/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "ClusterTree.h" #include "../general/utils.h" #include "dayhoff.h" #include "RandomGenerator.h" #include #include #include "../general/OutputFile.h" namespace clustalw { ClusterTree::ClusterTree() : numSeqs(0), firstSeq(0), lastSeq(0) { bootstrapPrompt = "\nEnter name for bootstrap output file "; bootstrapFileTypeMsg = "Bootstrap output"; } /** **************************************************************************************** * The rest are private functions. * * * * * * * *******************************************************************************************/ void ClusterTree::distanceMatrixOutput(ofstream* outFile, clustalw::DistMatrix* matToPrint, clustalw::Alignment *alignPtr) { if(outFile == NULL || !outFile->is_open()) { clustalw::utilityObject->error("Cannot output the distance matrix, file is not open\n"); return; } int i, j; int _maxNames = alignPtr->getMaxNames(); (*outFile) << setw(6) << lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; for (i = 1; i <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; i++) { (*outFile) << "\n" << left << setw(_maxNames) << alignPtr->getName(i) << " "; for (j = 1; j <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; j++) { (*outFile) << " " << setw(6) << setprecision(3) << fixed << (*matToPrint)(i, j); if (j % 8 == 0) { if (j != lastSeq - firstSeq + 1) { (*outFile) << "\n"; } if (j != lastSeq - firstSeq + 1) { (*outFile) << " "; } } } } } void ClusterTree::overspillMessage(int overspill,int totalDists) { std::stringstream ssOverSpill; ssOverSpill << overspill << " of the distances out of a total of " << totalDists << "\n were out of range for the distance correction." << "\n" << "\n SUGGESTIONS: 1) remove the most distant sequences" << "\n or 2) use the PHYLIP package" << "\n or 3) turn off the correction." << "\n Note: Use option 3 with caution! With this degree" << "\n of divergence you will have great difficulty" << "\n getting robust and reliable trees." << "\n\n"; string message; ssOverSpill >> message; clustalw::utilityObject->warning(message.c_str()); } /* * The function treeGapDelete flags all the positions that have a gap in any sequence. * */ // NOTE there is something wrong with using _lenFirstSeq. But this is what old clustal does. void ClusterTree::treeGapDelete(clustalw::Alignment *alignPtr) { int seqn; int posn; int _maxAlnLength = alignPtr->getMaxAlnLength(); int _lenFirstSeq = alignPtr->getSeqLength(firstSeq); int _gapPos1 = clustalw::userParameters->getGapPos1(); int _gapPos2 = clustalw::userParameters->getGapPos2(); treeGaps.resize(_maxAlnLength + 1); for (posn = 1; posn <= _lenFirstSeq; ++posn) { treeGaps[posn] = 0; for (seqn = 1; seqn <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; ++seqn) { const vector* _seqM = alignPtr->getSequence(seqn + firstSeq - 1); if(posn > alignPtr->getSeqLength(seqn + firstSeq - 1)) { break; // Dont read locations that cannot be read! } if (((*_seqM)[posn] == _gapPos1) || ((*_seqM)[posn] == _gapPos2)) { treeGaps[posn] = 1; break; } } } } int ClusterTree::dnaDistanceMatrix(ofstream* treeFile, clustalw::Alignment *alignPtr) { int m, n; int j, i; int res1, res2; int overspill = 0; double p, q, e, a, b, k; treeGapDelete(alignPtr); // flag positions with gaps (tree_gaps[i] = 1 ) if (verbose) { (*treeFile) << "\n"; (*treeFile) << "\n DIST = percentage divergence (/100)"; (*treeFile) << "\n p = rate of transition (A <-> G; C <-> T)"; (*treeFile) << "\n q = rate of transversion"; (*treeFile) << "\n Length = number of sites used in comparison"; (*treeFile) << "\n"; if (clustalw::userParameters->getTossGaps()) { (*treeFile) << "\n All sites with gaps (in any sequence) deleted!"; (*treeFile) << "\n"; } if (clustalw::userParameters->getKimura()) { (*treeFile) << "\n Distances corrected by Kimura's 2 parameter model:"; (*treeFile) << "\n\n Kimura, M. (1980)"; (*treeFile) << " A simple method for estimating evolutionary "; (*treeFile) << "rates of base"; (*treeFile) << "\n substitutions through comparative studies of "; (*treeFile) << "nucleotide sequences."; (*treeFile) << "\n J. Mol. Evol., 16, 111-120."; (*treeFile) << "\n\n"; } } int _numSeqs = alignPtr->getNumSeqs(); quickDistMat.reset(new clustalw::DistMatrix(_numSeqs + 1)); int _lenFirstSeq = alignPtr->getSeqLength(firstSeq); int _gapPos1 = clustalw::userParameters->getGapPos1(); int _gapPos2 = clustalw::userParameters->getGapPos2(); int lenSeqM, lenSeqN; // for every pair of sequence for (m = 1; m < lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; ++m) { const vector* _seqM = alignPtr->getSequence(m + firstSeq - 1); lenSeqM = alignPtr->getSeqLength(m + firstSeq - 1); for (n = m + 1; n <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; ++n) { const vector* _seqN = alignPtr->getSequence(n + firstSeq - 1); lenSeqN = alignPtr->getSeqLength(n + firstSeq - 1); p = q = e = 0.0; quickDistMat->SetAt(m, n, 0.0); quickDistMat->SetAt(n ,m, 0.0); for (i = 1; i <= _lenFirstSeq; ++i) { j = bootPositions[i]; if (clustalw::userParameters->getTossGaps() && (treeGaps[j] > 0)) { goto skip; } // gap position /** ******************************************************************************* * BUG!!!!!!! NOTE this was found for protein. Presuming the same here * * NOTE: the following if statements were coded in so as to produce * * the same distance results as the old clustal. Old clustal compares * * up to the length of the first sequence. If this is longer than the * * other sequences, then the -3 and 0's are compared at the end of the * * array. These should not be compared, but I need to stick to this to * * produce the same results as the old version for testing! * **********************************************************************************/ if(j > lenSeqM) { if(j == lenSeqM + 1) { res1 = -3; } else { res1 = 0; } } else { res1 = (*_seqM)[j]; } if(j > lenSeqN) { if(j == lenSeqN + 1) { res2 = -3; } else { res2 = 0; } } else { res2 = (*_seqN)[j]; } if ((res1 == _gapPos1) || (res1 == _gapPos2) || (res2 == _gapPos1) || (res2 == _gapPos2)) { goto skip; } // gap in a seq if (!clustalw::userParameters->getUseAmbiguities()) { if (isAmbiguity(res1) || isAmbiguity(res2)) { goto skip; } } // ambiguity code in a seq e = e+1.0; if (res1 != res2) { if (transition(res1, res2)) { p = p + 1.0; } else { q = q + 1.0; } } skip: ; } // Kimura's 2 parameter correction for multiple substitutions if (!clustalw::userParameters->getKimura()) { if (e == 0) { cout << "\n WARNING: sequences " << m << " and " << n << " are non-overlapping\n"; k = 0.0; p = 0.0; q = 0.0; } else { k = (p + q) / e; if (p > 0.0) { p = p / e; } else { p = 0.0; } if (q > 0.0) { q = q / e; } else { q = 0.0; } } quickDistMat->SetAt(m, n, k); quickDistMat->SetAt(n ,m, k); if (verbose) { (*treeFile) << setw(4) << m << " vs." << setw(4) << n << ": DIST = " << setw(4) << fixed << setprecision(4) << k << "; p = " << fixed << setprecision(4) << p << "; q = " << fixed << setprecision(4) << q << "; length = " << setw(6) << fixed << setprecision(0) << e << "\n"; } } else { if (e == 0) { cout << "\n WARNING: sequences " << m << " and " << n << " are non-overlapping\n";; p = 0.0; q = 0.0; } else { if (p > 0.0) { p = p / e; } else { p = 0.0; } if (q > 0.0) { q = q / e; } else { q = 0.0; } } if (((2.0 *p) + q) == 1.0) { a = 0.0; } else { a = 1.0 / (1.0 - (2.0 *p) - q); } if (q == 0.5) { b = 0.0; } else { b = 1.0 / (1.0 - (2.0 *q)); } // watch for values going off the scale for the correction. if ((a <= 0.0) || (b <= 0.0)) { overspill++; k = 