/* * FileRecordTypeChecker.h * * Created on: Nov 19, 2012 * Author: nek3d */ #ifndef FILERECORDTYPECHECKER_H_ #define FILERECORDTYPECHECKER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PushBackStreamBuf.h" #include "Tokenizer.h" using namespace std; class FileRecordTypeChecker { public: FileRecordTypeChecker(); ~FileRecordTypeChecker() {} typedef enum { UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE, EMPTY_FILE_TYPE, SINGLE_LINE_DELIM_TEXT_FILE_TYPE, MULTI_LINE_ENTRY_TEXT_FILE_TYPE, GFF_FILE_TYPE, GZIP_FILE_TYPE, BAM_FILE_TYPE, VCF_FILE_TYPE} FILE_TYPE; typedef enum { UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE, EMPTY_RECORD_TYPE, BED3_RECORD_TYPE, BED4_RECORD_TYPE, BEDGRAPH_RECORD_TYPE, BED5_RECORD_TYPE, BED6_RECORD_TYPE, BED12_RECORD_TYPE, BED_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE, BED6_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE, BAM_RECORD_TYPE, VCF_RECORD_TYPE, GFF_RECORD_TYPE, GFF_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE, NO_POS_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE} RECORD_TYPE; void setFilename(const QuickString & filename) { _filename = filename; } bool scanBuffer(const char *buf, size_t len, bool eofHit, bool isCompressed = false); bool needsMoreData() const { return _insufficientData; } bool recordTypeHasName(RECORD_TYPE type) const { return _hasName.find(type) != _hasName.end(); } bool recordTypeHasScore(RECORD_TYPE type) const { return _hasScore.find(type) != _hasScore.end(); } bool recordTypeHasStrand(RECORD_TYPE type) const { return _hasStrand.find(type) != _hasStrand.end(); } FILE_TYPE getFileType() const { return _fileType; } void setFileType(FILE_TYPE type) { _fileType = type; } RECORD_TYPE getRecordType() const { return _recordType; } void setRecordType(RECORD_TYPE type) { _recordType = type; } const string &getFileTypeName() const { return _fileTypeNames.find(_fileType)->second; } const string &getRecordTypeName() const { return _recordTypeNames.find(_recordType)->second; } bool isBinary() const { return _isBinary; } bool isBam() const { return _isBAM; } bool isGzipped() const { return _isGzipped; } void setBam(); //call only if you're SURE the file is BAM! bool isText() const { return _isText; } bool isDelimited() const { return _isDelimited; } char getDelimChar() const { return _delimChar; } int getNumFields() const { return _numFields; } bool isVcf() const; bool isBed() const { return _isBed; } bool isBed3() const { return (_isBed && _numFields == 3); } bool isBed4() const { return (_isBed && _numFields == 4 && !_fourthFieldNumeric); } bool isBedGraph() const { return (_isBed && _numFields == 4 && _fourthFieldNumeric); } bool isBed5() const { return (_isBed && _numFields == 3); } bool isBed6() const { return (_isBed && _numFields == 6); } bool isBedPlus() const { return (_isBed && _numFields > 6 && _numFields != 12); } bool isBed12() const { return (_isBed && _numFields == 12); } bool isGFF() const { return _isGFF; } void setInHeader(bool val) { _inheader = val; } private: FILE_TYPE _fileType; RECORD_TYPE _recordType; QuickString _filename; //useful for reporting errors with file. Tokenizer _tokenizer; int _firstValidDataLineIdx; int _numBytesInBuffer; //this will hold the length of the buffer after the scan. int _numFields; bool _isBinary; bool _isText; bool _isBed; bool _isDelimited; char _delimChar; bool _isVCF; bool _isBAM; bool _isGFF; bool _isGFFplus; bool _isGzipped; bool _isCompressed; bool _insufficientData; //set to true if scan buffer had only header lines. bool _fourthFieldNumeric; //this is just to distinguish between Bed4 and BedGraph files. bool _givenEmptyBuffer; map _recordTypeNames; map _fileTypeNames; map _hasName; map _hasScore; map _hasStrand; bool _eofHit; bool _inheader; bool isBinaryBuffer(const char *buffer, size_t len); bool isBAM(const char *buffer); bool handleTextFormat(const char *buffer, size_t len); bool isTextDelimtedFormat(const char *buffer, size_t len); bool isBedFormat(); bool isVCFformat(const char *buffer); bool isGFFformat(); bool delimiterTesting(vector &counts, char suspectChar); bool isStrandField(int field); bool passesBed5(); bool passesBed6(); bool passesBed12(); }; #endif /* FILERECORDTYPECHECKER_H_ */