/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ /** * Changes: * * 10-02-07,Nigel Brown(EMBL): changed ifstream to InFileStream to handle * cross-platform end-of-lines. * * 23-03-07,Nigel Brown(EMBL): added call to Alignment::testUniqueNames() to * test sequence names prior to appending; moved * Alignment::checkAllNamesDifferent() test into block handling loading of new * sequences. * * 02-04-07,Nigel Brown(EMBL): commented out the "No sequences in file..." * warnings in seqInput() and profileInput()and enabled the * higher-up-the-stack counterpart in MainWindow::errorHandler(), since the * former was causing a crash during the repaint after the user accepts the * message, because some state (what exactly?) is unstable at this depth after * a sequence load error, specifically when loading an empty file after * already loading some sequences. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "FileReader.h" namespace clustalw { FileReader::FileReader() { fileIn = new InFileStream; structPenalties = NONE; // I think this should be ok. } FileReader::~FileReader() { delete fileIn; } /* check if we've read sequences without any information, i.e. header * but no sequence at all */ bool FileReader::noEmptySequence(vector seqVector) { vector::iterator si; for (si = seqVector.begin(); si != seqVector.end(); si++) { if (si->isEmpty()) { return false; } } return true; } /* * The function seqInput is called from the interactive menu only. This is because it * allows us to append seqs. But this would not happen on command line. * It is called twice in the interactive menu, both times with append as false. It calls * the readseqs function to do the work. */ int FileReader::seqInput(Alignment *alignPtr, bool append) { int i; int code; if(userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout << "\n\nSequences should all be in 1 file.\n"; cout << "\n7 formats accepted: \n"; cout << "NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt, Pearson (Fasta), GDE, Clustal, GCG/MSF, \ RSF.\n\n\n"; } if (append) { int numSeqsAlready = alignPtr->getNumSeqs(); code = readSeqs(alignPtr, numSeqsAlready + 1); } else { code = readSeqs(alignPtr, 1); // 1 is the first seq to be read } if(code == OK) { userParameters->setStructPenalties1(false); userParameters->setStructPenalties2(false); alignPtr->clearSecStruct1(); alignPtr->clearSecStruct2(); string typeOfAlign = userParameters->getDNAFlag() ? "DNA" : "PROTEIN"; cout << "Sequences assumed to be " << typeOfAlign << endl; if (userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout << "\n\n"; alignPtr->printSequencesAddedInfo(); } if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAMultiGap(); } else { userParameters->setProtMultiGap(); } userParameters->setEmpty(false); } else if(code == NOSEQUENCESINFILE) // no sequences { /* 02-04-07,nige: this causes a fatal repaint: let * MainWindow::errorHandler deal with it. */ //utilityObject->error("No sequences in file! Bad format?\n"); return code; } else { return code; } return code; } /* * The function readSeqs will create the FileParser that is needed and * it will read in all of the sequences. Depending on the filetype, it * will also check for secondary structure information. */ int FileReader::readSeqs(Alignment *alignPtr, int firstSeq) { string line; string fileName; string linuxFilePath = "file://"; // static char *seq1, sname1[MAXNAMES + 1], title[MAXTITLES + 1]; //int i, j; int noSeqs; //static int l1; static bool DNAFlag1; vector seqVector; vector seqRangeVector; auto_ptr fileParser; // Means we dont need to delete it! vector _outputIndex; // Local version of outputIndex. if (userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { utilityObject->getStr(string("Enter the name of the sequence file "), line); } else { line = userParameters->getSeqName(); } if (line.length() == 0) { // We have no fileName, so return -1 return -1; } // If we have file:// in the string, remove it!! string::size_type loc = line.find(linuxFilePath, 0); if(loc != string::npos) { fileName = line.substr(loc + linuxFilePath.length()); line = fileName; } // Now we have the file name, we must open the file. fileIn->open(line.c_str()); //nige if (fileIn->fail()) return CANNOTOPENFILE; sequenceFileName = line; // Check if the file exists! if (!fileIn->is_open()) { utilityObject->error("Cannot open input file (%s)\n", line.c_str()); return CANNOTOPENFILE; } userParameters->setSeqName(line); // NOTE