/***************************************************************************** NewGenomeFile.cpp (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include "NewGenomeFile.h" #include "ParseTools.h" #include "Tokenizer.h" NewGenomeFile::NewGenomeFile(const QuickString &genomeFilename) : _maxId(-1) { _genomeFileName = genomeFilename; loadGenomeFileIntoMap(); } NewGenomeFile::NewGenomeFile(const BamTools::RefVector &refVector) : _maxId(-1) { size_t i = 0; for (; i < refVector.size(); ++i) { QuickString chrom = refVector[i].RefName; CHRPOS length = refVector[i].RefLength; _maxId++; _chromSizeIds[chrom] = pair(length, _maxId); _chromList.push_back(chrom); } // Special: BAM files can have unmapped reads, which show as no chromosome, or an empty chrom string. // Add in an empty chrom so these don't error. _maxId++; _chromSizeIds[""] = pair(0, _maxId); _chromList.push_back(""); } // Destructor NewGenomeFile::~NewGenomeFile(void) { } void NewGenomeFile::loadGenomeFileIntoMap() { ifstream genFile(_genomeFileName.c_str()); if (!genFile.good()) { cerr << "Error: Can't open genome file" << _genomeFileName << "Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } string sLine; Tokenizer fieldTokens; CHRPOS chrSize = 0; QuickString chrName; while (!genFile.eof()) { sLine.clear(); chrSize = 0; chrName.clear(); getline(genFile, sLine); int numFields = fieldTokens.tokenize(sLine.c_str()); if (numFields != 2) { continue; } chrName = fieldTokens.getElem(0); chrSize = str2chrPos(fieldTokens.getElem(1)); _maxId++; _chromSizeIds[chrName] = pair(chrSize, _maxId); _startOffsets.push_back(_genomeLength); _genomeLength += chrSize; _chromList.push_back(chrName); } if (_maxId == -1) { cerr << "Error: The genome file " << _genomeFileName << " has no valid entries. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } // Special: BAM files can have unmapped reads, which show as no chromosome, or an empty chrom string. // Add in an empty chrom so these don't error. _maxId++; _chromSizeIds[""] = pair(0, _maxId); _chromList.push_back(""); _startOffsets.push_back(_genomeLength); //insert the final length as the last element //to help with the lower_bound call in the projectOnGenome method. genFile.close(); } bool NewGenomeFile::projectOnGenome(CHRPOS genome_pos, QuickString &chrom, CHRPOS &start) { // search for the chrom that the position belongs on. // add 1 to genome position b/c of zero-based, half open. vector::const_iterator low = lower_bound(_startOffsets.begin(), _startOffsets.end(), genome_pos + 1); // use the iterator to identify the appropriate index // into the chrom name and start vectors CHRPOS i = CHRPOS(low-_startOffsets.begin()); if (i < 0 || i >= _chromList.size()) { return false; //position not on genome } chrom = _chromList[i - 1]; start = genome_pos - _startOffsets[i - 1]; return true; } CHRPOS NewGenomeFile::getChromSize(const QuickString &chrom) { if (chrom == _currChromName) { return _currChromSize; } lookupType::const_iterator iter= _chromSizeIds.find(chrom); if (iter != _chromSizeIds.end()) { _currChromName = iter->first; _currChromSize = iter->second.first; _currChromId = iter->second.second; return _currChromSize; } cerr << "Error: chromosome " << chrom << " is not in the genome file " << _genomeFileName << ". Exiting." << endl; return INT_MAX; } CHRPOS NewGenomeFile::getChromSize(const QuickString &chrom) const { if (chrom == _currChromName) { return _currChromSize; } lookupType::const_iterator iter= _chromSizeIds.find(chrom); if (iter != _chromSizeIds.end()) { return iter->second.first; } cerr << "Error: chromosome " << chrom << " is not in the genome file " << _genomeFileName << ". Exiting." << endl; return INT_MAX; } CHRPOS NewGenomeFile::getChromId(const QuickString &chrom) { if (chrom == _currChromName) { return _currChromId; } lookupType::const_iterator iter= _chromSizeIds.find(chrom); if (iter != _chromSizeIds.end()) { _currChromName = iter->first; _currChromSize = iter->second.first; _currChromId = iter->second.second; return _currChromId; } else { cerr << "Error: requested chromosome " << chrom << " does not exist in the genome file " << _genomeFileName << ". Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } return INT_MAX; }