/***************************************************************************** windowMaker.cpp (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licenced under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include "windowMaker.h" WindowMaker::WindowMaker(string &fileName, ID_METHOD id_method, INPUT_FILE_TYPE input_file_type, uint32_t size, uint32_t step, bool reverse) : _size(size) , _step(step) , _count(0) , _reverse(reverse) , _window_method(FIXED_WINDOW_SIZE) , _id_method(id_method) { if (input_file_type==GENOME_FILE) MakeWindowsFromGenome(fileName); else MakeWindowsFromBED(fileName); } WindowMaker::WindowMaker(string &fileName, ID_METHOD id_method, INPUT_FILE_TYPE input_file_type, uint32_t count, bool reverse) : _size(0) , _step(0) , _count(count) , _reverse(reverse) , _window_method(FIXED_WINDOW_COUNT) , _id_method(id_method) { if (input_file_type==GENOME_FILE) MakeWindowsFromGenome(fileName); else MakeWindowsFromBED(fileName); } WindowMaker::~WindowMaker(void) {} void WindowMaker::MakeWindowsFromGenome(const string& genomeFileName) { GenomeFile *_genome = new GenomeFile(genomeFileName); // get a list of the chroms in the user's genome vector chromList = _genome->getChromList(); // process each chrom in the genome for (size_t c = 0; c < chromList.size(); ++c) { string chrom = chromList[c]; BED bed(chrom,0,_genome->getChromSize(chrom),chrom,"",""); MakeBEDWindow(bed); } } void WindowMaker::MakeWindowsFromBED(string& bedFileName) { BedFile bf(bedFileName); bf.Open(); BED bed; while (bf.GetNextBed(bed)) { if (bf._status == BED_VALID) MakeBEDWindow(bed); } bf.Close(); } void WindowMaker::MakeBEDWindow(const BED& interval) { if (_window_method==FIXED_WINDOW_SIZE) MakeFixedSizeWindow(interval); else MakeFixedCountWindow(interval); } uint32_t WindowMaker::CalculateWindows(const BED& interval) { uint32_t num_windows = (interval.end - interval.start) / _step; if ((interval.end - interval.start) % _step > 0) { // add 1 to num_windows if the last window is less than _step num_windows += 1; } return num_windows; } void WindowMaker::MakeFixedSizeWindow(const BED& interval) { uint32_t i=1; uint32_t num_windows = CalculateWindows(interval); for (uint32_t start = interval.start; start <= interval.end; start += _step, ++i) { string name = GenerateID(interval, i, num_windows, _reverse); if ((start + _size) <= interval.end) { cout << interval.chrom << "\t" << start << "\t" << start + _size << name << endl; } else if (start < interval.end) { cout << interval.chrom << "\t" << start << "\t" << interval.end << name << endl; } } } void WindowMaker::MakeFixedCountWindow(const BED& interval) { uint32_t interval_size = interval.end - interval.start ; uint32_t window_size = (interval_size-1)/_count + 1; // integer version of ceil(interval_size/_count) if (window_size==0 || interval_size==0) return; uint32_t i=1; for (uint32_t start = interval.start; start < interval.end; start += window_size, ++i) { string name = GenerateID(interval, i, _count, _reverse); uint32_t end = min(start + window_size,interval.end); cout << interval.chrom << "\t" << start << "\t" << end << name << endl; } } string WindowMaker::GenerateID(const BED& interval, uint32_t window_index, uint32_t num_windows, bool _reverse) const { stringstream s; // cout << "num_windows: " << num_windows << endl; // cout << "window_index: " << window_index << endl << endl; switch(_id_method) { case ID_SOURCE_ID: s << "\t" << interval.name; break; case ID_WINDOW_NUMBER: if (_reverse == true && num_windows > 0) { s << "\t" << num_windows - window_index + 1; } else { s << "\t" << window_index; } break; case ID_SOURCE_ID_WINDOW_NUMBER: if (_reverse == true && num_windows > 0) { s << "\t" << interval.name << "_" << num_windows - window_index + 1; } else { s << "\t" << interval.name << "_" << window_index; } default: case ID_NONE: break; } return s.str(); }