\name{mae.colorBased3dPlotting } \alias{mae.colorBased3dPlotting } \title{3D scatter Plot that will generate coding for groups} \description{3D scatter Plot that will generate coding for groups } \usage{ mae.colorBased3dPlotting(groups,group,data, xindex=1,yindex=2,zindex=3, xlabel="PC1", ylabel="PC2", zlabel="PC3", mainTitle, clr=cbind("yellow", "red", "blue", "green", "magenta", "pink", "cyan", "black")) } \arguments{ \item{ groups} {Vector of unique groups} \item{ group } { Matrix of the group for the rows of x} \item{ data } {The data matrix) \item{ xlabel} {The X axis label) \item{ ylabel} {The Y axis label) \item{ zlabel} {The Z axis label) \item{ mainTitle } {The main title) \item{ clr } {color mapping) } \details{ \code{mae.colorBased3dPlotting } 3D scatter Plot that will generate coding for groups } \value{NULL} \references{ } \author{ Shyam Sundaram, Peter Lemkin} \date{ 07/18/2002 } \examples{ # ... } \keyword{ }