#include "sampleFile.h" static const bool SampleRecordLtFn(const Record *rec1, const Record *rec2) { return (*rec1 < *rec2); } SampleFile::SampleFile(ContextSample *context) : ToolBase(context), _inputFile(NULL), _numSamples(0), _numCurrSamples(0), _currRecordNum(0) { _numSamples = context->getNumOutputRecords(); if (_numSamples == 0) { _numSamples = DEFAULT_NUM_SAMPLES; } } SampleFile::~SampleFile() { } bool SampleFile::init() { //we're only operating on one file, so the idx is zero. _inputFile = _context->getFile(0); _samples.resize(_numSamples, NULL); //Context object takes care of the seed, either user given or randomly //generated, and seeds the call to srand with it, so we don't have to //here. if (!_context->hasConstantSeed()) { _context->getUnspecifiedSeed(); } return true; } bool SampleFile::findNext(RecordKeyVector &hits) { while (!_inputFile->eof()) { Record *record = _inputFile->getNextRecord(); if (record == NULL) { continue; } else { _currRecordNum++; if (!keepRecord(record)) { _inputFile->deleteRecord(record); } return true; } } return false; } void SampleFile::giveFinalReport(RecordOutputMgr *outputMgr) { if (_currRecordNum < _numSamples) { //die with error; cerr << "\n***** ERROR: Input file has fewer records than the requested number of output records. *****" << endl << endl; exit(1); } //If the output type is BAM, must sort the output records. if (_context->getOutputFileType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_FILE_TYPE) { sort(_samples.begin(), _samples.end(), SampleRecordLtFn); } // Now output all the kept records, then do cleanup. for (size_t i=0; i < _numSamples; i++) { outputMgr->printRecord(_samples[i]); } } bool SampleFile::keepRecord(Record *record) { if (!strandComplies(record)) { return false; } if (_numCurrSamples < _numSamples) { _samples[_numCurrSamples] = record; _numCurrSamples++; return true; } // We need a random number in the range [0, _currRecordNum]. // Must combine two consective calls to rand() // because RAND_MAX is 2^31 (2147483648), whereas // the number of input records could be far larger. size_t idx = ((((long) rand()) << 31) | rand()) % _currRecordNum; if (idx < _numSamples) { //replace old record at idx with this new one. _inputFile->deleteRecord(_samples[idx]); _samples[idx] = record; return true; } return false; } bool SampleFile::strandComplies(const Record * record) { if (!upCast(_context)->getSameStrand()) { return true; } if (upCast(_context)->getForwardOnly() && record->getStrandVal() == Record::FORWARD) { return true; } if (upCast(_context)->getReverseOnly() && record->getStrandVal() == Record::REVERSE) { return true; } return false; }