#!/bin/sh # For each name in INFILE, call a SeqHound method, and return # the result (a list). Results for each name are converted into # a GDE flat file. Flat files are concatenated into a single # flatfile to be read back into GDE. # Make sure that the user has a $HOME/.shoundremrc file if [ ! -f $HOME/.shoundremrc ] then ln -s $BIRCH/java/Leash/shoundremrc $HOME/.shoundremrc fi # RM_CMD - command to be used for removing files and directories if [ -f /usr/bin/rm ] then RM_CMD=/usr/bin/rm else if [ -f /bin/rm ] then RM_CMD=/bin/rm else RM_CMD=rm fi fi INFILE=$1 shift OUTFILE=$1 shift TYPE=$1 shift cat $INFILE | while read name do echo $name java -jar $birch/java/Leash/Leash.jar -mpi $name $* -of $name.$TYPE python $BIRCH/script/list2flat.py $name.$TYPE leash.$$ cat leash.$$ >> $OUTFILE $RM_CMD $name.$TYPE leash.$$ done