I made a change here because the profile2Name was not stored! if(userParameters->getProfileNum() == 2 && userParameters->getProfile2Name().empty()) { userParameters->setProfile2Name(line); } else if(userParameters->getProfileNum() == 1 && userParameters->getProfile1Name().empty()) { userParameters->setProfile1Name(line); } noSeqs = 0; checkInfile(&noSeqs, fileParser); if (noSeqs == 0) { return NOSEQUENCESINFILE; } seqRangeVector = fileParser->getSeqRange(1, noSeqs); if (seqRangeVector.size()==0) return fileParser->getParseExitCode(); // FIXME AW: noEmptySequence check should be done internally by FileParser instances if (noEmptySequence(seqRangeVector) == false) return EMPTYSEQUENCE; // Error there are same names. for (int i=0; igetExplicitDNAFlag()) { DNAFlag1 = tempSeq.checkDNAFlag(); // check DNA/Prot if (i == 1) { userParameters->setDNAFlag(DNAFlag1); } } // type decided by first seq else { DNAFlag1 = userParameters->getDNAFlag(); } seqVector.push_back(tempSeq); } if(firstSeq == 1) // New mulitple alignment, or else profile1 { int prfNum = userParameters->getProfileNum(); alignPtr->addSequences(&seqVector); //test names after saving if(alignPtr->checkAllNamesDifferent() == false) { //nige moved return ALLNAMESNOTDIFFERENT; // Error there are same names. } userParameters->setProfileNum(prfNum); if(!alignPtr->addOutputIndex(&_outputIndex)) { return OTHERERROR; } } else // profile2 { //test names before appending if (! alignPtr->testUniqueNames(&seqVector)) { //nige added return ALLNAMESNOTDIFFERENT; } alignPtr->appendSequences(&seqVector); if(!alignPtr->appendOutputIndex(&_outputIndex)) { return OTHERERROR; } } // Then need to pass the length to the parser to get the secondary structure info. int maxAlnLength; // Get values from the Alignment object. maxAlnLength = alignPtr->getMaxAlnLength(); // look for a feature table / gap penalty mask (only if this is a profile) if (userParameters->getProfileNum() > 0) { structPenalties = NONE; secStructMask.clear(); gapPenaltyMask.clear(); secStructName = ""; fileParser->getSecStructure(gapPenaltyMask, secStructMask, secStructName, structPenalties, maxAlnLength); // Andreas Wilm (UCD): bug 114 // after calling getSecStructure gapPenaltyMask needs to be // allocated (it's copied/linked to later) if (gapPenaltyMask.empty()) { gapPenaltyMask.resize(secStructMask.size()); } } if (fileIn->is_open()) { fileIn->close(); } return OK; // return the number of seqs. read in this call } /* * The function profileInput is used to read profiles into the Alignment. If the first * profile is already there it will read in the second profile. It returns the number * of seqs. If it returns -1, couldnt open file. */ int FileReader::profileInput(Alignment *alignPtr) { int code; //int i, totalNumOfSeqs = 0; if(userParameters->getProfileNum() == 2 && userParameters->getProfile1Empty()) { utilityObject->error("You must read in profile number 1 first\n"); return MUSTREADINPROFILE1FIRST; } if(userParameters->getProfileNum() == 1) // for the 1st profile { code = readSeqs(alignPtr, 1); if (code == OK) { // success; found some seqs. userParameters->setStructPenalties1(NONE); alignPtr->clearSecStruct1(); // Clear old info if (structPenalties != NONE) // feature table / mask in alignment { userParameters->setStructPenalties1(structPenalties); if (structPenalties == SECST) { alignPtr->addSecStructMask1(&secStructMask); } alignPtr->addGapPenaltyMask1(&gapPenaltyMask); alignPtr->addSecStructName1(secStructName); } alignPtr->setProfile1NumSeqs(alignPtr->getNumSeqs()); userParameters->setProfile1Empty(false); userParameters->setProfile2Empty(true); cout << "No. of seqs = " << alignPtr->getNumSeqs() << endl; } else if(code == NOSEQUENCESINFILE) // no sequences { /* 02-04-07,nige: this causes a fatal repaint: let * MainWindow::errorHandler deal with it. */ //utilityObject->error("No sequences in file! Bad format?