/* * BlockMgr.cpp * * Created on: May 14, 2013 * Author: nek3d */ #include "BlockMgr.h" #include "RecordMgr.h" #include "Bed12Interval.h" #include "BamRecord.h" #include "ParseTools.h" #include "api/BamAlignment.h" #include "api/BamAux.h" BlockMgr::BlockMgr(float overlapFraction, bool hasReciprocal) : _blockRecordsMgr(NULL), _breakOnDeletionOps(false), _breakOnSkipOps(true), _overlapFraction(overlapFraction), _hasReciprocal(hasReciprocal) { _blockRecordsMgr = new RecordMgr(_blockRecordsType); } BlockMgr::~BlockMgr() { delete _blockRecordsMgr; } void BlockMgr::getBlocks(RecordKeyVector &keyList, bool &mustDelete) { switch (keyList.getKey()->getType()) { case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED12_RECORD_TYPE: getBlocksFromBed12(keyList, mustDelete); break; case FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE: getBlocksFromBam(keyList, mustDelete); break; default: keyList.push_back(keyList.getKey()); mustDelete = false; break; } } void BlockMgr::getBlocksFromBed12(RecordKeyVector &keyList, bool &mustDelete) { const Bed12Interval *keyRecord = static_cast(keyList.getKey()); int blockCount = keyRecord->getBlockCount(); if ( blockCount <= 0 ) { mustDelete = false; return; } int sizeCount = _blockSizeTokens.tokenize(keyRecord->getBlockSizes(), ','); int startCount = _blockStartTokens.tokenize(keyRecord->getBlockStarts(), ','); if (blockCount != sizeCount || sizeCount != startCount) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: found wrong block counts while splitting entry.\n"); exit(-1); } for (int i=0; i < blockCount; i++) { int startPos = keyRecord->getStartPos() + str2chrPos(_blockStartTokens.getElem(i).c_str()); int endPos = startPos + str2chrPos(_blockSizeTokens.getElem(i).c_str()); const Record *record = allocateAndAssignRecord(keyRecord, startPos, endPos); keyList.push_back(record); } mustDelete = true; } void BlockMgr::getBlocksFromBam(RecordKeyVector &keyList, bool &mustDelete) { const BamRecord *keyRecord = static_cast(keyList.getKey()); const vector &cigarData = keyRecord->getCigarData(); int currPos = keyRecord->getStartPos(); int blockLength = 0; for (int i=0; i < (int)cigarData.size(); i++) { char opType = cigarData[i].Type; int opLen = (int)(cigarData[i].Length); switch(opType) { case 'I': case 'S': case 'P': case 'H': break; case 'M': case 'X': case '=': blockLength += opLen; break; case 'D': case 'N' : if ((opType == 'D' && !_breakOnDeletionOps) || (opType == 'N' && !_breakOnSkipOps)) { blockLength += opLen; } else { keyList.push_back(allocateAndAssignRecord(keyRecord, currPos, currPos + blockLength)); currPos += opLen + blockLength; blockLength = 0; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Found invalid Cigar operation: %c.\n", opType); exit(1); break; } } if (blockLength > 0) { keyList.push_back(allocateAndAssignRecord(keyRecord, currPos, currPos + blockLength)); } mustDelete = true; } Record *BlockMgr::allocateAndAssignRecord(const Record *keyRecord, int startPos, int endPos) { Record *record = _blockRecordsMgr->allocateRecord(); record->setChrName(keyRecord->getChrName()); record->setChromId(keyRecord->getChromId()); record->setStartPos(startPos); record->setEndPos(endPos); QuickString startPosStr; QuickString endPosStr; startPosStr.append(startPos); endPosStr.append(endPos); record->setStartPosStr(startPosStr); record->setEndPosStr(endPosStr); record->setName(keyRecord->getName()); record->setScore(keyRecord->getScore()); record->setStrand(keyRecord->getStrand()); return record; } int BlockMgr::getTotalBlockLength(RecordKeyVector &keyList) { int sum = 0; for (RecordKeyVector::const_iterator_type iter = keyList.begin(); iter != keyList.end(); iter = keyList.next()) { const Record *record = *iter; sum += record->getEndPos() - record->getStartPos(); } return sum; } void BlockMgr::deleteBlocks(RecordKeyVector &keyList) { for (RecordKeyVector::const_iterator_type iter = keyList.begin(); iter != keyList.end(); iter = keyList.next()) { _blockRecordsMgr->deleteRecord(*iter); } keyList.clearVector(); } int BlockMgr::findBlockedOverlaps(RecordKeyVector &keyList, RecordKeyVector &hitList, RecordKeyVector &resultList) { bool deleteKeyBlocks = false; if (keyList.empty()) { //get all the blocks for the query record, put them in it's list. getBlocks(keyList, deleteKeyBlocks); } _overlapBases.clear(); int keyBlocksSumLength = getTotalBlockLength(keyList); //Loop through every database record the query intersected with for (RecordKeyVector::const_iterator_type hitListIter = hitList.begin(); hitListIter != hitList.end(); hitListIter = hitList.next()) { RecordKeyVector hitBlocks(*hitListIter); bool deleteHitBlocks = false; getBlocks(hitBlocks, deleteHitBlocks); //get all blocks for the hit record. int hitBlockSumLength = getTotalBlockLength(hitBlocks); //get total length of the bocks for the hitRecord. int totalHitOverlap = 0; bool hitHasOverlap = false; //loop through every block of the database record. for (RecordKeyVector::const_iterator_type hitBlockIter = hitBlocks.begin(); hitBlockIter != hitBlocks.end(); hitBlockIter = hitBlocks.next()) { //loop through every block of the query record. for (RecordKeyVector::const_iterator_type keyListIter = keyList.begin(); keyListIter != keyList.end(); keyListIter = keyList.next()) { const Record *keyBlock = *keyListIter; const Record *hitBlock = *hitBlockIter; int maxStart = max(keyBlock->getStartPos(), hitBlock->getStartPos()); int minEnd = min(keyBlock->getEndPos(), hitBlock->getEndPos()); int overlap = minEnd - maxStart; if (overlap > 0) { hitHasOverlap = true; totalHitOverlap += overlap; } } } if (hitHasOverlap) { if ((float) totalHitOverlap / (float)keyBlocksSumLength >= _overlapFraction) { if (_hasReciprocal && ((float)totalHitOverlap / (float)hitBlockSumLength >= _overlapFraction)) { _overlapBases.push_back(totalHitOverlap); resultList.push_back(*hitListIter); } else if (!_hasReciprocal) { _overlapBases.push_back(totalHitOverlap); resultList.push_back(*hitListIter); } } } if (deleteHitBlocks) { deleteBlocks(hitBlocks); } } if (deleteKeyBlocks) { deleteBlocks(keyList); } resultList.setKey(keyList.getKey()); return (int)resultList.size(); }