/***************************************************************************** bedFile.h (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef BEDFILE_H #define BEDFILE_H // "local" includes #include "gzstream.h" #include "lineFileUtilities.h" #include "fileType.h" // standard includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include // Experimental. using namespace std; //************************************************* // Data type tydedef //************************************************* typedef uint32_t CHRPOS; typedef uint16_t BINLEVEL; typedef uint32_t BIN; typedef uint16_t USHORT; typedef uint32_t UINT; //************************************************* // Genome binning constants //************************************************* const BIN _numBins = 37450; const BINLEVEL _binLevels = 7; // bins range in size from 16kb to 512Mb // Bin 0 spans 512Mbp, # Level 1 // Bins 1-8 span 64Mbp, # Level 2 // Bins 9-72 span 8Mbp, # Level 3 // Bins 73-584 span 1Mbp # Level 4 // Bins 585-4680 span 128Kbp # Level 5 // Bins 4681-37449 span 16Kbp # Level 6 const BIN _binOffsetsExtended[] = {32678+4096+512+64+8+1, 4096+512+64+8+1, 512+64+8+1, 64+8+1, 8+1, 1, 0}; //const BIN _binOffsetsExtended[] = {4096+512+64+8+1, 4096+512+64+8+1, 512+64+8+1, 64+8+1, 8+1, 1, 0}; const USHORT _binFirstShift = 14; /* How much to shift to get to finest bin. */ const USHORT _binNextShift = 3; /* How much to shift to get to next larger bin. */ //************************************************* // Common data structures //************************************************* struct DEPTH { UINT starts; UINT ends; }; /* Structure for regular BED records */ struct BED { // Regular BED fields string chrom; CHRPOS start; CHRPOS end; string name; string score; string strand; // all of the original fields in the record vector fields; // indices of the "other" fields vector other_idxs; // is this a zero length feature: i.e., start == end bool zeroLength; public: // constructors // Null BED() : chrom(""), start(0), end(0), name(""), score(""), strand(""), fields(), other_idxs(), zeroLength(false) {} // BED3 BED(string chrom, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end) : chrom(chrom), start(start), end(end), name(""), score(""), strand(""), fields(), other_idxs(), zeroLength(false) {} // BED4 BED(string chrom, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end, string strand) : chrom(chrom), start(start), end(end), name(""), score(""), strand(strand), fields(), other_idxs(), zeroLength(false) {} // BED6 BED(string chrom, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end, string name, string score, string strand) : chrom(chrom), start(start), end(end), name(name), score(score), strand(strand), fields(), other_idxs(), zeroLength(false) {} // BEDALL BED(string chrom, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end, string name, string score, string strand, vector fields, vector other_idxs) : chrom(chrom), start(start), end(end), name(name), score(score), strand(strand), fields(fields), other_idxs(other_idxs), zeroLength(false) {} int size() const { return end-start; } }; // BED /* Structure for each end of a paired BED record mate points to the other end. */ struct MATE { BED bed; int lineNum; MATE *mate; }; /* Structure for regular BED COVERAGE records */ struct BEDCOV { string chrom; // Regular BED fields CHRPOS start; CHRPOS end; string name; string score; string strand; // all of the original fields in the record vector fields; // indices of the "other" fields vector other_idxs; // is this a zero length feature: i.e., start == end bool zeroLength; // Additional fields specific to computing coverage map depthMap; unsigned int count; CHRPOS minOverlapStart; public: // constructors // Null BEDCOV() : chrom(""), start(0), end(0), name(""), score(""), strand(""), fields(), other_idxs(), zeroLength(false), depthMap(), count(0), minOverlapStart(0) {} }; /* Structure for BED COVERAGE records having lists of multiple coverages */ struct BEDCOVLIST { // Regular BED fields string chrom; CHRPOS start; CHRPOS end; string name; string score; string strand; // all of the original fields in the record vector fields; // indices of the "other" fields vector other_idxs; // is this a zero length feature: i.e., start == end bool zeroLength; // Additional fields specific to computing coverage vector< map > depthMapList; vector counts; vector minOverlapStarts; public: // constructors // Null BEDCOVLIST() : chrom(""), start(0), end(0), name(""), score(""), strand(""), fields(), other_idxs(), zeroLength(false), depthMapList(), counts(0), minOverlapStarts(0) {} }; // enum to flag the state of a given line in a BED file. enum BedLineStatus { BED_INVALID = -1, BED_HEADER = 0, BED_BLANK = 1, BED_VALID = 2 }; // enum to indicate the type of file we are