=$Yorig-100-200*$geneinfo{$kname}->[0]; #print id gena $xid = int(($Utr5End{$kname}-$startcoord)/$Xscale); print_Id_genes() if ($printIDgenes); # for ($l=2;$l<5;$l++){ @c=split(";",$geneinfo{$kname}->[$l] ); $colorend=$color{$l}; if ($geneinfo{$kname}->[1] eq "-"){ if ($l==2) { $colorend=$color{"4"}; } elsif ($l==4) {$colorend=$color{"2"};} } for ($k=0;$k<=$#c;$k++){ @e=split (" ",$c[$k]); $x1=int(($e[0]-$startcoord)/$Xscale); $x2=int(($e[1]-$startcoord)/$Xscale); if($x1==$x2) { $x2++;} if ( ($tmpx2) and ($x1-$tmpx2>1)){ #print the intron print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t $tmpx2 $y $x1 $y\n"; } $tmpx2=$x2; print O "2 1 0 5 $colorend 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";# print O "\t $x1 $y $x2 $y\n"; } } }#endif "is in interval" } # delete ($Utr5End{$kname}); # delete ($geneinfo{$kname}); } #********************************* sub print_grid{ my ($xs,$xe,$startcontg,$endcontg)=@_; $XlastPrint=0;$YlastPrint=0; #print ref contig print O "2 1 0 10 11 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf O ("\t $xs %.0f $xe %.0f\n",$Yorig+50,$Yorig+50); #print orizontal axes for PId (100%,75%,50%) for ($percent_id = 50; $percent_id < 101; $percent_id += 25) { print O "2 1 2 1 0 7 60 0 -1 4.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf O ("\t$xs %.0f $xe %.0f\n",$Yorig+250+$YdistPID-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale,$Yorig+250+$YdistPID-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale); #last if ($Mgaps); } #print orizontal markers for bp. $increment=10000/$Xscale; $no_incr=0; $xmark = $xs ;$xmark_float= $xs; while ($xmark < $xe){ print O "2 1 0 1 0 7 60 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; printf O ("\t$xmark %.0f $xmark %.0f\n",$Yorig+$YdistPID+250,$Yorig+$YdistPID+300); #bp scale print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t %.0f %.0f",$xmark,$Yorig+$YdistPID+400); print O " $no_incr"."k", "\\001\n"; $no_incr += 10; $xmark_float += $increment; $xmark=int($xmark_float); } #coord for chr ends print O "4 0 0 50 0 0 14 0.0000 4 135 450 $xs $Yorig $startcontg\\001\n"; printf O ("4 0 0 50 0 0 14 0.0000 4 135 810 %.0f $Yorig $endcontg\\001\n",$xe-length($xe)*125); #print contig name# if ($mref){ print O "4 0 0 5 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",$xs,$Yorig+70); print O $a[-2], "\\001\n"; } #print vertical markers for PId scale if (!$Mgaps){ for ($percent_id = 50; $percent_id < 101; $percent_id += 25) { #left print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f", $xs-200,$Yorig+$YdistPID+250-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale + 20); print O " $percent_id%", "\\001\n"; #right print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f",$xe+20, $Yorig+$YdistPID+250-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale+20 ); print O " $percent_id%", "\\001\n"; # print the tick mark #left # print O "2 1 0 1 0 7 60 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; # printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f $xs %.0f\n",$xs-50, # $Yorig+$YdistPID+250-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale, $Yorig+$YdistPID+250-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale); #right # print O "2 1 0 1 0 7 60 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; # printf O ("\t$xe %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", # $Yorig+$YdistPID+250-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale,$xe+50, $Yorig+$YdistPID+250-($percent_id - 50) * $yscale); } } else{ # for Mgaps print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 7 1.5710 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f", $xs-50,$Yorig+$YdistPID+250 - 5 * $yscale + 10); print O " + qry strand", "\\001\n"; print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 7 1.5710 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f", $xs-50,$Yorig+$YdistPID+250 - 30 * $yscale + 10); print O " - qry strand", "\\001\n"; } } #********************************* sub print_legend{ print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",100,$Yorig+$YdistPID+1100); print O " Legend ", "\\001\n"; $y= $Yorig+$YdistPID+1300; #utr print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";#intron print O "\t 70 $y 99 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 5 27 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t 100 $y 200 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";#intron print O "\t 200 $y 230 $y\n"; print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",300,$y+30); print O " 5' utr ", "\\001\n"; $y += 150 ;#cds print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";#intron print O "\t 70 $y 99 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 5 2 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t 100 $y 200 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";#intron print O "\t 200 $y 230 $y\n"; print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",300,$y+30); print O " cds ", "\\001\n"; $y += 150; #3' utr print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";#intron print O "\t 70 $y 99 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 5 1 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t 100 $y 200 $y\n"; print O "2 1 0 1 0 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";#intron print O "\t 200 $y 230 $y\n"; print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",300,$y+30); print O " 3' utr ", "\\001\n"; $y += 150; # match print O "2 1 0 2 4 0 50 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n"; print O "\t100 $y 200 $y\n"; print O "4 0 0 100 0 0 8 0.0000 4 135 405 "; printf O ("\t%.0f %.0f ",300,$y+30); print O " match found by $prog ", "\\001\n"; } #********************************* sub change_file_format{ $procfile =~ /^tmp(.+)/; $outfile = $1.$nrf.".".$format; $comand = "fig2dev -L $format -x 100"; $comand .= " -m $magn" if ($magn); $comand .= " -M ".$procfile.$nrf.".fig ".$outfile; $status =system($comand); print E "ERROR 1: fig2dev !\n" unless $status == 0; $status =system("rm $procfile".$nrf.".fig"); if ($verb){ print "$outfile"; if ($mref){ print "\n" ; } else { print "\t range : $startcoord\t$endcoord \n" ; } } } #********************************* sub format_mgaps{ $tmpfile="tmpmgaps"; $tmpfile2=$alignm."coords" ; get_ref_len(); #print $maxlenref."\n"; open(M,">".$tmpfile2) || die "can't open \" $tmpfile2 \" file !"; print M "$alignm\n"; print M "Mgaps\n\n"; print M " [S1] [E1] | [S2] [E2] | [LEN 1] [LEN 2] | [% IDY] | [LEN R] [LEN Q] | [COV R] [COV Q] | [TAGS]\n"; print M "===============================================================================================================================\n"; open(T,">".$tmpfile) || die "can't open \" $tmpfile \" file !"; open(A,"<".$alignm) || die "can't open \" $alignm \" file !"; while() { chomp; @a=split; if ($a[0] =~ /^>/){ $nr_cluster=1; $idquery=$a[1]; if ($a[2] eq "Reverse"){$idquery .= "_rev";} } #elsif ($a[0] eq "#") {$nr_cluster++;} elsif($a[0] ne "#"){ $e1=$a[0]+$a[2]; print T $a[0]."\t".$e1."\t"."|"; print T "\t-\t-\t|"; print T "\t-\t-\t|"; print T "\t-\t|"; #pid print T "\t$maxlenref\t-\t|";#len seqs # print "\t-\t-\t|"; # print "\t-\t-\t|"; # print T " $Mgaps\t$idquery.$nr_cluster\n"; print T " $Mgaps\t$idquery\n"; } } close(A); close(T); $command="sort -n -k 1 $tmpfile >> $tmpfile2"; $status =system($command); system("rm $tmpfile"); close(M); $alignm=$tmpfile2; print STDERR "ERROR 1: can't sort $tmpfile \n" unless $status == 0; print STDERR "\n**************************************** \n"; print STDERR "New input file created : $alignm\n"; print STDERR "**************************************** \n\n"; } #***************************** sub get_ref_len{ $firstrow=1; open(A,"<".$alignm) || die "can't open \" $alignm \" file !"; while() { chomp; @a=split; if ($firstrow) { $firstrow=0; if ($a[0] !~ /^>/){ print "\nWrong file format for MGAPS file : $alignm ! \n"; exit; } } if ($a[0] =~ /^>/){ next; } elsif($a[0] ne "#"){ $e1=$a[0]+$a[2]; $maxlenref=($maxlenref < $e1 ? $e1 : $maxlenref); } } close(A); }