#ifndef BOOST_CORE_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_TRAIT_HPP #define BOOST_CORE_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_TRAIT_HPP // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma once #endif // boost/core/lightweight_test_trait.hpp // // BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE, BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_FALSE // // Copyright 2014 Peter Dimov // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt #include #include namespace boost { namespace detail { template< class T > inline void test_trait_impl( char const * trait, void (*)( T ), bool expected, char const * file, int line, char const * function ) { if( T::value == expected ) { report_errors_remind(); } else { BOOST_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_OSTREAM << file << "(" << line << "): predicate '" << trait << "' [" << boost::core::demangled_name( BOOST_CORE_TYPEID(T) ) << "]" << " test failed in function '" << function << "' (should have been " << ( expected? "true": "false" ) << ")" << std::endl; ++test_errors(); } } } // namespace detail } // namespace boost #define BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_TRUE(type) ( ::boost::detail::test_trait_impl(#type, (void(*)type)0, true, __FILE__, __LINE__, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION) ) #define BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_FALSE(type) ( ::boost::detail::test_trait_impl(#type, (void(*)type)0, false, __FILE__, __LINE__, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION) ) #endif // #ifndef BOOST_CORE_LIGHTWEIGHT_TEST_TRAIT_HPP