// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Copyright (c) 2017 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2016. // Modifications copyright (c) 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_BUFFER_TURN_IN_PIECE_VISITOR #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_BUFFER_TURN_IN_PIECE_VISITOR #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) #include #endif namespace boost { namespace geometry { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace buffer { struct piece_get_box { template static inline void apply(Box& total, Piece const& piece) { geometry::expand(total, piece.robust_envelope); } }; struct piece_ovelaps_box { template static inline bool apply(Box const& box, Piece const& piece) { if (piece.type == strategy::buffer::buffered_flat_end || piece.type == strategy::buffer::buffered_concave) { // Turns cannot be inside a flat end (though they can be on border) // Neither we need to check if they are inside concave helper pieces // Skip all pieces not used as soon as possible return false; } return ! geometry::detail::disjoint::disjoint_box_box(box, piece.robust_envelope); } }; struct turn_get_box { template static inline void apply(Box& total, Turn const& turn) { geometry::expand(total, turn.robust_point); } }; struct turn_ovelaps_box { template static inline bool apply(Box const& box, Turn const& turn) { return ! geometry::detail::disjoint::disjoint_point_box(turn.robust_point, box); } }; enum analyse_result { analyse_unknown, analyse_continue, analyse_disjoint, analyse_within, analyse_on_original_boundary, analyse_on_offsetted #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) , analyse_near_offsetted #endif }; template inline bool in_box(Point const& previous, Point const& current, Point const& point) { // Get its box (TODO: this can be prepared-on-demand later) typedef geometry::model::box box_type; box_type box; geometry::assign_inverse(box); geometry::expand(box, previous); geometry::expand(box, current); return geometry::covered_by(point, box); } template inline analyse_result check_segment(Point const& previous, Point const& current, Turn const& turn, bool from_monotonic) { #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) typedef geometry::model::referring_segment segment_type; segment_type const p(turn.rob_pi, turn.rob_pj); segment_type const q(turn.rob_qi, turn.rob_qj); segment_type const r(previous, current); int const side = strategy::side::side_of_intersection::apply(p, q, r, turn.robust_point); if (side == 0) { return analyse_on_offsetted; } if (side == -1 && from_monotonic) { return analyse_within; } if (side == 1 && from_monotonic) { return analyse_disjoint; } return analyse_continue; #else typedef typename strategy::side::services::default_strategy < typename cs_tag::type >::type side_strategy; typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; coordinate_type const twice_area = side_strategy::template side_value < coordinate_type, coordinate_type >(previous, current, turn.robust_point); if (twice_area == 0) { // Collinear, only on segment if it is covered by its bbox if (in_box(previous, current, turn.robust_point)) { return analyse_on_offsetted; } } else if (twice_area < 0) { // It is in the triangle right-of the segment where the // segment is the hypothenusa. Check if it is close // (within rounding-area) if (twice_area * twice_area < geometry::comparable_distance(previous, current) && in_box(previous, current, turn.robust_point)) { return analyse_near_offsetted; } else if (from_monotonic) { return analyse_within; } } else if (twice_area > 0 && from_monotonic) { // Left of segment return analyse_disjoint; } // Not monotonic, on left or right side: continue analysing return analyse_continue; #endif } class analyse_turn_wrt_point_piece { public : template static inline analyse_result apply(Turn const& turn, Piece const& piece) { typedef typename Piece::section_type section_type; typedef typename Turn::robust_point_type point_type; typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) typedef geometry::model::referring_segment segment_type; segment_type const p(turn.rob_pi, turn.rob_pj); segment_type const q(turn.rob_qi, turn.rob_qj); #else typedef strategy::within::winding strategy_type; typename strategy_type::state_type state; strategy_type strategy; boost::ignore_unused(strategy); #endif BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(! piece.sections.empty()); coordinate_type const point_x = geometry::get<0>(turn.robust_point); for (std::size_t s = 0; s < piece.sections.size(); s++) { section_type const& section = piece.sections[s]; // If point within horizontal range