3.5; // arbitrary high score } else { k = 0.5 * log(a) + 0.25 * log(b); } quickDistMat->SetAt(m, n, k); quickDistMat->SetAt(n ,m, k); if (verbose) // if screen output { (*treeFile) << setw(4) << m << " vs." << setw(4) << n << ": DIST = " << fixed << setprecision(4) << k << "; p = " << fixed << setprecision(4) << p << "; q = " << fixed << setprecision(4) << q << "; length = " << setw(6) << fixed << setprecision(0) << e << "\n"; } } } } return overspill; // return the number of off-scale values } int ClusterTree::protDistanceMatrix(ofstream* treeFile, clustalw::Alignment *alignPtr) { int m, n; int j, i; int res1, res2; int overspill = 0; double p, e, k, tableEntry; treeGapDelete(alignPtr); // flag positions with gaps (tree_gaps[i] = 1 ) if (verbose) { (*treeFile) << "\n"; (*treeFile) << "\n DIST = percentage divergence (/100)"; (*treeFile) << "\n Length = number of sites used in comparison"; (*treeFile) << "\n\n"; if (clustalw::userParameters->getTossGaps()) { (*treeFile) << "\n All sites with gaps (in any sequence) deleted"; (*treeFile) << "\n"; } if (clustalw::userParameters->getKimura()) { (*treeFile) << "\n Distances up to 0.75 corrected by Kimura's empirical method:"; (*treeFile) << "\n\n Kimura, M. (1983)"; (*treeFile) << " The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution."; (*treeFile) << "\n Page 75. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England."; (*treeFile) << "\n\n"; } } int _numSeqs = alignPtr->getNumSeqs(); int _lenSeq1 = alignPtr->getSeqLength(1); quickDistMat.reset(new clustalw::DistMatrix(_numSeqs + 1)); int _gapPos1 = clustalw::userParameters->getGapPos1(); int _gapPos2 = clustalw::userParameters->getGapPos2(); int lenSeqM, lenSeqN; // for every pair of sequence for (m = 1; m < _numSeqs; ++m) { const vector* _seqM = alignPtr->getSequence(m); lenSeqM = alignPtr->getSeqLength(m); for (n = m + 1; n <= _numSeqs; ++n) { const vector* _seqN = alignPtr->getSequence(n); lenSeqN = alignPtr->getSeqLength(n); p = e = 0.0; quickDistMat->SetAt(m, n, 0.0); quickDistMat->SetAt(n ,m, 0.0); for (i = 1; i <= _lenSeq1; ++i) // It may be this here! { j = bootPositions[i]; if (clustalw::userParameters->getTossGaps() && (treeGaps[j] > 0)) { goto skip; } // gap position /** ******************************************************************************* * BUG!!!!!!! * * NOTE: the following if statements were coded in so as to produce * * the same distance results as the old clustal. Old clustal compares * * up to the length of the first sequence. If this is longer than the * * other sequences, then the -3 and 0's are compared at the end of the * * array. These should not be compared, but I need to stick to this to * * produce the same results as the old version for testing! * **********************************************************************************/ if(j > lenSeqM) { if(j == lenSeqM + 1) { res1 = -3; } else { res1 = 0; } } else { res1 = (*_seqM)[j]; } if(j > lenSeqN) { if(j == lenSeqN + 1) { res2 = -3; } else { res2 = 0; } } else { res2 = (*_seqN)[j]; } if ((res1 == _gapPos1) || (res1 == _gapPos2) || (res2 == _gapPos1) || (res2 == _gapPos2)) { goto skip; } // gap in a seq e = e + 1.0; if (res1 != res2) { p = p + 1.0; } skip: ; } if (p <= 0.0) { k = 0.0; } else { k = p / e; } if (clustalw::userParameters->getKimura()) { if (k < 0.75) { // use Kimura's formula if (k > 0.0) { k = - log(1.0 - k - (k * k / 5.0)); } } else { if (k > 0.930) { overspill++; k = 10.0; // arbitrarily set to 1000% } else // dayhoff_pams is from dayhoff.h file { tableEntry = (k * 1000.0) - 750.0; k = (double)dayhoff_pams[(int)tableEntry]; k = k / 100.0; } } } quickDistMat->SetAt(m, n, k); quickDistMat->SetAt(n ,m, k); if (verbose) { (*treeFile) << setw(4) << m << " vs." << setw(4) << n << " DIST = " << fixed << setprecision(4) << k << "; length = " << setw(6) << setprecision(0) << e << "\n"; } } } return overspill; } bool ClusterTree::isAmbiguity(int c) { int i; char codes[] = "ACGTU"; if (clustalw::userParameters->getUseAmbiguities() == true) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (clustalw::userParameters->getAminoAcidCode(c) == codes[i]) { return false; } return true; } /* * The function calcPercIdentity calculates the percent identity of the sequences * and outputs it to a the file pfile. NOTE this is not used at the moment. It was in * the old code, but there was no way to access it from the menu. This may change. */ void ClusterTree::calcPercIdentity(ofstream* pfile, clustalw::Alignment *alignPtr) { clustalw::DistMatrix percentMat; char residue; float ident; int nmatch; int val1, val2; int i,j,k, length_longest; int length_shortest; int rs = 0, rl = 0; // findout sequence length, longest and shortest; length_longest = 0; length_shortest = 0; int _numSeqs = alignPtr->getNumSeqs(); int _seqLength; for (i = 1; i <= _numSeqs; i++) { _seqLength = alignPtr->getSeqLength(i); if (length_longest < _seqLength) { length_longest = _seqLength; rs = i; } if (length_shortest > _seqLength) { length_shortest = _seqLength; rl = i; } } percentMat.ResizeRect(_numSeqs + 1); nmatch = 0; int _lenSeqI, _lenSeqJ; int _maxAA = clustalw::userParameters->getMaxAA(); for (i = 1; i <= _numSeqs; i++) { const vector* _seqI = alignPtr->getSequence(i); _lenSeqI = alignPtr->getSeqLength(i); for (j = i; j <= _numSeqs; j++) { const vector* _seqJ = alignPtr->getSequence(j); _lenSeqJ = alignPtr->getSeqLength(j); cout << "\n " << alignPtr->getName(j) << " "; ident = 0; nmatch = 0; for(k = 1; k <= length_longest; k++) { if((k > _lenSeqI) || (k > _lenSeqJ)) { break; } val1 = (*_seqI)[k]; val2 = (*_seqJ)[k]; if (((val1 < 0) || (val1 > _maxAA)) || ((val2 < 0) || (val2 > _maxAA))) { continue; // residue = '-'; } if (val1 == val2) { ident++ ; nmatch++; } else { nmatch++ ; } } ident = ident/nmatch * 100.0 ; percentMat.SetAt(i, j, ident); percentMat.SetAt(j, i, ident); } } int _maxNameSize = alignPtr->getMaxNames(); (*pfile) << "#\n#\n# Percent Identity Matrix - created by Clustal" << clustalw::userParameters->getRevisionLevel() << " \n#\n#\n"; for(i = 1; i <= _numSeqs; i++) { (*pfile) << "\n " << right << setw(5) << i << ": "; (*pfile) << left << setw(_maxNameSize) << alignPtr->getName(i); for(j = 1; j <= _numSeqs; j++) { (*pfile) << setw(8) << right << fixed << setprecision(0) << percentMat(i, j); } } (*pfile) << "\n"; } void ClusterTree::compareTree(PhyloTree* tree1, PhyloTree* tree2, vector* hits, int n) { int i, j, k; int nhits1, nhits2; for (i = 1; i <= n - 3; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= n - 3; j++) { nhits1 = 0; nhits2 = 0; for (k = 1; k <= n; k++) { if (tree1->treeDesc[i][k] == tree2->treeDesc[j][k]) { nhits1++; } if (tree1->treeDesc[i][k] != tree2->treeDesc[j][k]) { nhits2++; } } if ((nhits1 == lastSeq - firstSeq + 1) || (nhits2 == lastSeq - firstSeq + 1)) { (*hits)[i]++; } } } } /** * NOTE this will go into the OutputFile class and will not be needed here anymore. * */ /*string ClusterTree::getOutputFileName(const string prompt, string path, const string fileExtension) { string temp; string _fileName; // Will return this name. string message; _fileName = path + fileExtension; if(_fileName.compare(clustalw::userParameters->getSeqName()) == 0) { cout << "Output file name is the same as input file.