/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "CommandLineParser.h" #include "../substitutionMatrix/globalmatrix.h" #include "general/Utility.h" #include "general/statsObject.h" using namespace std; namespace clustalw { CommandLineParser::CommandLineParser(StringArray* args, bool xmenus) :setOptions(-1), setHelp(-1), setFullHelp(-1), setQuiet(-1), setInteractive(-1), setBatch(-1), setGapOpen(-1), setGapExtend(-1), setPWGapOpen(-1), setPWGapExtend(-1), setOutOrder(-1), setBootLabels(-1), setPWMatrix(-1), setMatrix(-1), setPWDNAMatrix(-1), setDNAMatrix(-1), setNegative(-1), setNoWeights(-1), setOutput(-1), setOutputTree(-1), setQuickTree(-1), setType(-1), setCase(-1), setSeqNo(-1), setSeqNoRange(-1), setRange(-1), setTransWeight(-1), setSeed(-1), setScore(-1), setWindow(-1), setKtuple(-1), setKimura(-1), setTopDiags(-1), setPairGap(-1), setTossGaps(-1), setNoPGap(-1), setNoHGap(-1), setNoVGap(-1), setHGapRes(-1), setUseEndGaps(-1), setMaxDiv(-1), setGapDist(-1), setDebug(-1), setOutfile(-1), setInfile(-1), setProfile1(-1), setProfile2(-1), setAlign(-1), setConvert(-1), setNewTree(-1), setUseTree(-1), setNewTree1(-1), setUseTree1(-1), setNewTree2(-1), setUseTree2(-1), setBootstrap(-1), setTree(-1), setProfile(-1), setSequences(-1), setSecStruct1(-1), setSecStruct2(-1), setSecStructOutput(-1), setHelixGap(-1), setStrandGap(-1), setLoopGap(-1), setTerminalGap(-1), setHelixEndIn(-1), setHelixEndOut(-1), setStrandEndIn(-1), setStrandEndOut(-1), profileType(PROFILE), setDoIteration(-1), setNumIterations(-1), setTreeAlgorithm(-1), setMaxSeqLen(-1), setStatsFile(-1) { int ctr=0; // The rest of the variables are arrays! try { clustalObj = new Clustal(); // selecting the size prevents the resizing of the vector which is expensive. typeArg = new StringArray(3); bootLabelsArg = new StringArray(3); outOrderArg = new StringArray(3); caseArg = new StringArray(3); seqNoArg = new StringArray(3); seqNoRangeArg = new StringArray(3); scoreArg = new StringArray(3); outputArg = new StringArray(7); outputTreeArg = new StringArray(5); outputSecStrArg = new StringArray(5); cmdLineType = new StringArray(6); clusterAlgorithm = new StringArray(3); iterationArg = new StringArray(4); params = new StringArray; // Wait until I need it!!!!!!!!! paramArg = new StringArray; } catch(const exception &ex) { cerr << ex.what() << endl; cerr << "Terminating program. Cannot continue\n"; exit(1); } (*typeArg)[0] = "protein"; (*typeArg)[1] = "dna"; (*typeArg)[2] = ""; (*bootLabelsArg)[0] = "node"; (*bootLabelsArg)[1] = "branch"; (*bootLabelsArg)[2] = ""; (*outOrderArg)[0] = "input"; (*outOrderArg)[1] = "aligned"; (*outOrderArg)[2] = ""; (*caseArg)[0] = "lower"; (*caseArg)[1] = "upper"; (*caseArg)[2] = ""; (*seqNoArg)[0] = "off"; (*seqNoArg)[1] = "on"; (*seqNoArg)[2] = ""; (*seqNoRangeArg)[0] = "off"; (*seqNoRangeArg)[1] = "on"; (*seqNoRangeArg)[2] = ""; (*scoreArg)[0] = "percent"; (*scoreArg)[1] = "absolute"; (*scoreArg)[2] = ""; (*outputArg)[0] = "gcg"; (*outputArg)[1] = "gde"; (*outputArg)[2] = "pir"; (*outputArg)[3] = "phylip"; (*outputArg)[4] = "nexus"; (*outputArg)[5] = "fasta"; (*outputArg)[6] = ""; (*outputTreeArg)[0] = "nj"; (*outputTreeArg)[1] = "phylip"; (*outputTreeArg)[2] = "dist"; (*outputTreeArg)[3] = "nexus"; (*outputTreeArg)[4] = ""; (*outputSecStrArg)[0] = "structure"; (*outputSecStrArg)[1] = "mask"; (*outputSecStrArg)[2] = "both"; (*outputSecStrArg)[3] = "none"; (*outputSecStrArg)[4] = ""; (*cmdLineType)[0] = " "; (*cmdLineType)[1] = "=n "; (*cmdLineType)[2] = "=f "; (*cmdLineType)[3] = "=string "; (*cmdLineType)[4] = "=filename "; (*cmdLineType)[5] = ""; (*clusterAlgorithm)[0] = "nj"; (*clusterAlgorithm)[1] = "upgma"; (*clusterAlgorithm)[2] = ""; (*iterationArg)[0] = "tree"; (*iterationArg)[1] = "alignment"; (*iterationArg)[2] = "none"; (*iterationArg)[3] = ""; userMatrixName = ""; pwUserMatrixName = ""; DNAUserMatrixName = ""; pwDNAUserMatrixName = ""; clustalTreeName = ""; distTreeName = ""; phylipTreeName = ""; nexusTreeName = ""; p1TreeName = ""; p2TreeName = ""; pimName = ""; // NOTE there were only 3 params for the last one, so I put in NULL for the 4th. ctr=0; cmdLineFile[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("infile", &setInfile, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineFile[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("profile1", &setProfile1, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineFile[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("profile2", &setProfile2, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineFile[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("", NULL, -1, NULL); // FIXME: final ctr index is hardcoded in CommandLineParser ctr=0; cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("help", &setHelp, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("fullhelp", &setFullHelp, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("quiet", &setQuiet, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("check", &setHelp, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("options", &setOptions, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("align", &setAlign, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("newtree", &setNewTree, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("usetree", &setUseTree, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("newtree1", &setNewTree1, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("usetree1", &setUseTree1, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("newtree2", &setNewTree2, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("usetree2", &setUseTree2, FILARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("bootstrap", &setBootstrap, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("tree", &setTree, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("quicktree", &setQuickTree, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("convert", &setConvert, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("interactive", &setInteractive, NOARG, NULL); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("batch", &setBatch, NOARG, NULL); // Mark change 16-feb-2007 I added options for doing LE and iteration cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("iteration", &setDoIteration, OPTARG, iterationArg); cmdLineVerb[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("", NULL, -1, NULL); // FIXME: final ctr index is hardcoded in CommandLineParser.h // NOTE Start back