/* * ContextClosest.cpp * * Created on: Sep 25, 2014 * Author: nek3d */ #include "ContextClosest.h" ContextClosest::ContextClosest() : _haveTieMode(false), _ignoreOverlaps(false), _ignoreUpstream(false), _ignoreDownstream(false), _reportDistance(false), _signDistance(false), _haveStrandedDistMode(false), _diffNames(false), _tieMode(ALL_TIES), _strandedDistMode(REF_DIST), _multiDbMode(EACH_DB), _numClosestHitsWanted(1) { // closest requires sorted input setSortedInput(true); } ContextClosest::~ContextClosest(){ } bool ContextClosest::parseCmdArgs(int argc, char **argv, int skipFirstArgs){ for (_i=_skipFirstArgs; _i < argc; _i++) { if (isUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs)) { continue; } if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-c") == 0) { //bypass intersect's use of the -c option, because -c //means writeCount for intersect, but means columns for map. if (!ContextBase::handle_c()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-d") == 0) { if (!handle_d()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-D") == 0) { if (!handle_D()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-io") == 0) { if (!handle_io()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-iu") == 0) { if (!handle_iu()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-id") == 0) { if (!handle_id()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-fu") == 0) { if (!handle_fu()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-fd") == 0) { if (!handle_fd()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-N") == 0) { if (!handle_N()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-t") == 0) { if (!handle_t()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-mdb") == 0) { if (!handle_mdb()) return false; } else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-k") == 0) { if (!handle_k()) return false; } } return ContextIntersect::parseCmdArgs(argc, argv, _skipFirstArgs); } bool ContextClosest::isValidState(){ if (!ContextIntersect::isValidState()) return false; // make sure we have both input files if (_haveTieMode && (_tieMode != ALL_TIES) && (_tieMode != FIRST_TIE) && (_tieMode != LAST_TIE)) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: Request \"all\" or \"first\" or \"last\" for Tie Mode (-t)\n*****\n"; return false; } if (_haveStrandedDistMode && (_strandedDistMode != A_DIST) && (_strandedDistMode != B_DIST) && (_strandedDistMode != REF_DIST)) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: Request \"a\" or \"b\" or \"ref\" for Stranded Distance Mode (-D)\n*****\n"; return false; } if (_ignoreUpstream && _ignoreDownstream) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: Request either -iu OR -id, not both.\n*****\n"; return false; } if ((_ignoreUpstream || _ignoreDownstream) && ! _haveStrandedDistMode) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: When requesting -iu or -id, you also need to specify -D.\n*****\n"; return false; } if ((_forceUpstream || _forceDownstream) && ! _haveStrandedDistMode) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: When requesting -fu or -fd, you also need to specify -D.\n*****\n"; return false; } if (_ignoreUpstream && _forceUpstream) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: Can't both ignore upstream and force upstream.\n*****\n"; return false; } if (_ignoreDownstream && _forceDownstream) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: Can't both ignore downstream and force downstream.\n*****\n"; return false; } if (_sortOutput && _reportDistance) { _errorMsg = "\n*****\n*****ERROR: -sortout (sorted output) is not valid with distance reporting.\n*****\n"; return false; } return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_d() { _reportDistance = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_D() { bool strandError = false; if ((_i+1) < _argc) { _reportDistance = true; _signDistance = true; _haveStrandedDistMode = true; QuickString modeStr(_argv[_i + 1]); if (modeStr == "ref") { _strandedDistMode = REF_DIST; } else if (modeStr == "a") { _strandedDistMode = A_DIST; } else if (modeStr == "b") { _strandedDistMode = B_DIST; } else { strandError = true; } } else { strandError = true; } if (!strandError) { markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); _i++; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } _errorMsg = "*****ERROR: -D option must be followed with \"ref\", \"a\", or \"b\""; return false; } bool ContextClosest::handle_io() { _ignoreOverlaps = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_iu() { _ignoreUpstream = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_id() { _ignoreDownstream = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_fu() { _forceUpstream = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_fd() { _forceDownstream = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_N() { _diffNames = true; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } bool ContextClosest::handle_t() { bool tieError = false; if ((_i+1) < _argc) { _haveTieMode = true; QuickString tieStr(_argv[_i+1]); if (tieStr == "all") { _tieMode = ALL_TIES; } else if (tieStr == "first") { _tieMode = FIRST_TIE; } else if (tieStr == "last") { _tieMode = LAST_TIE; } else { tieError = true; } } else { tieError = true; } if (!tieError) { markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); _i++; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } _errorMsg = "*****ERROR: Request \"all\", \"first\", \"last\" for Tie Mode (-t)"; return false; } bool ContextClosest::handle_mdb() { bool mdbError = false; if ((_i+1) < _argc) { QuickString mdbStr(_argv[_i+1]); if (mdbStr == "each") { _multiDbMode = EACH_DB; } else if (mdbStr == "all") { _multiDbMode = ALL_DBS; } else { mdbError = true; } } else { mdbError = true; } if (!mdbError) { markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); _i++; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } _errorMsg = "*****ERROR: Request \"each\" or \"last\" for Multiple Database Mode (-mdb)"; return false; } bool ContextClosest::handle_k() { if ((_i+1) < _argc) { if (isNumeric(_argv[_i+1])) { _numClosestHitsWanted = atoi(_argv[_i+1]); if (_numClosestHitsWanted > 0) { markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); _i++; markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs); return true; } } } _errorMsg = "\n***** ERROR: -k option must be followed by a postive integer value *****"; return false; }