\n"; if (clustalw::userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { message = "\n\nEnter new name to avoid overwriting [" + _fileName + "]: "; clustalw::utilityObject->getStr(message, temp); if(temp != "") { _fileName = temp; } } } else if (clustalw::userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { message = prompt + " [" + _fileName + "]"; clustalw::utilityObject->getStr(message, temp); if(temp != "") { _fileName = temp; } } return _fileName; }*/ bool ClusterTree::transition(int base1, int base2) { // assumes that the bases of DNA sequences have been translated as // a,A = 0; c,C = 1; g,G = 2; t,T,u,U = 3; N = 4; // a,A = 0; c,C = 2; g,G = 6; t,T,u,U =17; // A <--> G and T <--> C are transitions; all others are transversions. if (((base1 == 0) && (base2 == 6)) || ((base1 == 6) && (base2 == 0))) { return true; } // A <--> G if (((base1 == 17) && (base2 == 2)) || ((base1 == 2) && (base2 == 17))) { return true; } // T <--> C return false; } /** * This function is used to open all the bootstrap tree files. It opens them with the * correct message prompt. */ bool ClusterTree::openFilesForBootstrap(clustalw::OutputFile* clustalFile, clustalw::OutputFile* phylipFile, clustalw::OutputFile* nexusFile, clustalw::TreeNames* treeNames, string* path) { if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeClustal()) { if(!clustalFile || !clustalFile->openFile(&(treeNames->clustalName), bootstrapPrompt, path, "njb", bootstrapFileTypeMsg)) { return false; } } if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreePhylip()) { if(!phylipFile || !phylipFile->openFile(&(treeNames->phylipName), bootstrapPrompt, path, "phb", bootstrapFileTypeMsg)) { return false; } } if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeNexus()) { if(!nexusFile || !nexusFile->openFile(&(treeNames->nexusName), bootstrapPrompt, path, "treb", bootstrapFileTypeMsg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool ClusterTree::openFilesForTreeFromAlignment(clustalw::OutputFile* clustalFile, clustalw::OutputFile* phylipFile, clustalw::OutputFile* distFile, clustalw::OutputFile* nexusFile, clustalw::OutputFile* pimFile, clustalw::TreeNames* treeNames, string* path) { if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeClustal()) { if(!clustalFile || !clustalFile->openFile(&(treeNames->clustalName), "\nEnter name for CLUSTAL tree output file ", path, "nj", "Phylogenetic tree")) { return false; } } if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreePhylip()) { if(!phylipFile || !phylipFile->openFile(&(treeNames->phylipName), "\nEnter name for PHYLIP tree output file ", path, "ph", "Phylogenetic tree")) { return false; } } if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeDistances()) { if(!distFile || !distFile->openFile(&(treeNames->distName), "\nEnter name for distance matrix output file ", path, "dst", "Distance matrix")) { return false; } } if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeNexus()) { if(!nexusFile || !nexusFile->openFile(&(treeNames->nexusName), "\nEnter name for NEXUS tree output file ", path, "tre", "Nexus tree")) { return false; } } if (clustalw::userParameters->getOutputPim()) { if(!pimFile || !pimFile->openFile(&(treeNames->pimName), "\nEnter name for % Identity matrix output file ", path, "pim", "perc identity")) { return false; } } return true; } int ClusterTree::calcQuickDistMatForAll(ofstream* clustalFile, ofstream* phylipFile, ofstream* nexusFile, ofstream* pimFile, ofstream* distFile, clustalw::Alignment* alignPtr) { int overspill = 0; bool _DNAFlag = clustalw::userParameters->getDNAFlag(); overspill = calcQuickDistMatForSubSet(clustalFile, phylipFile, nexusFile, alignPtr); if (pimFile && clustalw::userParameters->getOutputPim()) { verbose = false; // Turn off file output if (_DNAFlag) { calcPercIdentity(pimFile, alignPtr); } else { calcPercIdentity(pimFile, alignPtr); } } if (distFile && clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeDistances()) { verbose = false; // Turn off file output if (_DNAFlag) { overspill = dnaDistanceMatrix(distFile, alignPtr); } else { overspill = protDistanceMatrix(distFile, alignPtr); } distanceMatrixOutput(distFile, quickDistMat.get(), alignPtr); } return overspill; } int ClusterTree::calcQuickDistMatForSubSet(ofstream* clustalFile, ofstream* phylipFile, ofstream* nexusFile, clustalw::Alignment* alignPtr, bool inBootLoop) { int overspill = 0; bool _DNAFlag = clustalw::userParameters->getDNAFlag(); if (clustalFile && clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeClustal()) { if(!inBootLoop) { verbose = true; // Turn on file output } else { verbose = false; // Turn off when we are in the loop in bootstrap! } if (_DNAFlag) { overspill = dnaDistanceMatrix(clustalFile, alignPtr); } else { overspill = protDistanceMatrix(clustalFile, alignPtr); } } if (phylipFile && clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreePhylip()) { verbose = false; // Turn off file output if (_DNAFlag) { overspill = dnaDistanceMatrix(phylipFile, alignPtr); } else { overspill = protDistanceMatrix(phylipFile, alignPtr); } } if (nexusFile && clustalw::userParameters->getOutputTreeNexus()) { verbose = false; // Turn off file output if (_DNAFlag) { overspill = dnaDistanceMatrix(nexusFile, alignPtr); } else { overspill = protDistanceMatrix(nexusFile, alignPtr); } } return overspill; } void ClusterTree::printBootstrapHeaderToClustalFile(ofstream* clustalFile) { if(clustalFile) { (*clustalFile) << "\n\n\t\t\tBootstrap Confidence Limits\n\n"; (*clustalFile) << "\n Random number generator seed = " << setw(7) << clustalw::userParameters->getBootRanSeed() << "\n"; (*clustalFile) << "\n Number of bootstrap trials = " << setw(7) << clustalw::userParameters->getBootNumTrials() << "\n"; (*clustalFile) << "\n\n Diagrammatic representation of the above tree: \n"; (*clustalFile) << "\n Each row represents 1 tree cycle;"; (*clustalFile) << " defining 2 groups.\n"; (*clustalFile) << "\n Each column is 1 sequence; "; (*clustalFile) << "the stars in each line show 1 group; "; (*clustalFile) << "\n the dots show the other\n"; (*clustalFile) << "\n Numbers show occurences in bootstrap samples."; } } void ClusterTree::promptForBoolSeedAndNumTrials() { if (clustalw::userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { unsigned int tempSeed; tempSeed = clustalw::utilityObject->getInt( "\n\nEnter seed no. for random number generator ", 1, 1000, clustalw::userParameters->getBootRanSeed()); clustalw::userParameters->setBootRanSeed(tempSeed); clustalw::userParameters->setBootNumTrials( clustalw::utilityObject->getInt("\n\nEnter number of bootstrap trials ", 1, 10000, clustalw::userParameters->getBootNumTrials())); } } void ClusterTree::printErrorMessageForBootstrap(int totalOverspill, int totalDists, int nfails) { cout << "\n"; cout << "\n WARNING: " << totalOverspill << " of the distances out of a total of " << totalDists << " times" << clustalw::userParameters->getBootNumTrials(); cout << "\n were out of range for the distance correction."; cout << "\n This affected " << nfails << " out of " << clustalw::userParameters->getBootNumTrials() << " bootstrap trials."; cout << "\n This may not be fatal but you have been warned!" << "\n"; cout << "\n SUGGESTIONS: 1) turn off the correction"; cout << "\n or 2) remove the most distant sequences"; cout << "\n or 3) use the PHYLIP package.\n\n"; if (clustalw::userParameters->getMenuFlag()) { string dummy; clustalw::utilityObject->getStr(string("Press [RETURN] to continue"), dummy); } } bool ClusterTree::checkIfConditionsMet(int numSeqs, int min) { if (clustalw::userParameters->getEmpty()) { clustalw::utilityObject->error("You must load an alignment first"); return false; } if (numSeqs < min) { clustalw::utilityObject->error("Alignment has only %d sequences", numSeqs); return false; } return true; } }