gde.Z is the Sun Sparc executable for GDE version 2.3. I got it from Steven Smith in September 1994, and it appears to be the last version released. This version works well under both SunOS and Solaris with the following problems: - Cut or paste with a block (region) of sequence crashes GDE - the file_chooser menu only works the first time it is used, and is blank thereafter - GDE still messes up the screen colors when run alongside certain X11 applications eg. WordPerfect, Netscape Other than those things, 2.3 is okay. One thing that 2.3 fixes, as I recall, is the bug in 2.2 that prevented it from reading the word 'Circular' in a GenBank file. Since there is now way to change the topology within GDE, that's a pretty serious bug. As far as the future of GDE, Steven Smith, now at GCG, has this to say: --------------------------------------------------------------------- We have incorporated GDE into the Wisconsin Package Interface (WPI). The actual name of the resulting product is not set yet, but in all likelyhood it will be "GDE". Along the way, it has been ported from XView to Motif, and many new features have been added, especially for features table support. There are now graphics modes which will support mapping, and presentation schematics, and we are going through the entire GCG package adding color and feature output to all appropriate programs. We have also been working on fragment assembly with ABI trace access included. At this point, we are expecting a July 96 release. WPI has it's own menu configuration system (much more flexible than mine was), but the GDEmenus file is still available. In fact, if you have GDE installed, it is pretty automatic. I haven't converted over the "File chooser" to motif yet, but because Motif has a built in one, it should be simple. As for the freeware version, there is no restriction for its use in a non-profit research manner. Anyone willing may modify it, and redistribute it with those restrictions, and it would please me to think that people would do so. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to continue working on the free version any longer for obvious reasons. I hope this answered your questions. I am very excited about what we will be releasing shortly. I think that it is really what people want as far as data representation, and tied to the GCG package this stuff is finally complete. The two are a good fit. Sincerely, Steve ---------------------------------------------------- Brian Fristensky