here!!!!!!!!!!!! ctr=0; cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("type", &setType, OPTARG, typeArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("profile", &setProfile, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("sequences", &setSequences, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("matrix", &setMatrix, FILARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("dnamatrix", &setDNAMatrix, FILARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("negative", &setNegative, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("noweights", &setNoWeights, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("gapopen", &setGapOpen, FLTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("gapext", &setGapExtend, FLTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("endgaps", &setUseEndGaps, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("nopgap", &setNoPGap, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("nohgap", &setNoHGap, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("novgap", &setNoVGap, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("hgapresidues", &setHGapRes, STRARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("maxdiv", &setMaxDiv, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("gapdist", &setGapDist, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("pwmatrix", &setPWMatrix, FILARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("pwdnamatrix", &setPWDNAMatrix, FILARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("pwgapopen", &setPWGapOpen, FLTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("pwgapext", &setPWGapExtend, FLTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("ktuple", &setKtuple, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("window", &setWindow, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("pairgap", &setPairGap, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("topdiags", &setTopDiags, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("score", &setScore, OPTARG, scoreArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("transweight", &setTransWeight, FLTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("seed", &setSeed, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("kimura", &setKimura, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("tossgaps", &setTossGaps, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("bootlabels", &setBootLabels, OPTARG, bootLabelsArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("debug", &setDebug, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("output", &setOutput, OPTARG, outputArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("outputtree", &setOutputTree, OPTARG, outputTreeArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("outfile", &setOutfile, FILARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("outorder", &setOutOrder, OPTARG, outOrderArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("case", &setCase, OPTARG, caseArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("seqnos", &setSeqNo, OPTARG, seqNoArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("seqno_range", &setSeqNoRange, OPTARG, seqNoRangeArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("range", &setRange, STRARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("nosecstr1", &setSecStruct1, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("nosecstr2", &setSecStruct2, NOARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("secstrout", &setSecStructOutput, OPTARG, outputSecStrArg); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("helixgap", &setHelixGap, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("strandgap", &setStrandGap, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("loopgap", &setLoopGap, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("terminalgap", &setTerminalGap, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("helixendin", &setHelixEndIn, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("helixendout", &setHelixEndOut, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("strandendin", &setStrandEndIn, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("strandendout",&setStrandEndOut, INTARG, NULL); // NOTE these one was added to test the new LE scoring and iterations cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("numiter",&setNumIterations, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("clustering", &setTreeAlgorithm, OPTARG, clusterAlgorithm); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("maxseqlen", &setMaxSeqLen, INTARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("stats", &setStatsFile, FILARG, NULL); cmdLinePara[ctr++] = getCmdLineDataStruct("", NULL, -1, NULL); // FIXME: final ctr index is hardcoded in CommandLineParser parseParams(args, xmenus); } CommandLineParser::~CommandLineParser() { // Free up menory used here! // NOTE any dynamically allocated memory (new) must be deleted. delete clustalObj; delete typeArg; delete bootLabelsArg; delete outOrderArg; delete caseArg; delete seqNoArg; delete seqNoRangeArg; delete scoreArg; delete outputArg; delete outputTreeArg; delete outputSecStrArg; delete cmdLineType; delete params; delete paramArg; delete clusterAlgorithm; delete iterationArg; } void CommandLineParser::parseParams(StringArray* args, bool xmenus) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Parsing Command line Parameters!\n"); } #endif int i, j, temp; //int len; //static int cl_error_code = 0; //char path[FILENAMELEN]; int numparams = 0; bool doAlign, doConvert, doAlignUseOldTree, doGuideTreeOnly, doTreeFromAlign, doBootstrap, doProfileAlign, doSomething; if (!xmenus && userParameters->getDisplayInfo()) { cout << "\n\n\n"; cout << " CLUSTAL " << userParameters->getRevisionLevel() << " Multiple Sequence Alignments\n\n\n"; } doAlign = doConvert = doAlignUseOldTree = doGuideTreeOnly = doTreeFromAlign = false; doBootstrap = doProfileAlign = doSomething = false; numparams = checkParam(args, params, paramArg); if (numparams < 0) { exit(1); } //********************************************************************** //*** Note: This part of the code is to print out the options with **** //*** their expected value types/ranges **** //********************************************************************** if(setHelp != -1) { userParameters->setHelpFlag(true); if (xmenus) { // gui will display help // but parse rest of args anyway and don't return } else { clustalObj->getHelp('9'); exit(1); } } if(setFullHelp != -1) { userParameters->setFullHelpFlag(true); if (xmenus) { // gui will handle this // but parse rest of args anyway and don't return } else { clustalObj->getFullHelp(); exit(1); } } if(setQuiet != -1) { userParameters->setDisplayInfo(false); utilityObject->beQuiet(true); } else { userParameters->setDisplayInfo(true); utilityObject->beQuiet(false); } // need to check maxseqlen before reading input file if (setMaxSeqLen != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting max allowed sequence length."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setMaxSeqLen].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setMaxSeqLen].c_str(),"%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /maxseqlen (must be int)\n"; temp = 0; } } if(temp > 0) { userParameters->setMaxAllowedSeqLength(temp); } else { cout << "Cannot use a negative value for maximum sequence length. Using default\n"; } } if (setStatsFile != -1) { if((*paramArg)[setStatsFile].length() > 0) { statsObject->setEnabled(true); statsObject->setStatsFile((*paramArg)[setStatsFile]); } } /*if(setDoIteration != -1) { userParameters->setDoRemoveFirstIteration(true); }*/ if(setDoIteration != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting iteration parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setDoIteration].