\n"); return code; } else { return code; } } else { // first seq to be read = profile1_nseqs + 1 int profile1NumOfSeqs = alignPtr->getNumSeqs(); code = readSeqs(alignPtr, profile1NumOfSeqs + 1); if(code == OK) { userParameters->setStructPenalties2(NONE); alignPtr->clearSecStruct2(); // Clear old info if (structPenalties != NONE) // feature table / mask in alignment { userParameters->setStructPenalties2(structPenalties); if (structPenalties == SECST) { alignPtr->addSecStructMask2(&secStructMask); } alignPtr->addGapPenaltyMask2(&gapPenaltyMask); alignPtr->addSecStructName2(secStructName); } cout << "No. of seqs in profile=" << alignPtr->getNumSeqs() - profile1NumOfSeqs << endl; cout << "Total no. of seqs =" << alignPtr->getNumSeqs() << endl; userParameters->setProfile2Empty(false); userParameters->setEmpty(false); } else if(code == CANNOTOPENFILE) { return CANNOTOPENFILE; } else if(code == NOSEQUENCESINFILE) // no sequences { /* 02-04-07,nige: this causes a fatal repaint: let * MainWindow::errorHandler deal with it. */ //utilityObject->error("No sequences in file! Bad format?\n"); return code; } else { return code; } } // Clear out the masks used in this class. This is important!!!! secStructMask.clear(); gapPenaltyMask.clear(); secStructName = ""; if(code != OK) { return code; } string typeOfAlign = userParameters->getDNAFlag() ? "DNA" : "PROTEIN"; cout << "Sequences assumed to be " << typeOfAlign << endl; if (userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { cout<< "\n\n"; } alignPtr->printSequencesAddedInfo(); if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAMultiGap(); } else { userParameters->setProtMultiGap(); } return OK; } /* * The function checkInfile is used to find out which format the file is in, and it * also calls the appropriate function to count the seqences. */ void FileReader::checkInfile(int *nseqs, auto_ptr& fileParser) { char _lineIn[MAXLINE + 1]; int i; int lengthLine = 0; *nseqs = 0; while (fileIn->getline(_lineIn, MAXLINE + 1)) { if (!utilityObject->blankLine(_lineIn)) { break; } } lengthLine = strlen(_lineIn) - 1; // Mark Change 20-6-07 for (i = lengthLine; i >= 0; i--) { if (isgraph(_lineIn[i])) { break; } } _lineIn[i + 1] = EOS; // Put first 7 characters into upper case! for (i = 0; i <= 6 && i <= lengthLine; i++) { _lineIn[i] = toupper(_lineIn[i]); } // Create the parser to read the file. if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "ID")) { // EMBL/Swiss-Prot format ? fileParser.reset(new EMBLFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is EMBL\n"; } else if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "CLUSTAL")) { fileParser.reset(new ClustalFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is CLUSTAL\n"; } else if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "PILEUP")) // MSF { fileParser.reset(new MSFFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is MSF\n"; } else if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "!!AA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT")) // MSF { fileParser.reset(new MSFFileParser(sequenceFileName)); userParameters->setDNAFlag(false); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is MSF\n"; } else if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "!!NA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT")) // MSF { fileParser.reset(new MSFFileParser(sequenceFileName)); userParameters->setDNAFlag(true); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is MSF\n"; } else if (strstr(_lineIn, "MSF") && _lineIn[strlen(_lineIn) - 1] == '.' && _lineIn[strlen(_lineIn) - 2] == '.') // MSF { fileParser.reset(new MSFFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is MSF\n"; } else if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "!!RICH_SEQUENCE")) // RSF { fileParser.reset(new RSFFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is RSF\n"; } else if (utilityObject->lineType(_lineIn, "#NEXUS")) { //utilityObject->error("Cannot read NEXUS format\n"); return; } else if (*_lineIn == '>') { if ((lengthLine>=3) && _lineIn[3] == ';') { //if(_lineIn[3] == ';') // distinguish PIR and Pearson { // PIR fileParser.reset(new PIRFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is PIR\n"; } } else { // PEARSON fileParser.reset(new PearsonFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is Pearson\n"; } } else if ((*_lineIn == '"') || (*_lineIn == '%') || (*_lineIn == '#')) { // GDE format fileParser.reset(new GDEFileParser(sequenceFileName)); if(userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) cout << "Sequence format is GDE\n"; if (*_lineIn == '%') { userParameters->setDNAFlag(false); } else if (*_lineIn == '#') { userParameters->setDNAFlag(true); } } else { return ; } try { // Get the number of sequences. This is passed back as a pointer! *nseqs = fileParser->countSeqs(); // no output in 1.83: cout << "number of seqs is: " << *nseqs << "\n"; } catch(exception ex) { *nseqs = 0; } } }