GDE - Bugs and Workarounds

1. You must press 'ENTER' when entering parameters.

Problem: In program menus, if you type in text and click 'OK', the text will not be entered., and the parameter value will return to the default. However, moving a slider WILL correctly change the text on thetext line.

Workaround: Always press 'ENTER' when typing in parameters.

2. Circular sequences, reading in
Problem: GDE ignores a circular topology from all file formats except GenBank

Workaround: Where sequence topology is important (eg. restriction sitesearches) save the file in pseudo GenBank format and insert the word 'circular'beginning at column 56 on the LOCUS line. Read the sequence in using File--> Open, NOT Import Foreign Format.

3. Circular sequences, setting

Problem: GDE has no mechanism for setting the topology of aDNA sequence to circular. This should be in File --> Get Info, but hasnever been implemented.

Workaround: Use File --> Export Foreign format to export to a formatthat explicitly allows for specification of a circular topology. So far,it appears that GDE ignores topology for all formats except GenBank.  Insert the word 'circular' beginning at column 56 on the LOCUS line. Read the sequence in using File --> Open, NOT Import Foreign Format.

4.Save As .... GenBank
Problem: A pseudo-GenBank file is generated, omitting mostof the data normally in a GenBank file, and getting several of the lines in the wrong order.

Workaround: If you need to create a true GenBank file, use SEQUIN.


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