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setDoIteration], iterationArg, 3); if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setDoRemoveFirstIteration(TREE); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setDoRemoveFirstIteration(ALIGNMENT); } else if(temp == 2) { userParameters->setDoRemoveFirstIteration(NONE); } else { cout << "Unknown option for iteration. Setting to NONE\n"; userParameters->setDoRemoveFirstIteration(NONE); } } } if(setOptions != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Displaying options!\n"); } #endif cout << "clustalw option list:-\n"; for (i = 0; cmdLineVerb[i].str[0] != '\0'; i++) { cout << "\t\t" << default_commandsep << cmdLineVerb[i].str << (*cmdLineType)[cmdLineVerb[i].type]; if (cmdLineVerb[i].type == OPTARG) { if (cmdLineVerb[i].arg != NULL) { cout << "=" << cmdLineVerb[i].arg->at(0); for(j = 1; j < cmdLineVerb[i].arg->size() - 1; j++) { cout << " OR " << cmdLineVerb[i].arg->at(j); } } } cout << "\n"; } for (i = 0; cmdLineFile[i].str[0] != '\0'; i++) { cout<<"\t\t" << default_commandsep << cmdLineFile[i].str << (*cmdLineType)[cmdLineFile[i].type]; if (cmdLineFile[i].type == OPTARG) { if (cmdLineFile[i].arg != NULL) { cout << "=" << cmdLineFile[i].arg->at(0); for(j = 1; j < cmdLineFile[i].arg->size() - 1; j++) { cout << " OR " << cmdLineFile[i].arg->at(j); } } } cout << "\n"; } for (i = 0; cmdLinePara[i].str[0] != '\0'; i++) { cout <<"\t\t" << default_commandsep << cmdLinePara[i].str << (*cmdLineType)[cmdLinePara[i].type]; if (cmdLinePara[i].type == OPTARG) { if (cmdLinePara[i].arg != NULL) { cout << "=" << cmdLinePara[i].arg->at(0); for(j = 1; j < cmdLinePara[i].arg->size() - 1; j++) { cout << " OR " << cmdLinePara[i].arg->at(j); } } } cout << "\n"; } exit(1); } //***************************************************************************** // Check to see if sequence type is explicitely stated..override ************ // the automatic checking (DNA or Protein). /type=d or /type=p ************* //**************************************************************************** if(setType != -1) { string msg; if(((*paramArg)[setType].length()) > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setType], typeArg, 2); if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setDNAFlag(false); userParameters->setExplicitDNAFlag(true); msg = "Sequence type explicitly set to Protein"; cout << msg << "\n"; } else if(temp == 1) { msg = "Sequence type explicitly set to DNA"; cout << msg << "\n"; userParameters->setDNAFlag(true); userParameters->setExplicitDNAFlag(true); } else { msg = "Unknown sequence type " + (*paramArg)[setType]; cout << "\n" << msg << endl; } #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(msg); } #endif } } //*************************************************************************** // check to see if 1st parameter does not start with '/' i.e. look for an * // input file as first parameter. The input file can also be specified * // by /infile=fname. * //*************************************************************************** // JULIE - moved to checkParam() // if(paramstr[0] != '/') // { // strcpy(seqName, params[0]); // } //************************************************* // Look for /infile=file.ext on the command line * //************************************************* if(setInfile != -1) { if((*paramArg)[setInfile].length() <= 0) { cout << "Bad sequence file name\n"; exit(1); } userParameters->setSeqName((*paramArg)[setInfile]); #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { string msg = "Sequence file name (seqName) has been set to "; msg += userParameters->getSeqName(); logObject->logMsg(msg); } #endif } // NOTE keep an eye on this part to see if it works. if(userParameters->getSeqName() != "") { // NOTE I will need to cheack if it has been successful before setting // doSomething to true. int code; code = clustalObj->commandLineReadSeq(1); if(code == OK) { doSomething = true; } else { doSomething = false; exit(1); } } // NOTE call the other function to set the parameter values!! setOptionalParam(); //********************************************************* // Look for /profile1=file.ext AND /profile2=file2.ext * // You must give both file names OR neither. * //******************************************************** if(setProfile1 != -1) { if((*paramArg)[setProfile1].length() <= 0) { cout << "\nBad profile 1 file name\n"; exit(1); } clustalObj->profile1Input((*paramArg)[setProfile1]); } if(setProfile2 != -1) { if((*paramArg)[setProfile2].length() <= 0) { cout << "\nBad profile 2 file name\n"; exit(1); } if(userParameters->getProfile1Empty()) { cout << "\nOnly 1 profile file (profile 2) specified.\n"; exit(1); } clustalObj->profile2Input((*paramArg)[setProfile2]); doSomething = doProfileAlign = true; } //************************************************************************ // Look for /tree or /bootstrap or /align or /usetree ****************** //************************************************************************ if (setBatch != -1) { userParameters->setInteractive(false); } if (setInteractive != -1) { userParameters->setInteractive(true); if (setQuiet!=-1) { cout << "interactive menu: overriding -quiet\n"; userParameters->setDisplayInfo(true); utilityObject->beQuiet(false); } } if (userParameters->getInteractive()) { setTree = -1; setBootstrap = -1; setAlign = -1; setUseTree = -1; setUseTree1 = -1; setUseTree2 = -1; setNewTree = -1; setConvert = -1; } if(setTree != -1 ) { if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { cout << "\nCannot draw tree. No input alignment file\n"; exit(1); } else { doTreeFromAlign = true; } } if(setBootstrap != -1) { if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { cout << "\nCannot bootstrap tree. No input alignment file\n"; exit(1); } else { temp = 0; // Check if there is anything in the string! if((*paramArg)[setBootstrap].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setBootstrap].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /bootstrap (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if(temp > 0) { userParameters->setBootNumTrials(temp); } doBootstrap = true; } } if(setAlign != -1) { if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { cout << "\nCannot align sequences. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else { doAlign = true; } } if(setConvert != -1) { if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { cout << "\nCannot convert sequences. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else { doConvert = true; } } if(setUseTree != -1) { if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { cout << "\nCannot align sequences. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else { if((*paramArg)[setUseTree].length() == 0) { cout << "\nCannot align sequences. No tree file specified\n"; exit(1); } else { phylipTreeName = (*paramArg)[setUseTree]; } userParameters->setUseTreeFile(true); doAlignUseOldTree = true; } } if(setNewTree != -1) { if(userParameters->getEmpty()) { cout << "\nCannot align sequences. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else { if((*paramArg)[setNewTree].length() == 0) { cout << "\nCannot align sequences. No tree file specified\n"; exit(1); } else { phylipTreeName = (*paramArg)[setNewTree]; } userParameters->setNewTreeFile(true); doGuideTreeOnly = true; } } if(setUseTree1 != -1) { if(userParameters->getProfile1Empty()) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else if(profileType == SEQUENCE) { cout << "\nInvalid option /usetree1.\n"; exit(1); } else { if((*paramArg)[setUseTree1].length() == 0) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No tree file specified\n"; exit(1); } else { p1TreeName = (*paramArg)[setUseTree1]; } userParameters->setUseTree1File(true); doAlignUseOldTree = true; } } if(setNewTree1 != -1) { if(userParameters->getProfile1Empty()) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else if(profileType == SEQUENCE) { cout << "\nInvalid option /newtree1.\n"; exit(1); } else { if((*paramArg)[setNewTree1].length() == 0) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No tree file specified\n"; exit(1); } else { p1TreeName = (*paramArg)[setNewTree1]; } userParameters->setNewTree1File(true); } } if(setUseTree2 != -1) { if(userParameters->getProfile2Empty()) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else if(profileType == SEQUENCE) { cout << "\nInvalid option /usetree2.\n"; exit(1); } else { if((*paramArg)[setUseTree2].length() == 0) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No tree file specified\n"; exit(1); } else { p2TreeName = (*paramArg)[setUseTree2]; } userParameters->setUseTree2File(true); doAlignUseOldTree = true; } } if(setNewTree2 != -1) { if(userParameters->getProfile2Empty()) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No input file\n"; exit(1); } else if(profileType == SEQUENCE) { cout << "\nInvalid option /newtree2.\n"; exit(1); } else { if((*paramArg)[setNewTree2].length() == 0) { cout << "\nCannot align profiles. No tree file specified\n"; exit(1); } else { p2TreeName = (*paramArg)[setNewTree2]; } userParameters->setNewTree2File(true); } } if( (!doTreeFromAlign) && (!doBootstrap) && (!userParameters->getEmpty()) && (!doProfileAlign) && (!doAlignUseOldTree) && (!doGuideTreeOnly) && (!doConvert)) { doAlign = true; } //** ? /quicktree if(setQuickTree != -1) { userParameters->setQuickPairAlign(true); } // NOTE if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setDNAParams(); } else { userParameters->setProtParams(); } if(userParameters->getInteractive()) { if (!xmenus) { userParameters->setMenuFlag(true); } return; } if(!doSomething) { cout << "\nNo input file(s) specified\n"; exit(1); } //*************************************************************************** // Now do whatever has been requested *************************************** //*************************************************************************** // NOTE This part is obviously not done yet! Functions not working in Clustal!!!! #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Now doing the requested task(s)"); } #endif if(doProfileAlign) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing profile align"); } #endif if (profileType == PROFILE) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Calling Profile_align in clustal obj!"); } #endif clustalObj->profileAlign(&p1TreeName, &p2TreeName); } else { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Calling sequencesAlignToProfile in clustal obj!"); } #endif clustalObj->sequencesAlignToProfile(&phylipTreeName); } } else if(doAlign) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing Alignment"); } #endif clustalObj->align(&phylipTreeName); } else if(doConvert) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing filetype conversion"); } #endif clustalObj->outputNow(); } else if (doAlignUseOldTree) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing Alignment only"); } #endif clustalObj->doAlignUseOldTree(&phylipTreeName); } else if(doGuideTreeOnly) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing tree only"); } #endif clustalObj->doGuideTreeOnly(&phylipTreeName); } else if(doTreeFromAlign) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing tree"); } #endif clustalObj->phylogeneticTree(&phylipTreeName, &clustalTreeName, &distTreeName, &nexusTreeName, pimName); } else if(doBootstrap) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Doing Bootstrap"); } #endif clustalObj->bootstrapTree(&phylipTreeName, &clustalTreeName, &nexusTreeName); } cout << "\n"; } /* * The function checkParam is used to put all the parameters and their values in the * vectors, and also to check that all parameters that require a value have it. */ int CommandLineParser::checkParam(StringArray* args, StringArray* params, StringArray* paramArg) { int len, i, j, nameFirst, num; //int k; vector match; match.resize(MAXARGS); bool name1 = false; #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Checking Parameters!"); } #endif if(args->size() == 0) // NOTE I think this will work better! { cout << "The argument list is empty\n"; return 0; } // AW: first arg is an input file if it doesnt start with commandsep if (VALID_COMMAND_SEP.find((*args)[0][0], 0) == string::npos) { name1 = true; params->push_back((*args)[0]); // Put the string at the back of this vector. paramArg->push_back(""); // Push a blank string onto the first element. } else // It is not a file name { params->push_back((*args)[0].substr(1)); } for (i = 1; i < args->size(); i++) { params->push_back(""); // Empty string! for(j = 0; j < (*args)[i].length() - 1; j++) { if(isprint((*args)[i][j + 1])) // Character printable? { // We start at j + 1 because each option should begin with commandsep (*params)[i].append((*args)[i].substr(j + 1, 1)); } } } num = i; // AW: // params are now setup // extract paramArgs in next step if (args->size() > MAXARGS) { cout << "Error: too many command line arguments\n"; return(-1); } /* special case - first parameter is input fileName */ nameFirst = 0; if(name1 == true) // If name of file is first argument { userParameters->setSeqName((*params)[0]); /* Andreas Wilm (UCD) 2008-03-19: conversion nowadays unnecessary and makes trouble /@ JULIE convert to lower case now @/ #ifndef UNIX if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Converting seqName to lower case.\n"); } string temp = ConvertStringToLower(userParameters->getSeqName()); userParameters->setSeqName(temp); #endif */ nameFirst = 1; } // NOTE if name first we should start at the 2nd element in paramArg // This loop is used to set up the paramArg vector! for (i = nameFirst; i < num; i++) { bool has_arg=false; paramArg->push_back(""); // Push a new empty string on. len = (*params)[i].length(); for(j = 0; j < len; j++) { if((*params)[i][j] == '=') { has_arg=true; (*paramArg)[i].assign((*params)[i].substr(j + 1, len - j -1)); // Trim off the bit from the '=' to the end, and put all in lower case! (*params)[i].assign(ConvertStringToLower((*params)[i].substr(0, j))); break; } } // Andreas Wilm (UCD): 2008-03-19: // this convert nonarg params to lowercase (-QuIcKtReE etc) if (!has_arg) { (*params)[i].assign(ConvertStringToLower((*params)[i])); } } if(paramArg->size() != params->size()) { cout << "There is something wrong with arguments. Lengths different\n"; exit(1); } /* for each parameter given on the command line, first search the list of recognised optional parameters.... */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if ((i == 0) && (name1 == true)) { continue; } j = 0; match[i] = -1; for(;;) { if (cmdLinePara[j].str[0] == '\0') { // Think this means we have not found it! break; } if (!