#!/bin/bash # This script is called by ACEDB Pick_me_to_call records. # It chooses a viewer, depending on the file extension. # Mime might be the 'right' way to do this, but it's # immensly easier to just write a short script, and probably # more reliable. # In most cases the file extension tells us what to do with # the file. However, we also want to be able to correctly handle # a URL, so URL tells us if $1 is a URL, rather than a local # file name. echo 'chooseviewer: Filename: '$1 EXT=${1##*.} URLFLAG=`echo $1 | egrep -e '^http:|^https:|^ftp:|^ftps:'` if [ ! -z "$URLFLAG" ] then EXT="html" fi case $EXT in # -------- Web pages "html" | "shtml" | "HTML" | "htm" | "HTM") browser.csh $1 & ;; # -------- PDF, PostScript "pdf" | "PDF" ) acePDFviewer $1 & ;; "ps" | "PS" ) acePSviewer $1 & ;; # -------- Spreadsheet "xls" | "XLS" | "ods" | "sxc" | "csv" | "tsv" | "CSV" | "dif" | "DBF") acespreadsheet $1 & ;; # -------- Bitmap graphics "GIF") aceviewer $1 & ;; "gif") aceviewer $1 & ;; "JPG") aceviewer $1 & ;; "jpg") aceviewer $1 & ;; "JPEG") aceviewer $1 & ;; "jpeg") aceviewer $1 & ;; "PNG") aceviewer $1 & ;; "png") aceviewer $1 & ;; "BMP") aceviewer $1 & ;; "bmp") aceviewer $1 & ;; "TIF") aceviewer $1 & ;; "tif") aceviewer $1 & ;; "TIFF") aceviewer $1 & ;; "tiff") aceviewer $1 & ;; # -------- Default is text editor *) acetextedit $1 & ;; esac