dealing with enum FileType { BED_FILETYPE, GFF_FILETYPE, VCF_FILETYPE }; //************************************************* // Data structure typedefs //************************************************* typedef vector bedVector; typedef vector bedCovVector; typedef vector mateVector; typedef vector bedCovListVector; typedef map binsToBeds; typedef map binsToBedCovs; typedef map binsToMates; typedef map binsToBedCovLists; typedef map masterBedMap; typedef map masterBedCovMap; typedef map masterMateMap; typedef map masterBedCovListMap; typedef map masterBedMapNoBin; // return the genome "bin" for a feature with this start and end inline BIN getBin(CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end) { --end; start >>= _binFirstShift; end >>= _binFirstShift; for (register short i = 0; i < _binLevels; ++i) { if (start == end) return _binOffsetsExtended[i] + start; start >>= _binNextShift; end >>= _binNextShift; } cerr << "start " << start << ", end " << end << " out of range in findBin (max is 512M)" << endl; return 0; } /**************************************************** // isInteger(s): Tests if string s is a valid integer *****************************************************/ inline bool isInteger(const std::string& s) { int len = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!std::isdigit(s[i])) return false; } return true; } // return the amount of overlap between two features. Negative if none and the // number of negative bases is the distance between the two. inline int overlaps(CHRPOS aS, CHRPOS aE, CHRPOS bS, CHRPOS bE) { return min(aE, bE) - max(aS, bS); } // is A after (to the right of) B? inline bool after(const BED &a, const BED &b) { return (a.start >= b.end); } // Ancillary functions void splitBedIntoBlocks(const BED &bed, bedVector &bedBlocks); // BED Sorting Methods bool sortByChrom(const BED &a, const BED &b); bool sortByStart(const BED &a, const BED &b); bool sortBySizeAsc(const BED &a, const BED &b); bool sortBySizeDesc(const BED &a, const BED &b); bool sortByScoreAsc(const BED &a, const BED &b); bool sortByScoreDesc(const BED &a, const BED &b); bool byChromThenStart(BED const &a, BED const &b); //************************************************ // BedFile Class methods and elements //************************************************ class BedFile { public: // Constructor BedFile(string &); BedFile(void); // Destructor ~BedFile(void); /********* File management ********/ // Open a BED file for reading (creates an istream pointer) void Open(void); // Close an opened BED file. void Close(void); // are the any intervals left in the file? bool Empty(void); // Rewind the pointer back to the beginning of the file void Rewind(void); // Jump to a specific byte in the file void Seek(unsigned long offset); // dump the header, which is collected as part of Open() void PrintHeader(void); // get the next line in the file. splits a line in _bedFields void GetLine(void); // Get the next BED entry in an opened BED file. bool GetNextBed (BED &bed, bool forceSorted = false); // Returns the next MERGED (i.e., non-overlapping) interval in // an opened BED file // NOTE: assumes input file is sorted by chrom then start bool GetNextMergedBed(BED &merged_bed); // load a BED file into a map keyed by chrom, then bin. value is // vector of BEDs void loadBedFileIntoMap(); void loadBedFileIntoMergedMap(); // load a BED entry into and existing map void addBEDIntoMap(BED bedEntry); // load a BED file into a map keyed by chrom, then bin. value is // vector of BEDCOVs void loadBedCovFileIntoMap(); // load a BED file into a map keyed by chrom, then bin. value is // vector of BEDCOVLISTs void loadBedCovListFileIntoMap(); // load a BED file into a map keyed by chrom. value is vector of BEDs void loadBedFileIntoMapNoBin(); // load a BED file into a vector of BEDs void loadBedFileIntoVector(); // Given a chrom, start, end and strand for a single feature, // search for all overlapping features in another BED file. // Searches through each relevant genome bin on the same chromosome // as the single feature. Note: Adapted from kent source "binKeeperFind" void allHits(string chrom, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end, string strand, vector &hits, bool sameStrand, bool diffStrand, float overlapFraction, bool reciprocal); // return true if at least one overlap was found. otherwise, return false. bool anyHits(string chrom, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end, string strand, bool sameStrand, bool diffStrand, float overlapFraction, bool reciprocal); // Given a chrom, start, end and strand for a single feature, // increment a the number of hits for each feature in B file // that the feature overlaps void countHits(const BED &a, bool sameStrand = false, bool diffStrand = false, bool countsOnly = false); // same