/* * sampleMain.cpp * * Created on: Nov 18, 2013 * Author: nek3d */ #include "CommonHelp.h" void sample_help(void) { cerr << "\nTool: bedtools sample (aka sampleFile)" << endl; cerr << "Version: " << VERSION << "\n"; cerr << "Summary: Take sample of input file(s) using reservoir sampling algorithm." << endl << endl; cerr << "Usage: " << "bedtools sample" << " [OPTIONS] -i " << endl << endl; cerr << "WARNING:\tThe current sample algorithm will hold all requested sample records in memory prior to output." << endl; cerr << "\t\tThe user must ensure that there is adequate memory for this." << endl << endl; cerr << "Options: " << endl; cerr << "\t-n\t" << "The number of records to generate." << endl; cerr << "\t\t- Default = 1,000,000." << endl; cerr << "\t\t- (INTEGER)" << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-seed\t" << "Supply an integer seed for the shuffling." << endl; cerr << "\t\t- By default, the seed is chosen automatically." << endl; cerr << "\t\t- (INTEGER)" << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-ubam\t" << "Write uncompressed BAM output. Default writes compressed BAM." << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-s\t" << "Require same strandedness. That is, only give records" << endl; cerr << "\t\tthat have the same strand. Use '-s forward' or '-s reverse'" << endl; cerr << "\t\tfor forward or reverse strand records, respectively." << endl; cerr << "\t\t- By default, records are reported without respect to strand." << endl << endl; cerr << "\t-header\t" << "Print the header from the input file prior to results." << endl << endl; allToolsCommonHelp(); cerr << "Notes: " << endl; // cerr << "\tTBD: Enter other usage notes here." << endl << endl; // end the program here exit(1); }