of monotonic section: if (! section.duplicate && section.begin_index < section.end_index && point_x >= geometry::get(section.bounding_box) - 1 && point_x <= geometry::get(section.bounding_box) + 1) { for (signed_size_type i = section.begin_index + 1; i <= section.end_index; i++) { point_type const& previous = piece.robust_ring[i - 1]; point_type const& current = piece.robust_ring[i]; #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) // First check if it is in range - if it is not, the // expensive side_of_intersection does not need to be // applied coordinate_type x1 = geometry::get<0>(previous); coordinate_type x2 = geometry::get<0>(current); if (x1 > x2) { std::swap(x1, x2); } if (point_x >= x1 - 1 && point_x <= x2 + 1) { segment_type const r(previous, current); int const side = strategy::side::side_of_intersection::apply(p, q, r, turn.robust_point); // Sections are monotonic in x-dimension if (side == 1) { // Left on segment return analyse_disjoint; } else if (side == 0) { // Collinear - TODO: check if really on segment return analyse_on_offsetted; } } #else analyse_result code = check_segment(previous, current, turn, false); if (code != analyse_continue) { return code; } // Get the state (to determine it is within), we don't have // to cover the on-segment case (covered above) strategy.apply(turn.robust_point, previous, current, state); #endif } } } #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) // It is nowhere outside, and not on segment, so it is within return analyse_within; #else int const code = strategy.result(state); if (code == 1) { return analyse_within; } else if (code == -1) { return analyse_disjoint; } // Should normally not occur - on-segment is covered return analyse_unknown; #endif } }; class analyse_turn_wrt_piece { template static inline analyse_result check_helper_segment(Point const& s1, Point const& s2, Turn const& turn, #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) bool , // is on original, to be reused #else bool is_original, #endif Point const& offsetted) { boost::ignore_unused(offsetted); #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) typedef geometry::model::referring_segment segment_type; segment_type const p(turn.rob_pi, turn.rob_pj); segment_type const q(turn.rob_qi, turn.rob_qj); segment_type const r(s1, s2); int const side = strategy::side::side_of_intersection::apply(p, q, r, turn.robust_point); if (side == 1) { // left of segment return analyse_disjoint; } else if (side == 0) { // If is collinear, either on segment or before/after typedef geometry::model::box box_type; box_type box; geometry::assign_inverse(box); geometry::expand(box, s1); geometry::expand(box, s2); if (geometry::covered_by(turn.robust_point, box)) { // Points on helper-segments (and not on its corners) // are considered as within return analyse_within; } // It is collinear but not on the segment. Because these // segments are convex, it is outside // Unless the offsetted ring is collinear or concave w.r.t. // helper-segment but that scenario is not yet supported return analyse_disjoint; } // right of segment return analyse_continue; #else typedef typename strategy::side::services::default_strategy < typename cs_tag::type >::type side_strategy; switch(side_strategy::apply(s1, s2, turn.robust_point)) { case 1 : return analyse_disjoint; // left of segment case 0 : { // If is collinear, either on segment or before/after typedef geometry::model::box box_type; box_type box; geometry::assign_inverse(box); geometry::expand(box, s1); geometry::expand(box, s2); if (geometry::covered_by(turn.robust_point, box)) { // It is on the segment if (! is_original && geometry::comparable_distance(turn.robust_point, offsetted) <= 1) { // It is close to the offsetted-boundary, take // any rounding-issues into account return analyse_near_offsetted; } // Points on helper-segments are considered as within // Points on original boundary are processed differently return is_original ? analyse_on_original_boundary : analyse_within; } // It is collinear but not on the segment. Because these // segments are convex, it is outside // Unless the offsetted ring is collinear or concave w.r.t. // helper-segment but that scenario is not yet supported return analyse_disjoint; } break; } // right of segment return analyse_continue; #endif } template static inline analyse_result check_helper_segments(Turn const& turn, Piece const& piece) { typedef typename Turn::robust_point_type point_type; geometry::equal_to comparator; point_type points[4]; signed_size_type helper_count = static_cast(piece.robust_ring.size()) - piece.offsetted_count; if (helper_count == 4) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { points[i] = piece.robust_ring[piece.offsetted_count + i]; } // 3--offsetted outline--0 // | | // left | | right // | | // 2===>==original===>===1 } else if (helper_count == 3) { // Triangular piece, assign points but assign second twice for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int index = i < 2 ? i : i - 1; points[i] = piece.robust_ring[piece.offsetted_count + index]; } } else { // Some pieces (e.g. around points) do not have helper segments. // Others should have 3 (join) or 4 (side) return analyse_continue; } // First check point-equality point_type const& point = turn.robust_point; if (comparator(point, points[0]) || comparator(point, points[3])) { return analyse_on_offsetted; } if (comparator(point, points[1])) { // On original, right corner return piece.is_flat_end ? analyse_continue : analyse_on_original_boundary; } if (comparator(point, points[2])) { // On original, left corner return piece.is_flat_start ? analyse_continue : analyse_on_original_boundary; } // Right side of the piece analyse_result result = check_helper_segment(points[0], points[1], turn, false, points[0]); if (result != analyse_continue) { return result; } // Left side of the piece result = check_helper_segment(points[2], points[3], turn, false, points[3]); if (result != analyse_continue) { return result; } if (! comparator(points[1], points[2])) { // Side of the piece at side of original geometry result = check_helper_segment(points[1], points[2], turn, true, point); if (result != analyse_continue) { return result; } } // We are within the \/ or |_| shaped piece, where the top is the // offsetted ring. if (! geometry::covered_by(point, piece.robust_offsetted_envelope)) { // Not in offsetted-area. This makes a cheap check possible typedef typename strategy::side::services::default_strategy < typename cs_tag::type >::type side_strategy; switch(side_strategy::apply(points[3], points[0], point)) { case 1 : return analyse_disjoint; case -1 : return analyse_within; case 0 : return analyse_disjoint; } } return analyse_continue; } template static inline analyse_result check_monotonic(Turn const& turn, Piece const& piece, Compare const& compare) { typedef typename Piece::piece_robust_ring_type ring_type; typedef typename ring_type::const_iterator it_type; it_type end = piece.robust_ring.begin() + piece.offsetted_count; it_type it = std::lower_bound(piece.robust_ring.begin(), end, turn.robust_point, compare); if (it != end && it != piece.robust_ring.begin()) { // iterator points to point larger than point // w.r.t. specified direction, and prev points to a point smaller // We now know if it is inside/outside it_type prev = it - 1; return check_segment(*prev, *it, turn, true); } return analyse_continue; } public : template static inline analyse_result apply(Turn const& turn, Piece const& piece) { typedef typename Turn::robust_point_type point_type; analyse_result code = check_helper_segments(turn, piece); if (code != analyse_continue) { return code; } geometry::equal_to comparator; if (piece.offsetted_count > 8) { // If the offset contains some points and is monotonic, we try // to avoid walking all points linearly. // We try it only once. if (piece.is_monotonic_increasing[0]) { code = check_monotonic(turn, piece, geometry::less()); if (code != analyse_continue) return code; } else if (piece.is_monotonic_increasing[1]) { code = check_monotonic(turn, piece, geometry::less()); if (code != analyse_continue) return code; } else if (piece.is_monotonic_decreasing[0]) { code = check_monotonic(turn, piece, geometry::greater()); if (code != analyse_continue) return code; } else if (piece.is_monotonic_decreasing[1]) { code = check_monotonic(turn, piece, geometry::greater()); if (code != analyse_continue) return code; } } // It is small or not monotonic, walk linearly through offset // TODO: this will be combined with winding strategy for (signed_size_type i = 1; i < piece.offsetted_count; i++) { point_type const& previous = piece.robust_ring[i - 1]; point_type const& current = piece.robust_ring[i]; // The robust ring can contain duplicates // (on which any side or side-value would return 0) if (! comparator(previous, current)) { code = check_segment(previous, current, turn, false); if (code != analyse_continue) { return code; } } } return analyse_unknown; } }; template class turn_in_piece_visitor { Turns& m_turns; // because partition is currently operating on const input only Pieces const& m_pieces; // to check for piece-type template inline bool skip(Operation const& op, Piece const& piece) const { if (op.piece_index == piece.index) { return true; } Piece const& pc = m_pieces[op.piece_index]; if (pc.left_index == piece.index || pc.right_index == piece.index) { if (pc.type == strategy::buffer::buffered_flat_end) { // If it is a flat end, don't compare against its neighbor: // it will always be located on one of the helper segments return true; } if (pc.type == strategy::buffer::buffered_concave) { // If it is concave, the same applies: the IP will be // located on one of the helper segments return true; } } return false; } #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) // NOTE: this function returns a side value in {-1, 0, 1} template static inline int turn_in_convex_piece(Turn const& turn, Piece const& piece) { typedef typename Turn::robust_point_type point_type; typedef typename Piece::piece_robust_ring_type ring_type; typedef geometry::model::referring_segment segment; segment const p(turn.rob_pi, turn.rob_pj); segment const q(turn.rob_qi, turn.rob_qj); typedef typename boost::range_iterator::type iterator_type; iterator_type it = boost::begin(piece.robust_ring); iterator_type end = boost::end(piece.robust_ring); // A robust ring is always closed, and always clockwise for (iterator_type previous = it++; it != end; ++previous, ++it) { geometry::equal_to comparator; if (comparator(*previous, *it)) { // Points are the same continue; } segment r(*previous, *it); int const side = strategy::side::side_of_intersection::apply(p, q, r, turn.robust_point); if (side == 1) { // IP is left of segment, so it is outside return -1; // outside } else if (side == 0) { // IP is collinear with segment. TODO: we should analyze this further // For now we use the fallback point if (in_box(*previous, *it, turn.robust_point)) { return 0; } else { return -1; // outside } } } return 1; // inside } #endif public: inline turn_in_piece_visitor(Turns& turns, Pieces const& pieces) : m_turns(turns) , m_pieces(pieces) {} template inline bool apply(Turn const& turn, Piece const& piece, bool first = true) { boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(first); if (turn.count_within > 0) { // Already inside - no need to check again return true; } if (piece.type == strategy::buffer::buffered_flat_end || piece.type == strategy::buffer::buffered_concave) { // Turns cannot be located within flat-end or concave pieces return true; } if (! geometry::covered_by(turn.robust_point, piece.robust_envelope)) { // Easy check: if the turn is not in the envelope, we can safely return return true; } if (skip(turn.operations[0], piece) || skip(turn.operations[1], piece)) { return true; } // TODO: mutable_piece to make some on-demand preparations in analyse Turn& mutable_turn = m_turns[turn.turn_index]; if (piece.type == geometry::strategy::buffer::buffered_point) { // Optimization for buffer around points: if distance from center // is not between min/max radius, the result is clear typedef typename default_comparable_distance_result < typename Turn::robust_point_type >::type distance_type; distance_type const cd = geometry::comparable_distance(piece.robust_center, turn.robust_point); if (cd < piece.robust_min_comparable_radius) { mutable_turn.count_within++; return true; } if (cd > piece.robust_max_comparable_radius) { return true; } } analyse_result analyse_code = piece.type == geometry::strategy::buffer::buffered_point ? analyse_turn_wrt_point_piece::apply(turn, piece) : analyse_turn_wrt_piece::apply(turn, piece); switch(analyse_code) { case analyse_disjoint : return true; case analyse_on_offsetted : mutable_turn.count_on_offsetted++; // value is not used anymore return true; case analyse_on_original_boundary : mutable_turn.count_on_original_boundary++; return true; case analyse_within : mutable_turn.count_within++; return true; #if ! defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) case analyse_near_offsetted : mutable_turn.count_within_near_offsetted++; return true; #endif default : break; } #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_USE_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION) // We don't know (yet) int geometry_code = 0; if (piece.is_convex) { geometry_code = turn_in_convex_piece(turn, piece); } else { // TODO: this point_in_geometry is a performance-bottleneck here and // will be replaced completely by extending analyse_piece functionality geometry_code = detail::within::point_in_geometry(turn.robust_point, piece.robust_ring); } #else int geometry_code = detail::within::point_in_geometry(turn.robust_point, piece.robust_ring); #endif if (geometry_code == 1) { mutable_turn.count_within++; } return true; } }; }} // namespace detail::buffer #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_BUFFER_TURN_IN_PIECE_VISITOR