Package: BH Type: Package Title: Boost C++ Header Files Version: 1.66.0-1 Date: 2018-02-12 Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, John W. Emerson and Michael J. Kane Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel Description: Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. A large part of Boost is provided as C++ template code which is resolved entirely at compile-time without linking. This package aims to provide the most useful subset of Boost libraries for template use among CRAN package. By placing these libraries in this package, we offer a more efficient distribution system for CRAN as replication of this code in the sources of other packages is avoided. As of release 1.65.0-1, the following Boost libraries are included: 'algorithm' 'align' 'any' 'atomic' 'bimap' 'bind' 'circular_buffer' 'compute' 'concept' 'config' 'container' 'date'_'time' 'detail' 'dynamic_bitset' 'exception' 'filesystem' 'flyweight' 'foreach' 'functional' 'fusion' 'geometry' 'graph' 'heap' 'icl' 'integer' 'interprocess' 'intrusive' 'io' 'iostreams' 'iterator' 'math' 'move' 'mpl' 'multiprcecision' 'numeric' 'pending' 'phoenix' 'preprocessor' 'propery_tree' 'random' 'range' 'scope_exit' 'smart_ptr' 'sort' 'spirit' 'tuple' 'type_traits' 'typeof' 'unordered' 'utility' 'uuid'. License: BSL-1.0 BugReports: NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2018-02-12 19:11:19.852233 UTC; deddelbuettel Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2018-02-13 23:48:11 UTC Built: R 3.5.0; ; 2018-08-29 13:32:38 UTC; unix