//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Lutz // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // // See http://boostorg.github.com/compute for more information. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_CONTAINER_VECTOR_HPP #define BOOST_COMPUTE_CONTAINER_VECTOR_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_HDR_INITIALIZER_LIST #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace compute { /// \class vector /// \brief A resizable array of values. /// /// The vector class stores a dynamic array of values. Internally, the data /// is stored in an OpenCL buffer object. /// /// The vector class is the prefered container for storing and accessing data /// on a compute device. In most cases it should be used instead of directly /// dealing with buffer objects. If the undelying buffer is needed, it can be /// accessed with the get_buffer() method. /// /// The internal storage is allocated in a specific OpenCL context which is /// passed as an argument to the constructor when the vector is created. /// /// For example, to create a vector on the device containing space for ten /// \c int values: /// \code /// boost::compute::vector vec(10, context); /// \endcode /// /// Allocation and data transfer can also be performed in a single step: /// \code /// // values on the host /// int data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; /// /// // create a vector of size four and copy the values from data /// boost::compute::vector vec(data, data + 4, queue); /// \endcode /// /// The Boost.Compute \c vector class provides a STL-like API and is modeled /// after the \c std::vector class from the C++ standard library. It can be /// used with any of the STL-like algorithms provided by Boost.Compute /// including \c copy(), \c transform(), and \c sort() (among many others). /// /// For example: /// \code /// // a vector on a compute device /// boost::compute::vector vec = ... /// /// // copy data to the vector from a host std:vector /// boost::compute::copy(host_vec.begin(), host_vec.end(), vec.begin(), queue); /// /// // copy data from the vector to a host std::vector /// boost::compute::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), host_vec.begin(), queue); /// /// // sort the values in the vector /// boost::compute::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), queue); /// /// // calculate the sum of the values in the vector (also see reduce()) /// float sum = boost::compute::accumulate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0, queue); /// /// // reverse the values in the vector /// boost::compute::reverse(vec.begin(), vec.end(), queue); /// /// // fill the vector with ones /// boost::compute::fill(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 1, queue); /// \endcode /// /// \see \ref array "array", buffer template > class vector { public: typedef T value_type; typedef Alloc allocator_type; typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef detail::buffer_value reference; typedef const detail::buffer_value const_reference; typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef buffer_iterator iterator; typedef buffer_iterator const_iterator; typedef std::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef std::reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; /// Creates an empty vector in \p context. explicit vector(const context &context = system::default_context()) : m_size(0), m_allocator(context) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate(_minimum_capacity()); } /// Creates a vector with space for \p count elements in \p context. /// /// Note that unlike \c std::vector's constructor, this will not initialize /// the values in the container. Either call the vector constructor which /// takes a value to initialize with or use the fill() algorithm to set /// the initial values. /// /// For example: /// \code /// // create a vector on the device with space for ten ints /// boost::compute::vector vec(10, context); /// \endcode explicit vector(size_type count, const context &context = system::default_context()) : m_size(count), m_allocator(context) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(count, _minimum_capacity())); } /// Creates a vector with space for \p count elements and sets each equal /// to \p value. /// /// For example: /// \code /// // creates a vector with four values set to nine (e.g. [9, 9, 9, 9]). /// boost::compute::vector vec(4, 9, queue); /// \endcode vector(size_type count, const T &value, command_queue &queue = system::default_queue()) : m_size(count), m_allocator(queue.get_context()) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(count, _minimum_capacity())); ::boost::compute::fill_n(begin(), count, value, queue); } /// Creates a vector with space for the values in the range [\p first, /// \p last) and copies them into the vector with \p queue. /// /// For example: /// \code /// // values on the host /// int data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; /// /// // create a vector of size four and copy the values from data /// boost::compute::vector vec(data, data + 4, queue); /// \endcode template vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, command_queue &queue = system::default_queue()) : m_size(detail::iterator_range_size(first, last)), m_allocator(queue.get_context()) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(m_size, _minimum_capacity())); ::boost::compute::copy(first, last, begin(), queue); } /// Creates a new vector and copies the values from \p other. vector(const vector &other, command_queue &queue = system::default_queue()) : m_size(other.m_size), m_allocator(other.m_allocator) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(m_size, _minimum_capacity())); if(!other.empty()){ if(other.get_buffer().get_context() != queue.get_context()){ command_queue other_queue = other.default_queue(); ::boost::compute::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin(), other_queue); other_queue.finish(); } else { ::boost::compute::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin(), queue); queue.finish(); } } } /// Creates a new vector and copies the values from \p other. template vector(const vector &other, command_queue &queue = system::default_queue()) : m_size(other.size()), m_allocator(queue.get_context()) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(m_size, _minimum_capacity())); if(!other.empty()){ ::boost::compute::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin(), queue); queue.finish(); } } /// Creates a new vector and copies the values from \p vector. template vector(const std::vector &vector, command_queue &queue = system::default_queue()) : m_size(vector.size()), m_allocator(queue.get_context()) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(m_size, _minimum_capacity())); ::boost::compute::copy(vector.begin(), vector.end(), begin(), queue); } #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_HDR_INITIALIZER_LIST vector(std::initializer_list list, command_queue &queue = system::default_queue()) : m_size(list.size()), m_allocator(queue.get_context()) { m_data = m_allocator.allocate((std::max)(m_size, _minimum_capacity())); ::boost::compute::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), begin(), queue); } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_HDR_INITIALIZER_LIST vector& operator=(const vector &other) { if(this != &other){ command_queue queue = default_queue(); resize(other.size(), queue); ::boost::compute::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin(), queue); queue.finish(); } return *this; } template vector& operator=(const vector &other) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); resize(other.size(), queue); ::boost::compute::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin(), queue); queue.finish(); return *this; } template vector& operator=(const std::vector &vector) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); resize(vector.size(), queue); ::boost::compute::copy(vector.begin(), vector.end(), begin(), queue); queue.finish(); return *this; } #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES /// Move-constructs a new vector from \p other. vector(vector&& other) : m_data(std::move(other.m_data)), m_size(other.m_size), m_allocator(std::move(other.m_allocator)) { other.m_size = 0; } /// Move-assigns the data from \p other to \c *this. vector& operator=(vector&& other) { if(capacity() > 0){ m_allocator.deallocate(m_data, capacity()); } m_data = std::move(other.m_data); m_size = other.m_size; m_allocator = std::move(other.m_allocator); other.m_size = 0; return *this; } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES /// Destroys the vector object. ~vector() { if(capacity() > 0){ m_allocator.deallocate(m_data, capacity()); } } iterator begin() { return ::boost::compute::make_buffer_iterator(m_data.get_buffer(), 0); } const_iterator begin() const { return ::boost::compute::make_buffer_iterator(m_data.get_buffer(), 0); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); } iterator end() { return ::boost::compute::make_buffer_iterator(m_data.get_buffer(), m_size); } const_iterator end() const { return ::boost::compute::make_buffer_iterator(m_data.get_buffer(), m_size); } const_iterator cend() const { return end(); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end() - 1); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return reverse_iterator(end() - 1); } const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return rbegin(); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin() - 1); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return reverse_iterator(begin() - 1); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return rend(); } /// Returns the number of elements in the vector. size_type size() const { return m_size; } size_type max_size() const { return m_allocator.max_size(); } /// Resizes the vector to \p size. void resize(size_type size, command_queue &queue) { if(size <= capacity()){ m_size = size; } else { // allocate new buffer pointer new_data = m_allocator.allocate( static_cast( static_cast(size) * _growth_factor() ) ); if(capacity() > 0) { // copy old values to the new buffer ::boost::compute::copy(m_data, m_data + m_size, new_data, queue); // free old memory m_allocator.deallocate(m_data, capacity()); } // set new data and size m_data = new_data; m_size = size; } } /// \overload void resize(size_type size) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); resize(size, queue); queue.finish(); } /// Returns \c true if the vector is empty. bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; } /// Returns the capacity of the vector. size_type capacity() const { if(m_data == pointer()) // null pointer check { return 0; } return m_data.get_buffer().size() / sizeof(T); } void reserve(size_type size, command_queue &queue) { if(size > max_size()){ throw std::length_error("vector::reserve"); } if(capacity() < size){ // allocate new buffer pointer new_data = m_allocator.allocate( static_cast( static_cast(size) * _growth_factor() ) ); if(capacity() > 0) { // copy old values to the new buffer ::boost::compute::copy(m_data, m_data + m_size, new_data, queue); // free old memory m_allocator.deallocate(m_data, capacity()); } // set new data m_data = new_data; } } void reserve(size_type size) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); reserve(size, queue); queue.finish(); } void shrink_to_fit(command_queue &queue) { pointer old_data = m_data; m_data = pointer(); // null pointer if(m_size > 0) { // allocate new buffer m_data = m_allocator.allocate(m_size); // copy old values to the new buffer ::boost::compute::copy(old_data, old_data + m_size, m_data, queue); } if(capacity() > 0) { // free old memory m_allocator.deallocate(old_data, capacity()); } } void shrink_to_fit() { command_queue queue = default_queue(); shrink_to_fit(queue); queue.finish(); } reference operator[](size_type index) { return *(begin() + static_cast(index)); } const_reference operator[](size_type index) const { return *(begin() + static_cast(index)); } reference at(size_type index) { if(index >= size()){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("index out of range")); } return operator[](index); } const_reference at(size_type index) const { if(index >= size()){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("index out of range")); } return operator[](index); } reference front() { return *begin(); } const_reference front() const { return *begin(); } reference back() { return *(end() - static_cast(1)); } const_reference back() const { return *(end() - static_cast(1)); } template void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, command_queue &queue) { // resize vector for new contents resize(detail::iterator_range_size(first, last), queue); // copy values into the vector ::boost::compute::copy(first, last, begin(), queue); } template void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); assign(first, last, queue); queue.finish(); } void assign(size_type n, const T &value, command_queue &queue) { // resize vector for new contents resize(n, queue); // fill vector with value ::boost::compute::fill_n(begin(), n, value, queue); } void assign(size_type n, const T &value) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); assign(n, value, queue); queue.finish(); } /// Inserts \p value at the end of the vector (resizing if neccessary). /// /// Note that calling \c push_back() to insert data values one at a time /// is inefficient as there is a non-trivial overhead in performing a data /// transfer to the device. It is usually better to store a set of values /// on the host (for example, in a \c std::vector) and then transfer them /// in bulk using the \c insert() method or the copy() algorithm. void push_back(const T &value, command_queue &queue) { insert(end(), value, queue); } /// \overload void push_back(const T &value) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); push_back(value, queue); queue.finish(); } void pop_back(command_queue &queue) { resize(size() - 1, queue); } void pop_back() { command_queue queue = default_queue(); pop_back(queue); queue.finish(); } iterator insert(iterator position, const T &value, command_queue &queue) { if(position == end()){ resize(m_size + 1, queue); position = begin() + position.get_index(); ::boost::compute::copy_n(&value, 1, position, queue); } else { ::boost::compute::vector tmp(position, end(), queue); resize(m_size + 1, queue); position = begin() + position.get_index(); ::boost::compute::copy_n(&value, 1, position, queue); ::boost::compute::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), position + 1, queue); } return position + 1; } iterator insert(iterator position, const T &value) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); iterator iter = insert(position, value, queue); queue.finish(); return iter; } void insert(iterator position, size_type count, const T &value, command_queue &queue) { ::boost::compute::vector tmp(position, end(), queue); resize(size() + count, queue); position = begin() + position.get_index(); ::boost::compute::fill_n(position, count, value, queue); ::boost::compute::copy( tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), position + static_cast(count), queue ); } void insert(iterator position, size_type count, const T &value) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); insert(position, count, value, queue); queue.finish(); } /// Inserts the values in the range [\p first, \p last) into the vector at /// \p position using \p queue. template void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last, command_queue &queue) { ::boost::compute::vector tmp(position, end(), queue); size_type count = detail::iterator_range_size(first, last); resize(size() + count, queue); position = begin() + position.get_index(); ::boost::compute::copy(first, last, position, queue); ::boost::compute::copy( tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), position + static_cast(count), queue ); } /// \overload template void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); insert(position, first, last, queue); queue.finish(); } iterator erase(iterator position, command_queue &queue) { return erase(position, position + 1, queue); } iterator erase(iterator position) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); iterator iter = erase(position, queue); queue.finish(); return iter; } iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last, command_queue &queue) { if(last != end()){ ::boost::compute::vector tmp(last, end(), queue); ::boost::compute::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), first, queue); } difference_type count = std::distance(first, last); resize(size() - static_cast(count), queue); return begin() + first.get_index() + count; } iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) { command_queue queue = default_queue(); iterator iter = erase(first, last, queue); queue.finish(); return iter; } /// Swaps the contents of \c *this with \p other. void swap(vector &other) { std::swap(m_data, other.m_data); std::swap(m_size, other.m_size); std::swap(m_allocator, other.m_allocator); } /// Removes all elements from the vector. void clear() { m_size = 0; } allocator_type get_allocator() const { return m_allocator; } /// Returns the underlying buffer. const buffer& get_buffer() const { return m_data.get_buffer(); } /// \internal_ /// /// Returns a command queue usable to issue commands for the vector's /// memory buffer. This is used when a member function is called without /// specifying an existing command queue to use. command_queue default_queue() const { const context &context = m_allocator.get_context(); command_queue queue(context, context.get_device()); return queue; } private: /// \internal_ BOOST_CONSTEXPR size_type _minimum_capacity() const { return 4; } /// \internal_ BOOST_CONSTEXPR float _growth_factor() const { return 1.5; } private: pointer m_data; size_type m_size; allocator_type m_allocator; }; namespace detail { // set_kernel_arg specialization for vector template struct set_kernel_arg > { void operator()(kernel &kernel_, size_t index, const vector &vector) { kernel_.set_arg(index, vector.get_buffer()); } }; // for capturing vector with BOOST_COMPUTE_CLOSURE() template struct capture_traits > { static std::string type_name() { return std::string("__global ") + ::boost::compute::type_name() + "*"; } }; // meta_kernel streaming operator for vector template meta_kernel& operator<<(meta_kernel &k, const vector &vector) { return k << k.get_buffer_identifier(vector.get_buffer()); } } // end detail namespace } // end compute namespace } // end boost namespace #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CONTAINER_VECTOR_HPP