as above, but has special logic that processes a set of // BED "blocks" from a single entry so as to avoid over-counting // each "block" of a single BAM/BED12 as distinct coverage. That is, // if one read has four block, we only want to count the coverage as // coming from one read, not four. void countSplitHits(const vector &bedBlock, bool sameStrand = false, bool diffStrand = false, bool countsOnly = false); // Given a chrom, start, end and strand for a single feature, // increment a the number of hits for each feature in B file // that the feature overlaps void countListHits(const BED &a, int index, bool sameStrand, bool diffStrand); // return the total length of all the intervals in the file. // use with GetNextBed() unsigned long getTotalLength(void); // return the total _flattened_ length of all the intervals in the file. // use with GetNextMergedBed() unsigned long getTotalFlattenedLength(void); // the bedfile with which this instance is associated string bedFile; unsigned int bedType; // 3-6, 12 for BED // 9 for GFF bool isBed12; // is it file of true blocked BED12 records? bool isZeroBased; // Main data structires used by BEDTools masterBedCovMap bedCovMap; masterBedCovListMap bedCovListMap; masterBedMap bedMap; bedVector bedList; masterBedMapNoBin bedMapNoBin; BedLineStatus _status; int _lineNum; private: // data bool _isGff; bool _isVcf; bool _typeIsKnown; // do we know the type? (i.e., BED, GFF, VCF) FileType _fileType; // what is the file type? (BED? GFF? VCF?) istream *_bedStream; string _bedLine; BED _nullBed; string _header; bool _firstLine; vector _bedFields; unsigned int _numFields; int _merged_start; int _merged_end; string _merged_chrom; int _prev_start; string _prev_chrom; unsigned long _total_length; unsigned long _total_flattened_length; void setZeroBased(bool zeroBased); void setGff (bool isGff); void setVcf (bool isVcf); void setFileType (FileType type); void setBedType (int colNums); void setBed12 (bool isBed12); /************ Private utilities ***********************/ void GetHeader(void); /****************************************************** Private definitions to circumvent linker issues with templated member functions. *******************************************************/ /* parseLine: converts a lineVector into either BED or BEDCOV (templated, hence in header to avoid linker issues.) */ template inline BedLineStatus parseLine (T &bed, const vector &fields) { // clear out the data from the last line. bed = _nullBed; // bail out if we have a blank line if (_numFields == 0) { return BED_BLANK; } // bail out if we have a comment line if ( (fields[0].find("#") == 0) || (fields[0].find("browser") == 0) || (fields[0].find("track") == 0) ) { return BED_HEADER; } if (_numFields >= 3) { // line parsing for all lines after the first non-header line if (_typeIsKnown == true) { switch(_fileType) { case BED_FILETYPE: if (parseBedLine(bed, fields) == true) return BED_VALID; case VCF_FILETYPE: if (parseVcfLine(bed, fields) == true) { return BED_VALID; } case GFF_FILETYPE: if (parseGffLine(bed, fields) == true) return BED_VALID; default: printf("ERROR: file type encountered. Exiting\n"); exit(1); } } // line parsing for first non-header line: figure out file contents else { // it's BED format if columns 2 and 3 are integers if (isInteger(fields[1]) && isInteger(fields[2])) { setGff(false); setZeroBased(true); setFileType(BED_FILETYPE); // we now expect numFields columns in each line setBedType(_numFields); // test to see if the file has true blocked BED12 records if (_numFields == 12) { int cdsStart = atoi(fields[6].c_str()); int cdsEnd = atoi(fields[7].c_str()); int numExons = atoi(fields[9].c_str()); if (cdsStart > 0 && cdsEnd > 0&& numExons > 0 && fields[10].find(",") == 0 && fields[11].find(",") == 0) { setBed12(true); } else setBed12(false); } if (parseBedLine(bed, fields) == true) return BED_VALID; } // it's VCF, assuming the second column is numeric and // there are at least 8 fields. else if (isInteger(fields[1]) && _numFields >= 8) { setGff(false); setVcf(true); setZeroBased(false); setFileType(VCF_FILETYPE); // we now expect numFields columns in each line setBedType(_numFields); if (parseVcfLine(bed, fields) == true) return BED_VALID; } // it's GFF, assuming columns columns 4 and 5 are numeric // and we have 9 fields total. else if ((_numFields >= 8) && isInteger(fields[3]) && isInteger(fields[4])) { setGff(true); setZeroBased(false); setFileType(GFF_FILETYPE); // we now expect numFields columns in each line setBedType(_numFields); if (parseGffLine(bed, fields) == true) { return BED_VALID; } } else { cerr << "Unexpected file format. " << "Please use tab-delimited BED, GFF, or VCF. " << "Perhaps you have non-integer starts or ends " << "at line " << _lineNum << "?" << endl; exit(1); } } } else { cerr << "It looks as though you have less than 3 columns at line: " << _lineNum << ". Are you sure your files are tab-delimited?" << endl; exit(1); } // default return BED_INVALID; } /* parseBedLine: converts a lineVector into either BED or BEDCOV (templated, hence in header to avoid linker issues.) */ template inline bool parseBedLine (T &bed, const vector &fields) { // process as long as the number of fields in this // line matches what we expect for this file. if (_numFields == this->bedType) { bed.fields = fields; bed.chrom = fields[0]; int i; i = atoi(fields[1].c_str()); if (i<0) { cerr << "Error: malformed BED entry at line " << _lineNum << ". Start Coordinate detected that is < 0. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } bed.start = (CHRPOS)i; i = atoi(fields[2].c_str()); if (i<0) { cerr << "Error: malformed BED entry at line " << _lineNum << ". End Coordinate detected that is < 0. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } bed.end = (CHRPOS)i; // handle starts == end (e.g., insertions in reference genome) if (bed.start == bed.end) { bed.start--; bed.end++; bed.zeroLength = true; } if (this->bedType == 4) { bed.name = fields[3]; } else if (this->bedType == 5) { bed.name = fields[3]; bed.score = fields[4]; } else if (this->bedType == 6) { bed.name = fields[3]; bed.score = fields[4]; bed.strand = fields[5]; } else if (this->bedType > 6) { bed.name = fields[3]; bed.score = fields[4]; bed.strand = fields[5]; for (unsigned int i = 6; i < fields.size(); ++i) { bed.other_idxs.push_back(i); } } else if (this->bedType != 3) { cerr << "Error: unexpected number of fields at line: " << _lineNum << ". Verify that your files are TAB-delimited. " << "Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } // sanity checks. if (bed.start <= bed.end) { return true; } else { cerr << "Error: malformed BED entry at line " << _lineNum << ". Start was greater than end. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } } else if (_numFields == 1) { cerr << "Only one BED field detected: " << _lineNum << ". Verify that your files are TAB-delimited. Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } else if ((_numFields != this->bedType) && (_numFields != 0)) { cerr << "Differing number of BED fields encountered at line: " << _lineNum << ". Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } else if ((_numFields < 3) && (_numFields != 0)) { cerr << "TAB delimited BED file with at least 3 fields" << " (chrom, start, end) is required at line: " << _lineNum << ". Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } return false; } /* parseVcfLine: converts a lineVector into either BED or BEDCOV (templated, hence in header to avoid linker issues.) */ template inline bool parseVcfLine (T &bed, const vector &fields) { if (_numFields >= this->bedType) { bed.fields = fields; bed.chrom = fields[0]; // VCF is one-based bed.start = atoi(fields[1].c_str()) - 1; // VCF 4.0 stores the size of the affected REF allele. bed.end = bed.start + fields[3].size(); bed.strand = "+"; // construct the name from the ref and alt alleles. // if it's an annotated variant, add the rsId as well. bed.name = fields[3] + "/" + fields[4]; if (fields[2] != ".") { bed.name += "_" + fields[2]; } if (this->bedType > 2) { for (unsigned int i = 2; i < _numFields; ++i) bed.other_idxs.push_back(i); } if ((bed.start <= bed.end) && (bed.start >= 0) && (bed.end >= 0)) { return true; } else if (bed.start > bed.end) { cerr << "Error: malformed VCF entry at line " << _lineNum << ". Start was greater than end. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } else if ( (bed.start < 0) || (bed.end < 0) ) { cerr << "Error: malformed VCF entry at line " << _lineNum << ". Coordinate detected that is < 0. " << "Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } } else if (_numFields == 1) { cerr << "Only one VCF field detected: " << _lineNum << ". Verify that your files are TAB-delimited. " << "Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } else if ((_numFields != this->bedType) && (_numFields != 0)) { cerr << "Differing number of VCF fields encountered at line: " << _lineNum << ". Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } else if ((_numFields < 2) && (_numFields != 0)) { cerr << "TAB delimited VCF file with at least 2 fields " << "(chrom, pos) is required at line: " << _lineNum << ". Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } return false; } /* parseGffLine: converts a lineVector into either BED or BEDCOV (templated, hence in header to avoid linker issues.) */ template inline bool parseGffLine (T &bed, const vector &fields) { if (_numFields == this->bedType) { bed.fields = fields; if (this->bedType >= 8 && _isGff) { bed.chrom = fields[0]; if (isInteger(fields[3])) bed.start = atoi(fields[3].c_str()); if (isInteger(fields[4])) bed.end = atoi(fields[4].c_str()); bed.name = fields[2]; bed.score = fields[5]; bed.strand = fields[6].c_str(); // add GFF "source". unused in BED bed.other_idxs.push_back(1); // add GFF "fname". unused in BED bed.other_idxs.push_back(7); // handle the optional 9th field. if (this->bedType == 9) // add GFF "group". unused in BED bed.other_idxs.push_back(8); bed.start--; } else { cerr << "Error: unexpected number of fields at line: " << _lineNum << ". Verify that your files are TAB-delimited and that " << "your GFF file has 8 or 9 fields. Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } if (bed.start > bed.end) { cerr << "Error: malformed GFF entry at line " << _lineNum << ". Start was greater than end. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } if ( (bed.start < 0) || (bed.end < 0) ) { cerr << "Error: malformed GFF entry at line " << _lineNum << ". Coordinate detected that is < 1. Exiting." << endl; exit(1); } return true; } else if (_numFields == 1) { cerr << "Only one GFF field detected: " << _lineNum << ". Verify that your files are TAB-delimited. Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } else if ((_numFields != this->bedType) && (_numFields != 0)) { cerr << "Differing number of GFF fields encountered at line: " << _lineNum << ". Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } else if ((_numFields < 8) && (_numFields != 0)) { cerr << "TAB delimited GFF file with 8 or 9 fields is required" << " at line: " << _lineNum << ". Exiting..." << endl; exit(1); } return false; } public: /* reportBedTab Writes the _original_ BED entry with a TAB at the end of the line. Works for BED3 - BED6. */ template inline void reportBedTab(const T &bed) { // if it is azeroLength feature, we need to // correct the start and end coords to what they were // in the original file CHRPOS start = bed.start; CHRPOS end = bed.end; if (bed.zeroLength) { if (_isGff == false) start++; end--; } // BED if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 3) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end); } else if (this->bedType == 4) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 5) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 6) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType > 6) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { printf("%s\t", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } } } // VCF else if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == true) { printf ("%s\t%d\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start+1); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { printf("%s\t", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } } // GFF else if (_isGff == true) { // "GFF-8" if (this->bedType == 8) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str()); } // "GFF-9" else if (this->bedType == 9) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[2]].c_str()); } } } /* reportToFileBedNewLine Writes the _original_ BED entry with a NEWLINE at the end of the line. Works for BED3 - BED6. */ template inline void reportToFileBedNewLine(FILE* out,const T &bed) { // if it is azeroLength feature, we need to // correct the start and end coords to what they were // in the original file CHRPOS start = bed.start; CHRPOS end = bed.end; if (bed.zeroLength) { if (_isGff == false) start++; end--; } //BED if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 3) { fprintf(out,"%s\t%d\t%d\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end); } else if (this->bedType == 4) { fprintf(out,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 5) { fprintf(out,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 6) { fprintf(out,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType > 6) { fprintf(out,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { fprintf(out,"\t%s", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } fprintf(out,"\n"); } } // VCF else if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == true) { fprintf(out,"%s\t%d", bed.chrom.c_str(), start+1); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { fprintf(out,"\t%s", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } fprintf(out,"\n"); } // GFF else if (_isGff == true) { // "GFF-8" if (this->bedType == 8) { fprintf (out,"%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str()); } // "GFF-9" else if (this->bedType == 9) { fprintf (out,"%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[2]].c_str()); } } } /* specialized version of reportBedNewLine printing to stdout */ template inline void reportBedNewLine(const T &bed) { reportToFileBedNewLine(stdout,bed); } /* reportBedRangeNewLine Writes a custom start->end for a BED entry with a NEWLINE at the end of the line. Works for BED3 - BED6. */ template inline void reportBedRangeTab(const T &bed, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end) { // if it is azeroLength feature, we need to // correct the start and end coords to what they were // in the original file if (bed.zeroLength) { start = bed.start + 1; end = bed.end - 1; } // BED if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 3) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end); } else if (this->bedType == 4) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 5) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 6) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType > 6) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { printf("%s\t", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } } } // VCF else if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == true) { printf ("%s\t%d\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.start+1); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { printf("%s\t", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } } // GFF else if (_isGff == true) { // "GFF-8" if (this->bedType == 8) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str()); } // "GFF-9" else if (this->bedType == 9) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[2]].c_str()); } } } /* reportBedRangeTab Writes a custom start->end for a BED entry with a TAB at the end of the line. Works for BED3 - BED6. */ template inline void reportBedRangeNewLine(const T &bed, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end) { // if it is azeroLength feature, we need to // correct the start and end coords to what they were // in the original file if (bed.zeroLength) { start = bed.start + 1; end = bed.end - 1; } // BED if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 3) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end); } else if (this->bedType == 4) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 5) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType == 6) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); } else if (this->bedType > 6) { printf ("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s", bed.chrom.c_str(), start, end, bed.name.c_str(), bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str()); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { printf("\t%s", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } printf("\n"); } } // VCF else if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == true) { printf ("%s\t%d", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.start+1); vector::const_iterator othIt = bed.other_idxs.begin(); vector::const_iterator othEnd = bed.other_idxs.end(); for ( ; othIt != othEnd; ++othIt) { printf("\t%s", bed.fields[*othIt].c_str()); } printf("\n"); } // GFF else if (_isGff == true) { // "GFF-8" if (this->bedType == 8) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str()); } // "GFF-9" else if (this->bedType == 9) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", bed.chrom.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[0]].c_str(), bed.name.c_str(), start+1, end, bed.score.c_str(), bed.strand.c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[1]].c_str(), bed.fields[bed.other_idxs[2]].c_str()); } } } /* reportNullBedTab */ void reportNullBedTab() { if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 3) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t"); } else if (this->bedType == 4) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t"); } else if (this->bedType == 5) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t-1\t"); } else if (this->bedType == 6) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t-1\t.\t"); } else if (this->bedType > 6) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t-1\t.\t"); for (unsigned int i = 6; i < this->bedType; ++i) { printf(".\t"); } } } else if (_isGff == true && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 8) { printf (".\t.\t.\t-1\t-1\t-1\t.\t.\t"); } else if (this->bedType == 9) { printf (".\t.\t.\t-1\t-1\t-1\t.\t.\t.\t"); } } } /* reportNullBedTab */ void reportNullBedNewLine() { if (_isGff == false && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 3) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\n"); } else if (this->bedType == 4) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\n"); } else if (this->bedType == 5) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t-1\n"); } else if (this->bedType == 6) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t-1\t.\n"); } else if (this->bedType > 6) { printf (".\t-1\t-1\t.\t-1\t."); for (unsigned int i = 6; i < this->bedType; ++i) { printf("\t."); } printf("\n"); } } else if (_isGff == true && _isVcf == false) { if (this->bedType == 8) { printf (".\t.\t.\t-1\t-1\t-1\t.\t.\n"); } else if (this->bedType == 9) { printf (".\t.\t.\t-1\t-1\t-1\t.\t.\t.\n"); } } } }; #endif /* BEDFILE_H */