ID AMIR_PSEAE Reviewed; 196 AA. AC P10932; DT 01-JUL-1989, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. DT 08-DEC-2000, sequence version 2. DT 18-MAY-2010, entry version 81. DE RecName: Full=Aliphatic amidase regulator; GN Name=amiR; OrderedLocusNames=PA3363; OS Pseudomonas aeruginosa. OC Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadales; OC Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas. OX NCBI_TaxID=287; RN [1] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC DNA]. RC STRAIN=PAC433; RX MEDLINE=89211409; PubMed=2495988; DOI=10.1016/0014-5793(89)80249-2; RA Lowe N., Rice P.M., Drew R.E.; RT "Nucleotide sequence of the aliphatic amidase regulator gene (amiR) of RT Pseudomonas aeruginosa."; RL FEBS Lett. 246:39-43(1989). RN [2] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]. RC STRAIN=ATCC 15692 / PAO1 / 1C / PRS 101 / LMG 12228; RX MEDLINE=20437337; PubMed=10984043; DOI=10.1038/35023079; RA Stover C.K., Pham X.-Q.T., Erwin A.L., Mizoguchi S.D., Warrener P., RA Hickey M.J., Brinkman F.S.L., Hufnagle W.O., Kowalik D.J., Lagrou M., RA Garber R.L., Goltry L., Tolentino E., Westbrock-Wadman S., Yuan Y., RA Brody L.L., Coulter S.N., Folger K.R., Kas A., Larbig K., Lim R.M., RA Smith K.A., Spencer D.H., Wong G.K.-S., Wu Z., Paulsen I.T., RA Reizer J., Saier M.H. Jr., Hancock R.E.W., Lory S., Olson M.V.; RT "Complete genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, an RT opportunistic pathogen."; RL Nature 406:959-964(2000). RN [3] RP CHARACTERIZATION. RX MEDLINE=95286483; PubMed=7539417; RA Wilson S.A., Drew R.E.; RT "Transcriptional analysis of the amidase operon from Pseudomonas RT aeruginosa."; RL J. Bacteriol. 177:3052-3057(1995). RN [4] RP X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (2.25 ANGSTROMS) OF COMPLEX WITH AMIC. RC STRAIN=PAC1; RX MEDLINE=99437995; PubMed=10508151; DOI=10.1093/emboj/18.19.5175; RA O'Hara B.P., Norman R.A., Wan P.T., Roe S.M., Barrett T.E., Drew R.E., RA Pearl L.H.; RT "Crystal structure and induction mechanism of AmiC-AmiR: a ligand- RT regulated transcription antitermination complex."; RL EMBO J. 18:5175-5186(1999). CC -!- FUNCTION: Positive controlling element of AmiE, the gene for CC aliphatic amidase. Acts as a transcriptional antitermination CC factor. It is thought to allow RNA polymerase read through a rho- CC independent transcription terminator between the AmiE promoter and CC gene. CC -!- SUBUNIT: Forms a complex with AmiC. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Contains 1 ANTAR domain. CC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License CC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; X13776; CAA32023.1; -; Genomic_DNA. DR EMBL; AE004091; AAG06751.1; -; Genomic_DNA. DR PIR; B83226; B83226. DR PIR; S03884; S03884. DR RefSeq; NP_252053.1; -. DR PDB; 1QO0; X-ray; 2.25 A; D/E=1-196. DR PDBsum; 1QO0; -. DR GeneID; 880573; -. DR GenomeReviews; AE004091_GR; PA3363. DR KEGG; pae:PA3363; -. DR PseudoCAP; PA3363; -. DR HOGENOM; HBG638444; -. DR OMA; QLQRIGC; -. DR ProtClustDB; CLSK867929; -. DR BioCyc; PAER208964:PA3363-MONOMER; -. DR GO; GO:0006350; P:transcription; IEA:UniProtKB-KW. DR GO; GO:0031564; P:transcription antitermination; IEA:UniProtKB-KW. DR InterPro; IPR005561; AmiR_NasR_reg. DR InterPro; IPR011006; CheY-like. DR InterPro; IPR008327; Sig_transdc_resp-reg_antiterm. DR InterPro; IPR011991; WHTH_trsnscrt_rep_DNA-bd. DR Gene3D; G3DSA:; Wing_hlx_DNA_bd; 1. DR Pfam; PF03861; ANTAR; 1. DR PIRSF; PIRSF036382; RR_antiterm; 1. DR SUPFAM; SSF52172; CheY_like; 1. DR PROSITE; PS50921; ANTAR; 1. PE 1: Evidence at protein level; KW 3D-structure; Complete proteome; Transcription; KW Transcription antitermination; Transcription regulation. FT CHAIN 1 196 Aliphatic amidase regulator. FT /FTId=PRO_0000064582. FT DOMAIN 129 190 ANTAR. FT CONFLICT 48 48 S -> A (in Ref. 1; CAA32023). FT CONFLICT 64 64 R -> G (in Ref. 1; CAA32023). FT CONFLICT 141 141 E -> D (in Ref. 1; CAA32023). FT CONFLICT 154 154 A -> V (in Ref. 1; CAA32023). FT CONFLICT 170 170 Y -> H (in Ref. 1; CAA32023). FT HELIX 3 8 FT HELIX 9 12 FT STRAND 14 19 FT HELIX 23 35 FT STRAND 38 42 FT STRAND 54 59 FT HELIX 65 75 FT STRAND 81 86 FT HELIX 91 100 FT STRAND 103 109 FT HELIX 112 114 FT HELIX 115 160 FT HELIX 164 175 FT TURN 176 179 FT HELIX 182 189 SQ SEQUENCE 196 AA; 21903 MW; 306A4F30E8E4C6C0 CRC64; MSANSLLGSL RELQVLVLNP PGEVSDALVL QLIRIGCSVR QCWPPPESFD VPVDVVFTSI FQNRHHDEIA ALLAAGTPRT TLVALVEYES PAVLSQIIEL ECHGVITQPL DAHRVLPVLV SARRISEEMA KLKQKTEQLQ ERIAGQARIN QAKALLMQRH GWDEREAHQY LSREAMKRRE PILKIAQELL GNEPSA //