(*params)[i].compare(cmdLinePara[j].str)) { match[i] = j; // Match has been found! *cmdLinePara[match[i]].flag = i; if ((cmdLinePara[match[i]].type != NOARG) && ((*paramArg)[i] == "")) { cout << "Error: parameter required for /" << (*params)[i] << endl; exit(1); /* Andreas Wilm (UCD) 2008-03-19: * conversion nowadays unnecessary and breaks things * * // JULIE * // convert parameters to lower case now, unless the parameter is a fileName * #ifdef UNIX * else if (cmdLinePara[match[i]].type != FILARG && (*paramArg)[i] != "") * #endif */ } else if (cmdLinePara[match[i]].type != FILARG && (*paramArg)[i] != "") { if ((*paramArg)[i] != "") { // lowercase arg if not a filename to support mixed case (*paramArg)[i].assign(ConvertStringToLower((*paramArg)[i])); } } break; } j++; } } /* ....then the list of recognised input files,.... */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if ((i == 0) && (name1 == true)) { continue; } if (match[i] != -1) { continue; } j = 0; for(;;) { if (cmdLineFile[j].str[0] == '\0') { // Have not found a match! break; } if (!(*params)[i].compare(cmdLineFile[j].str)) { match[i] = j; *cmdLineFile[match[i]].flag = i; if ((cmdLineFile[match[i]].type != NOARG) && ((*paramArg)[i] == "")) { cout << "Error: parameter required for /" << (*params)[i] << endl; exit(1); } break; } j++; } } /* ....and finally the recognised verbs. */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if ((i == 0) && (name1 == true)) { continue; } if (match[i] != -1) { continue; } j = 0; for(;;) { if (cmdLineVerb[j].str[0] == '\0') { // Havent found it! break; } if (!(*params)[i].compare(cmdLineVerb[j].str)) { match[i] = j; *cmdLineVerb[match[i]].flag = i; if ((cmdLineVerb[match[i]].type != NOARG) && ((*paramArg)[i] == "")) { cout << "Error: parameter required for /" << (*params)[i] << endl; exit(1); } break; } j++; } } /* check for any unrecognised parameters. */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (match[i] == -1) { cout << "Error: unknown option " << default_commandsep << (*params)[i] << endl; exit(1); } } return(num); } void CommandLineParser::setOptionalParam() { int temp; int _ktup, _windgap, _signif, _window = 0; string _matrixname; //int c, i; float ftemp; //char tstr[100]; #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg("Setting optional parameters."); } #endif //**************************************************************************** //* look for parameters on command line e.g. gap penalties, k-tuple etc. * //**************************************************************************** // Mark change 16-2-2007. if(setNumIterations != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting num iterations parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setNumIterations].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setNumIterations].c_str(),"%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /numiter (must be int)\n"; temp = 0; } } if(temp > 0) { userParameters->setNumIterations(temp); } else { cout << "Cannot use a negative value for number of iterations. Using default\n"; } } //** ? /score=percent or /score=absolute * if(setScore != -1) { if((*paramArg)[setScore].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setScore], scoreArg, 2); if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setPercent(true); #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting score parameter = percent"); } #endif } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setPercent(false); #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting score parameter = absolute"); } #endif } else { cout << "\nUnknown SCORE type: " << (*paramArg)[setScore] << endl; #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" problem setting score type!!!!!"); } #endif } } } // NOTE I decided to stay with sscanf for getting the int. Options in c++ no better. //** ? /seed=n * if(setSeed != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting seed parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setSeed].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setSeed].c_str(),"%d",&temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /seed (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if(temp > 0) { userParameters->setBootRanSeed(temp); } cout<< "\ntemp = " << temp << "; seed = " << userParameters->getBootRanSeed() << ";\n"; } if(setTreeAlgorithm != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting clustering algorithm parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setTreeAlgorithm].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setTreeAlgorithm], clusterAlgorithm, 2); if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setClusterAlgorithm(NJ); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setClusterAlgorithm(UPGMA); } else { cout << "Unknown option for clustering algorithm. Using default\n"; userParameters->setClusterAlgorithm(NJ); } } } //** ? /output=PIR, GCG, GDE or PHYLIP * if(setOutput != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting output parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setOutput].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setOutput], outputArg, 6); if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 5) { userParameters->setOutputClustal(false); userParameters->setOutputGCG(false); userParameters->setOutputPhylip(false); userParameters->setOutputNbrf(false); userParameters->setOutputGde(false); userParameters->setOutputNexus(false); userParameters->setOutputFasta(false); } switch (temp) { case 0: // GCG userParameters->setOutputGCG(true); break; case 1: // GDE userParameters->setOutputGde(true); break; case 2: // PIR userParameters->setOutputNbrf(true); break; case 3: // PHYLIP userParameters->setOutputPhylip(true); break; case 4: // NEXUS userParameters->setOutputNexus(true); break; case 5: // NEXUS userParameters->setOutputFasta(true); break; default: // FIXME AW: 1.83 behaves the same, but shouldnt // we exit here? cout << "\nUnknown OUTPUT type: " << (*paramArg)[setOutput] << endl; } } } //** ? /outputtree=NJ or PHYLIP or DIST or NEXUS if(setOutputTree != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting outputtree parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setOutputTree].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setOutputTree], outputTreeArg, 4); switch (temp) { case 0: // NJ userParameters->setOutputTreeClustal(true); break; case 1: // PHYLIP userParameters->setOutputTreePhylip(true); break; case 2: // DIST userParameters->setOutputTreeDistances(true); break; case 3: // NEXUS userParameters->setOutputTreeNexus(true); break; default: cout << "\nUnknown OUTPUT TREE type: " << (*paramArg)[setOutputTree] << endl; } } } //** ? /profile (sets type of second input file to profile) if(setProfile != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting profileType = PROFILE."); } #endif profileType = PROFILE; } //** ? /sequences (sets type of second input file to list of sequences) if(setSequences != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting profileType = SEQUENCE."); } #endif profileType = SEQUENCE; } //** ? /ktuple=n if(setKtuple != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting ktup parameter."); } #endif _ktup = 0; if((*paramArg)[setKtuple].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setKtuple].c_str(),"%d",&_ktup)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /ktuple (must be integer)\n"; _ktup = 0; } } if(_ktup > 0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { if(_ktup <= 4) { userParameters->setKtup(_ktup); userParameters->setDNAKtup(_ktup); userParameters->setWindowGap(_ktup + 4); userParameters->setDNAWindowGap(_ktup + 4); } } else { if(_ktup <= 2) { userParameters->setKtup(_ktup); userParameters->setAAKtup(_ktup); userParameters->setWindowGap(_ktup + 3); userParameters->setAAWindowGap(_ktup + 3); } } } } //** ? /pairgap=n if(setPairGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting pairgap parameter."); } #endif _windgap = 0; if((*paramArg)[setPairGap].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setPairGap].c_str(),"%d",&_windgap)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /pairgap (must be integer)\n"; _windgap = 0; } if(_windgap > 0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { if(temp > userParameters->getKtup()) { userParameters->setWindowGap(_windgap); userParameters->setDNAWindowGap(_windgap); } } else { if(_windgap > userParameters->getKtup()) { userParameters->setWindowGap(_windgap); userParameters->setAAWindowGap(_windgap); } } } } } //** ? /topdiags=n if(setTopDiags != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting topdiags parameter."); } #endif _signif = 0; if((*paramArg)[setTopDiags].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setTopDiags].c_str(),"%d",&_signif)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /topdiags (must be integer)\n"; _signif = 0; } } if(_signif > 0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { if(_signif > userParameters->getKtup()) { userParameters->setSignif(_signif); userParameters->setDNASignif(_signif); } } else { if(_signif > userParameters->getKtup()) { userParameters->setSignif(_signif); userParameters->setAASignif(_signif); } } } } //** ? /window=n if(setWindow != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting window parameter."); } #endif _window = 0; if((*paramArg)[setWindow].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setWindow].c_str(),"%d",&_window)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /window (must be integer)\n"; _window = 0; } } if(_window > 0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { if(_window > userParameters->getKtup()) { userParameters->setWindow(_window); userParameters->setDNAWindow(_window); } } else { if(_window > userParameters->getKtup()) { userParameters->setWindow(_window); userParameters->setAAWindow(_window); } } } } //** ? /kimura if(setKimura != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting kimura=true"); } #endif userParameters->setKimura(true); } //** ? /tossgaps if(setTossGaps != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting tossgaps=true"); } #endif userParameters->setTossGaps(true); } //** ? /negative if(setNegative != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting useNegMatrix=true"); } #endif userParameters->setUseNegMatrix(true); } //** ? /noweights if(setNoWeights!= -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting noweights=true"); } #endif userParameters->setNoWeights(true); } //** ? /pwmatrix=ID (user's file) if(setPWMatrix != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting pwmatrix parameter."); } #endif temp = (*paramArg)[setPWMatrix].length(); if(temp > 0) { _matrixname = ConvertStringToLower((*paramArg)[setPWMatrix]); if (_matrixname.compare("blosum") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 1, Protein, Pairwise); } else if (_matrixname.compare("pam") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 2, Protein, Pairwise); } else if (_matrixname.compare("gonnet") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 3, Protein, Pairwise); } else if (_matrixname.compare("id") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 4, Protein, Pairwise); } else { char hackTempName[FILENAMELEN + 1]; strcpy(hackTempName, (*paramArg)[setPWMatrix].c_str()); if(subMatrix->getUserMatFromFile(hackTempName, Protein, Pairwise)) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum((*paramArg)[setPWMatrix], 5, Protein, Pairwise); pwUserMatrixName = (*paramArg)[setPWMatrix]; } else exit(1); } } } //** ? /matrix=ID (user's file) if(setMatrix != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting matrix parameter."); } #endif temp = (*paramArg)[setMatrix].length(); if(temp > 0) { _matrixname = ConvertStringToLower((*paramArg)[setMatrix]); if (_matrixname.compare("blosum")==0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 1, Protein, MultipleAlign); } else if (_matrixname.compare("pam")==0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 2, Protein, MultipleAlign); } else if (_matrixname.compare("gonnet")==0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 3, Protein, MultipleAlign); } else if (_matrixname.compare("id")==0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 4, Protein, MultipleAlign); } else { char hackTempName[FILENAMELEN + 1]; strcpy(hackTempName, (*paramArg)[setMatrix].c_str()); if(subMatrix->getUserMatSeriesFromFile(hackTempName)) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum((*paramArg)[setMatrix], 4, Protein, MultipleAlign); userMatrixName = (*paramArg)[setMatrix]; } else exit(1); } } } //** ? /pwdnamatrix=ID (user's file) if(setPWDNAMatrix != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting pwdnamatrix parameter."); } #endif temp = (*paramArg)[setPWDNAMatrix].length(); if(temp > 0) { _matrixname = ConvertStringToLower((*paramArg)[setPWDNAMatrix]); if (_matrixname.compare("iub") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 1, DNA, Pairwise); } else if (_matrixname.compare("clustalw") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 2, DNA, Pairwise); } else { char hackTempName[FILENAMELEN + 1]; strcpy(hackTempName, (*paramArg)[setPWDNAMatrix].c_str()); if(subMatrix->getUserMatFromFile(hackTempName, DNA, Pairwise)) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum((*paramArg)[setPWDNAMatrix], 3, Protein, Pairwise); pwDNAUserMatrixName = (*paramArg)[setPWDNAMatrix]; } else exit(1); } } } //** ? /dnamatrix=ID (user's file) if(setDNAMatrix != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting dnamatrix parameter."); } #endif temp = (*paramArg)[setDNAMatrix].length(); if(temp > 0) { _matrixname = ConvertStringToLower((*paramArg)[setDNAMatrix]); if (_matrixname.compare("iub") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 1, DNA, MultipleAlign); } else if (_matrixname.compare("clustalw") == 0) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum(_matrixname, 2, DNA, MultipleAlign); } else { char hackTempName[FILENAMELEN + 1]; strcpy(hackTempName, (*paramArg)[setDNAMatrix].c_str()); if(subMatrix->getUserMatFromFile(hackTempName, DNA, MultipleAlign)) { subMatrix->setCurrentNameAndNum((*paramArg)[setDNAMatrix], 3, Protein, MultipleAlign); DNAUserMatrixName = (*paramArg)[setDNAMatrix]; } else exit(1); } } } //** ? /maxdiv= n if(setMaxDiv != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting maxdiv parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setMaxDiv].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setMaxDiv].c_str(),"%d",&temp)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /maxdiv (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 0) { userParameters->setDivergenceCutoff(temp); } } //** ? /gapdist= n if(setGapDist != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting gapdist parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setGapDist].length() > 0) if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setGapDist].c_str(),"%d",&temp)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /gapdist (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } if (temp >= 0) { userParameters->setGapDist(temp); } } //** ? /debug= n if(setDebug != -1) { temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setDebug].length() > 0) if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setDebug].c_str(),"%d",&temp)!=1) { cout << "Bad option for /debug (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } if (temp >= 0) { userParameters->setDebug(temp); } } //** ? /outfile= (user's file) if(setOutfile != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting outfile parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setOutfile].length() > 0) { userParameters->setOutfileName((*paramArg)[setOutfile]); } } //*** ? /case= lower/upper if(setCase != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting case parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setCase].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setCase], caseArg, 2); if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setLowercase(true); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setLowercase(false); } else { cout << "\nUnknown case " << (*paramArg)[setCase] << endl; } } } //*** ? /seqnos=off/on if(setSeqNo != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting seqnos parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setSeqNo].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setSeqNo], seqNoArg, 2); if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setClSeqNumbers(false); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setClSeqNumbers(true); } else { cout << "\nUnknown SEQNO option " << (*paramArg)[setSeqNo] << endl; } } } if(setSeqNoRange != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting seqno range parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setSeqNoRange].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setSeqNoRange], seqNoRangeArg, 2); cout << "\n comparing " << "\nparamArg[setSeqNoRange]= " << (*paramArg)[setSeqNoRange] << "\n comparing \n "; if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setSeqRange(false); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setSeqRange(true); } else { cout << "\nUnknown Sequence range option " << (*paramArg)[setSeqNoRange] << endl; } } } //*** ? /range=n:m if(setRange != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting range parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setRange].length() > 0) { // NOTE I have made a big change here! Mark march 14th 2006. This was being done // in the Alignment output functions. int iFirstRes = -1; int iLastRes = -1; char ignore; if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setRange].c_str(), "%d%[ :,-]%d", &iFirstRes, &ignore, &iLastRes) != 3) { cout << "setRange: Syntax Error: Cannot set range, should be from:to \n"; } else { userParameters->setRangeFrom(iFirstRes); userParameters->setRangeTo(iLastRes); } } } //*** ? /gapopen=n if(setGapOpen != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting gapopen parameter."); } #endif ftemp = 0.0; if((*paramArg)[setGapOpen].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setGapOpen].c_str(),"%f",&ftemp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /gapopen (must be real number)\n"; ftemp = 0.0; } if(ftemp >= 0.0) { if( userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setGapOpen(ftemp); userParameters->setDNAGapOpen(ftemp); } else { userParameters->setGapOpen(ftemp); userParameters->setProteinGapOpen(ftemp); } } } } //*** ? /gapext=n if(setGapExtend != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting gap extention parameter."); } #endif ftemp = 0.0; if((*paramArg)[setGapExtend].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setGapExtend].c_str(),"%f",&ftemp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /gapext (must be real number)\n"; ftemp = 0.0; } if(ftemp >= 0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setGapExtend(ftemp); userParameters->setDNAGapExtend(ftemp); } else { userParameters->setGapExtend(ftemp); userParameters->setProteinGapExtend(ftemp); } } } } //*** ? /transweight=n if(setTransWeight != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting transweight parameter."); } #endif ftemp = 0.0; if((*paramArg)[setTransWeight].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setTransWeight].c_str(), "%f", &ftemp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /transweight (must be real number)\n"; ftemp = 0.0; } } userParameters->setTransitionWeight(ftemp); } //*** ? /pwgapopen=n if(setPWGapOpen != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting pwgapopen parameter."); } #endif ftemp = 0.0; if((*paramArg)[setPWGapOpen].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setPWGapOpen].c_str(), "%f", &ftemp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /pwgapopen (must be real number)\n"; ftemp = 0.0; } } if(ftemp >= 0.0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setPWGapOpen(ftemp); userParameters->setDNAPWGapOpenPenalty(ftemp); } else { userParameters->setPWGapOpen(ftemp); userParameters->setProteinPWGapOpenPenalty(ftemp); } } } //*** ? /gapext=n if(setPWGapExtend != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting pwgapext parameter."); } #endif ftemp = 0.0; if((*paramArg)[setPWGapExtend].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setPWGapExtend].c_str(), "%f", &ftemp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /pwgapext (must be real number)\n"; ftemp = 0.0; } } if(ftemp >= 0) { if(userParameters->getDNAFlag()) { userParameters->setPWGapExtend(ftemp); userParameters->setDNAPWGapExtendPenalty(ftemp); } else { userParameters->setPWGapExtend(ftemp); userParameters->setProteinPWGapExtendPenalty(ftemp); } } } //*** ? /outorder=n if(setOutOrder != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting outorder parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setOutOrder].