/** * Author: Mark Larkin * * Copyright (c) 2007 Des Higgins, Julie Thompson and Toby Gibson. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "ClusterTreeOutput.h" namespace clustalw { ClusterTreeOutput::ClusterTreeOutput(SeqInfo* seqInfo, int boot) : bootstrap(boot) { firstSeq = seqInfo->firstSeq; lastSeq = seqInfo->lastSeq; numSeqs = seqInfo->numSeqs; } void ClusterTreeOutput::printTreeDesc(PhyloTree* phyloTree) { for(int i = 1; i <= numSeqs; i++) { for(int j = 1; j <= numSeqs; j++) { cout << " " << phyloTree->treeDesc[i][j]; } cout << "\n"; } } /** * The function printPhylipTree is used to print out the unrooted clustered tree in * phylip format. * @param phyloTree A pointer to the PhyloTree struct that contains the description of the * tree. * @param tree The file to print the phylip tree to. Must be open! * @param alignPtr The alignment object. Needed for the names. * @param distMat The distance matrix that was used for the generation of the cluster. * @param bootTotals Holds the bootstrap values. Only used if the tree has been bootstrapped */ void ClusterTreeOutput::printPhylipTree(PhyloTree* phyloTree, ofstream* tree, Alignment *alignPtr, DistMatrix* distMat, vector* bootTotals) { int oldRow; if (lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 == 2) { (*tree) << "(" << alignPtr->getName(firstSeq) << ":" << fixed <getName(firstSeq + 1) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << (*distMat)(firstSeq, firstSeq + 1); return ; } (*tree) << "(\n"; oldRow = twoWaySplit(phyloTree, tree, lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2, 1, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (oldRow > 0) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ",\n"; oldRow = twoWaySplit(phyloTree, tree, lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2, 2, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 1]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (oldRow > 0) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ",\n"; oldRow = twoWaySplit(phyloTree, tree, lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2, 3, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[lastSeq - firstSeq + 1]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (oldRow > 0) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ")"; if (bootstrap == BS_NODE_LABELS) { (*tree) << "TRICHOTOMY"; } (*tree) << ";\n"; } int ClusterTreeOutput::twoWaySplit(PhyloTree* phyloTree, ofstream* tree, int startRow, int flag, Alignment *alignPtr, vector* bootTotals) { int row, newRow = 0, oldRow, col, testCol = 0; bool singleSeq; if (startRow != lastSeq - firstSeq + 1-2) { (*tree) << "(\n"; } for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if (phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == flag) { testCol = col; break; } } singleSeq = true; for (row = startRow - 1; row >= 1; row--) if (phyloTree->treeDesc[row][testCol] == 1) { singleSeq = false; newRow = row; break; } if (singleSeq) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][testCol] = 0; (*tree) << alignPtr->getName(testCol + firstSeq - 1); if (startRow == lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2) { return (0); } (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[startRow] << ",\n"; } else { for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if ((phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == 1) && (phyloTree->treeDesc[newRow][col] == 1)) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] = 0; } } oldRow = twoWaySplit(phyloTree, tree, newRow, 1, alignPtr, bootTotals); if (startRow == lastSeq - firstSeq + 1-2) { return (newRow); } (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[startRow]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ",\n"; } for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) if (phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == flag) { testCol = col; break; } singleSeq = true; newRow = 0; for (row = startRow - 1; row >= 1; row--) if (phyloTree->treeDesc[row][testCol] == 1) { singleSeq = false; newRow = row; break; } if (singleSeq) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][testCol] = 0; (*tree) << alignPtr->getName(testCol + firstSeq - 1); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->rightBranch[startRow] <<")\n"; } else { for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if ((phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == 1) && (phyloTree->treeDesc[newRow][col] == 1)) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] = 0; } } oldRow = twoWaySplit(phyloTree, tree, newRow, 1, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->rightBranch[startRow]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ")\n"; } if ((bootstrap == BS_NODE_LABELS) && ((*bootTotals)[startRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << (*bootTotals)[startRow]; } return (startRow); } void ClusterTreeOutput::printNexusTree(PhyloTree* phyloTree, ofstream* tree, Alignment *alignPtr, DistMatrix* distMat, vector* bootTotals) { int i; int