\name{mae.loessPlot} \alias{mae.loessPlot} \title{ A function to generate loess line and fitted plots} \description{ A function that generates a loess line and fitted, and optionally plots for them, for two samples } \usage{ mae.loessPlot(x,y,xName,yName,doPlot=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x and y}{are the single sample matrices or data frames} \item{xName and yName}{are the sample names} \item{doPlot}{=TRUE, if do a plot, else just compute the loess data} } \details{ \code{mae.loessPlot} generate loess line and fitted plots for for two samples if doPlot is true. The plots include: M vs A (loess line), and M vs A (loess fitted) plots.} \value{A list with components \item{AValue}{is c(log10(as.matrix(x)) + log10(as.matrix(y)))/2 } \item{MValue}{is c(log2(as.matrix(x)/as.matrix(y))) } \item{dMvsA}{is data.frame(ID=(cbind(x,y)[,1]),AVAL=AValue, MVAL=MValue)} \item{dMvsA.lo }{is loess fit of (MValue ~ AValue)} \item{fitted }{is (MValue-dMvsA.lo$fitted) } \item{sNames}{is c(xName,yName) } } \references{ } \author{ Shyam Sundaram, Peter Lemkin, Greg Thornwal} \date{ 06/30/2003 } \examples{ # ... } \keyword{loess }