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setOutOrder],outOrderArg,2); } if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setOutputOrder(INPUT); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setOutputOrder(ALIGNED); } else { cout << "\nUnknown OUTPUT ORDER type " << (*paramArg)[setOutOrder] << endl; } } //*** ? /bootlabels=n if(setBootLabels != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting bootlabels parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setBootLabels].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setBootLabels], bootLabelsArg, 2); } if(temp == 0) { userParameters->setBootstrapFormat(BS_NODE_LABELS); } else if(temp == 1) { userParameters->setBootstrapFormat(BS_BRANCH_LABELS); } else { cout << "\nUnknown bootlabels type " << (*paramArg)[setBootLabels] << endl; } } //*** ? /endgaps if(setUseEndGaps != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting useendgaps=true"); } #endif userParameters->setUseEndGaps(false); } //*** ? /nopgap if(setNoPGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting noPrefPenalties=true"); } #endif userParameters->setNoPrefPenalties(true); } //*** ? /nohgap if(setNoHGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting nohgap=true"); } #endif userParameters->setNoHydPenalties(true); } //*** ? /novgap if(setNoVGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting novgap=false"); } #endif userParameters->setNoVarPenalties(false); } //*** ? /hgapresidues="string" // NOTE I have made some big changes here. It looks as if there was an error here! if(setHGapRes != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting hgapresidues parameter."); } #endif userParameters->setHydResidues((*paramArg)[setHGapRes]); } //*** ? /nosecstr1 if(setSecStruct1 != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting useSS1=false"); } #endif userParameters->setUseSS1(false); } //*** ? /nosecstr2 if(setSecStruct2 != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting useSS2=false"); } #endif userParameters->setUseSS2(false); } //*** ? /secstroutput if(setSecStructOutput != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting secstroutput parameter."); } #endif if((*paramArg)[setSecStructOutput].length() > 0) { temp = findMatch((*paramArg)[setSecStructOutput], outputSecStrArg, 4); if(temp >= 0 && temp <= 3) { userParameters->setOutputStructPenalties(temp); } else { cout << "\nUnknown case " << (*paramArg)[setSecStructOutput] << endl; } } } //*** ? /helixgap= n if(setHelixGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting helixgap parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setHelixGap].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setHelixGap].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /helixgap (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9) { userParameters->setHelixPenalty(temp); } } //*** ? /strandgap= n if(setStrandGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting strandgap parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setStrandGap].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setStrandGap].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /strandgap (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9) { userParameters->setStrandPenalty(temp); } } //*** ? /loopgap= n if(setLoopGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting loopgap parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setLoopGap].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setLoopGap].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /loopgap (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9) { userParameters->setLoopPenalty(temp); } } //*** ? /terminalgap= n if(setTerminalGap != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting terminalgap parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setTerminalGap].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setTerminalGap].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /terminalgap (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9) { userParameters->setHelixEndPenalty(temp); userParameters->setStrandEndPenalty(temp); } } //*** ? /helixendin= n if(setHelixEndIn != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting helixendin parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setHelixEndIn].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setHelixEndIn].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /helixendin (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3) { userParameters->setHelixEndMinus(temp); } } //*** ? /helixendout= n if(setHelixEndOut != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting helixendout parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setHelixEndOut].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setHelixEndOut].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /helixendout (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3) { userParameters->setHelixEndPlus(temp); } } //*** ? /strandendin= n if(setStrandEndIn != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting strandendin parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setStrandEndIn].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setStrandEndIn].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /strandendin (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3) { userParameters->setStrandEndMinus(temp); } } //*** ? /strandendout= n if(setStrandEndOut != -1) { #if DEBUGFULL if(logObject && DEBUGLOG) { logObject->logMsg(" Setting strandendout parameter."); } #endif temp = 0; if((*paramArg)[setStrandEndOut].length() > 0) { if (sscanf((*paramArg)[setStrandEndOut].c_str(), "%d", &temp) != 1) { cout << "Bad option for /strandendout (must be integer)\n"; temp = 0; } } if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3) { userParameters->setStrandEndPlus(temp); } } } int CommandLineParser::findMatch(string probe, StringArray* list, int n) { int i, j, len; int count, match=0; len = probe.length(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { count = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (probe[i] == (*list)[j][i]) { match = j; count++; } } if (count == 0) { return((int)-1); } if (count == 1) { return(match); } } return((int)-1); } /* * The function getCmdLineDataStruct is used to return a struct with the values * specified. It returns it by value. I cant return by reference or else the object will * be destroyed. */ CmdLineData CommandLineParser::getCmdLineDataStruct(const char *str, int *flag, int type, StringArray* arg) { CmdLineData tempStruct = {str, flag, type, arg}; return tempStruct; } void CommandLineParser::printCmdLineData(const CmdLineData& temp) { std::cout << "The str is: " << temp.str << std::endl; std::cout << "The int* is: " << *(temp.flag) << std::endl; std::cout << "The type is: " << temp.type << std::endl; std::cout << "The StringArray is: " << std::endl; if(temp.arg == NULL) { std::cout << " NULL" << std::endl; } else { cout << "The number of elements is " << temp.arg->size() << std::endl; for(int i = 0; i < temp.arg->size(); i++) { cout << "The " << i << "th element is: " << temp.arg->at(i) << endl; } } } /* * Helper function to change string to lower case. * */ string CommandLineParser::ConvertStringToLower(string strToConvert) { for(unsigned int i=0;i