oldRow; (*tree) << "#NEXUS\n\n"; (*tree) << "BEGIN TREES;\n\n"; (*tree) << "\tTRANSLATE\n"; for(i = 1; i < numSeqs; i++) { (*tree) << "\t\t" << i << "\t" << alignPtr->getName(i) <<",\n"; } (*tree) << "\t\t" << numSeqs << "\t" << alignPtr->getName(numSeqs) <<"\n"; (*tree) << "\t\t;\n"; (*tree) << "\tUTREE PAUP_1= "; if(lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 == 2) { (*tree) << "(" << firstSeq << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << (*distMat)(firstSeq, firstSeq + 1) << "," << firstSeq + 1 << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << (*distMat)(firstSeq, firstSeq + 1) << ")"; } else { (*tree) << "("; oldRow = twoWaySplitNexus(phyloTree, tree, lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2, 1, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[lastSeq-firstSeq+1-2]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (oldRow > 0) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow]>0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ","; oldRow = twoWaySplitNexus(phyloTree, tree, lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2, 2, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[lastSeq-firstSeq+1-1]; if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (oldRow>0) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow]>0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ","; oldRow = twoWaySplitNexus(phyloTree, tree, lastSeq-firstSeq+1-2, 3, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[lastSeq-firstSeq+1]; if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (oldRow>0) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow]>0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ")"; if (bootstrap == BS_NODE_LABELS) { (*tree) << "TRICHOTOMY"; } (*tree) << ";"; } (*tree) << "\nENDBLOCK;\n"; } int ClusterTreeOutput::twoWaySplitNexus(PhyloTree* phyloTree, ofstream* tree, int startRow, int flag, Alignment *alignPtr, vector* bootTotals) { int row, newRow = 0, oldRow, col, testCol = 0; bool singleSeq; if (startRow != lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 2) { (*tree) << "("; } for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if (phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == flag) { testCol = col; break; } } singleSeq = true; for (row = startRow - 1; row >= 1; row--) if (phyloTree->treeDesc[row][testCol] == 1) { singleSeq = false; newRow = row; break; } if (singleSeq) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][testCol] = 0; (*tree) << testCol + firstSeq - 1;; if (startRow == lastSeq - firstSeq + 1-2) { return (0); } (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[startRow] << ","; } else { for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if ((phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == 1) && (phyloTree->treeDesc[newRow][col] == 1)) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] = 0; } } oldRow = twoWaySplitNexus(phyloTree, tree, newRow, 1, alignPtr, bootTotals); if (startRow == lastSeq - firstSeq + 1-2) { return (newRow); } (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->leftBranch[startRow]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ","; } for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) if (phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == flag) { testCol = col; break; } singleSeq = true; newRow = 0; for (row = startRow - 1; row >= 1; row--) if (phyloTree->treeDesc[row][testCol] == 1) { singleSeq = false; newRow = row; break; } if (singleSeq) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][testCol] = 0; (*tree) << testCol + firstSeq - 1; (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->rightBranch[startRow] << ")"; } else { for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if ((phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] == 1) && (phyloTree->treeDesc[newRow][col] == 1)) { phyloTree->treeDesc[startRow][col] = 0; } } oldRow = twoWaySplitNexus(phyloTree, tree, newRow, 1, alignPtr, bootTotals); (*tree) << ":" << fixed << setprecision(5) << phyloTree->rightBranch[startRow]; if ((bootstrap == BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && ((*bootTotals)[oldRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << "[" << (*bootTotals)[oldRow] << "]"; } (*tree) << ")"; } if ((bootstrap == BS_NODE_LABELS) && ((*bootTotals)[startRow] > 0)) { (*tree) << (*bootTotals)[startRow]; } return (startRow); } void ClusterTreeOutput::printTree(PhyloTree* phyloTree, ofstream* tree, vector* totals) { int row, col; (*tree) << "\n"; for (row = 1; row <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 - 3; row++) { (*tree) << " \n"; for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { if (phyloTree->treeDesc[row][col] == 0) { (*tree) << "*"; } else { (*tree) << "."; } } if ((*totals)[row] > 0) { (*tree) << setw(7) << (*totals)[row]; } } (*tree) << " \n"; for (col = 1; col <= lastSeq - firstSeq + 1; col++) { (*tree) << setw(1) << phyloTree->treeDesc[lastSeq - firstSeq + 1 -2][col]; } (*tree) << "\n"; } }