#include "BinTree.h" #include "FileRecordMgr.h" BinTree::BinTree(ContextIntersect *context) : _context(context), _binOffsetsExtended(NULL), _maxBinNumFound(0) { _binOffsetsExtended = new binNumType[NUM_BIN_LEVELS]; memset(_binOffsetsExtended, 0, NUM_BIN_LEVELS * sizeof(binNumType)); //start at idx 1, because the memset above already initialized //the first idx to zero, which is what we want. for (binNumType i= 1; i < NUM_BIN_LEVELS; i++) { _binOffsetsExtended[i] = _binOffsetsExtended[i-1] + (1 << ((NUM_BIN_LEVELS - i -1) * 3)); } } BinTree::~BinTree() { delete [] _binOffsetsExtended; } void BinTree::loadDB() { for (int i=0; i < _context->getNumDatabaseFiles(); i++) { FileRecordMgr *databaseFile = _context->getDatabaseFile(i); Record *record = NULL; while (!databaseFile->eof()) { record = databaseFile->getNextRecord(); //In addition to NULL records, we also don't want to add unmapped reads. if (record == NULL || record->isUnmapped()) { continue; } _context->testNameConventions(record); if (!addRecordToTree(record)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to add record to tree.\n"); databaseFile->close(); exit(1); } } } } void BinTree::getHits(Record *record, RecordKeyVector &hitSet) { if (record->isUnmapped()) { return; } const QuickString &chr = record->getChrName(); mainMapType::iterator mainIter = _mainMap.find(chr); if (mainIter == _mainMap.end()) { //given chrom not even in map. return; } binNumType startPos = record->getStartPos(); binNumType endPos = record->getEndPos(); binNumType startBin = (startPos >> _binFirstShift); binNumType endBin = ((endPos-1) >> _binFirstShift); const allBinsType &bins = mainIter->second; /* SYNOPSIS: 1. We loop through each UCSC BIN level for feature A's chrom. 2. For each BIN, we loop through each B feature and add it to hits if it meets all of the user's requests, which include: (a) overlap fractio, (b) strandedness, (c) reciprocal overlap */ for (binNumType i = 0; i < NUM_BIN_LEVELS; i++) { binNumType offset = _binOffsetsExtended[i]; for (binNumType j = (startBin+offset); j <= (endBin+offset); j++) { // move to the next bin if this one is empty allBinsType::const_iterator allBinsIter = bins.find(j); if (allBinsIter == bins.end()) { continue; } const binType &bin = allBinsIter->second; for (binType::const_iterator iter = bin.begin(); iter != bin.end(); iter++) { const Record *dbRec = *iter; if (record->intersects(dbRec, _context->getSameStrand(), _context->getDiffStrand(), _context->getOverlapFractionA(), _context->getOverlapFractionB(), _context->getReciprocalFraction(), _context->getEitherFraction() ) ) { hitSet.push_back(dbRec); } } } startBin >>= _binNextShift; endBin >>= _binNextShift; } if (_context->getSortOutput()) { hitSet.sortVector(); } } bool BinTree::addRecordToTree(const Record *record) { // Get chr, bin. const QuickString &chr = record->getChrName(); binNumType startPos = (binNumType)(record->getStartPos()); binNumType endPos = (binNumType)(record->getEndPos()); binNumType binNum = getBin(startPos, endPos); if (binNum < 0 || binNum >= NUM_BINS) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Received illegal bin number %u from getBin call.\n", binNum); return false; } _mainMap[chr][binNum].push_back(record); return true; } BinTree::binNumType BinTree::getBin(const Record *record) const { return getBin((binNumType)(record->getStartPos()), (binNumType)(record->getEndPos())); } BinTree::binNumType BinTree::getBin(binNumType start, binNumType end) const { --end; start >>= _binFirstShift; end >>= _binFirstShift; for (binNumType i = 0; i < NUM_BIN_LEVELS; ++i) { if (start == end) { return _binOffsetsExtended[i] + start; } start >>= _binNextShift; end >>= _binNextShift; } //failure return -1; }