/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2011 Eric Niebler Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ==============================================================================*/ #if !defined(BOOST_FUSION_SEGMENTED_ITERATOR_SEGMENTED_ITERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED) #define BOOST_FUSION_SEGMENTED_ITERATOR_SEGMENTED_ITERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace fusion { struct nil_; namespace detail { template struct segmented_next_impl; } // A segmented iterator wraps a "context", which is a cons list // of ranges, the frontmost is range over values and the rest // are ranges over internal segments. template struct segmented_iterator : iterator_facade, forward_traversal_tag> { BOOST_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED explicit segmented_iterator(Context const& ctx) : context(ctx) {} //auto deref(it) //{ // return deref(begin(car(it.context))) //} template struct deref { typedef typename result_of::deref< typename It::context_type::car_type::begin_type >::type type; BOOST_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED static type call(It const& it) { return *it.context.car.first; } }; //auto deref_data(it) //{ // return deref_data(begin(car(it.context))) //} template struct deref_data { typedef typename result_of::deref_data< typename It::context_type::car_type::begin_type >::type type; BOOST_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED static type call(It const& it) { return fusion::deref_data(it.context.car.first); } }; //auto key_of(it) //{ // return key_of(begin(car(it.context))) //} template struct key_of : result_of::key_of {}; //auto value_of(it) //{ // return value_of(begin(car(it.context))) //} template struct value_of : result_of::value_of {}; //auto value_of_data(it) //{ // return value_of_data(begin(car(it.context))) //} template struct value_of_data : result_of::value_of_data {}; // Compare all the segment iterators in each stack, starting with // the bottom-most. template < typename It1 , typename It2 , int Size1 = It1::context_type::size::value , int Size2 = It2::context_type::size::value > struct equal_to : mpl::false_ {}; template struct equal_to : detail::segmented_equal_to< typename It1::context_type , typename It2::context_type > {}; template struct next { typedef detail::segmented_next_impl impl; typedef segmented_iterator type; BOOST_CONSTEXPR BOOST_FUSION_GPU_ENABLED static type call(It const& it) { return type(impl::call(it.context)); } }; typedef Context context_type; context_type context; }; }} #endif