/***************************************************************************** reldist.cpp (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licenced under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include "lineFileUtilities.h" #include "reldist.h" /* Constructor */ RelativeDistance::RelativeDistance(string bedAFile, string bedBFile, bool summary) { _bedAFile = bedAFile; _bedBFile = bedBFile; _summary = summary; _tot_queries = 0; CalculateRelativeDistance(); } /* Destructor */ RelativeDistance::~RelativeDistance(void) { } void RelativeDistance::LoadMidpoints() { _bedB = new BedFile(_bedBFile); BED bed; _bedB->Open(); while (_bedB->GetNextBed(bed)) { CHRPOS midpoint = (int) (bed.end + bed.start) / 2; _db_midpoints[bed.chrom].push_back(midpoint); } map >::const_iterator midItr = _db_midpoints.begin(); map >::const_iterator midEnd = _db_midpoints.end(); for (; midItr != midEnd; ++midItr) { sort(_db_midpoints[midItr->first].begin(), _db_midpoints[midItr->first].end()); } } void RelativeDistance::ReportDistanceSummary() { cout << "reldist\t" << "count\t" << "total\t" << "fraction\n"; map::const_iterator freqItr = _reldists.begin(); map::const_iterator freqEnd = _reldists.end(); for (; freqItr != freqEnd; ++freqItr) { printf("%.2f\t%lu\t%lu\t%.3f\n", freqItr->first, freqItr->second, _tot_queries, (float) freqItr->second / (float) _tot_queries); } } void RelativeDistance::UpdateDistanceSummary(float rel_dist) { _tot_queries++; // round the relative distance to two decimal places. float rounded_rel_dist = floorf(rel_dist * 100) / 100; _reldists[rounded_rel_dist]++; } void RelativeDistance::CalculateRelativeDistance() { LoadMidpoints(); vector::iterator low; size_t low_idx, high_idx; float rel_dist; _bedA = new BedFile(_bedAFile); BED bed; _bedA->Open(); while (_bedA->GetNextBed(bed)) { if (_bedA->_status != BED_VALID) continue; vector *chrom_mids = &_db_midpoints[bed.chrom]; // binary search the current query's midpoint among // the database midpoints int midpoint = (int) (bed.end + bed.start) / 2; low = lower_bound(chrom_mids->begin(), chrom_mids->end(), midpoint); // grab the indicies for the database midpoints that are left and // right of the query's midpoint. low_idx = low - chrom_mids->begin() - 1; high_idx = low_idx + 1; // make sure we don't run off the boundaries of the database's // midpoint vector if (low_idx != chrom_mids->size() - 1) { // grab the database midpoints that are left and right of // the query's midpoint. int left = (*chrom_mids)[low_idx]; int right = (*chrom_mids)[high_idx]; // ? if (left > midpoint) continue; // calculate the relative distance between the query's midpoint // and the two nearest database midpoints. size_t left_dist = abs(midpoint-left); size_t right_dist = abs(midpoint-right); rel_dist = (float) min(left_dist, right_dist) / (float) (right-left); if (!_summary) { _bedA->reportBedTab(bed); printf("%.3f\n", rel_dist); } else { UpdateDistanceSummary(rel_dist); } } } // report the "histogram" of distances. if (_summary) ReportDistanceSummary(); }