// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France. // Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2017. // Modifications copyright (c) 2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Parts of Boost.Geometry are redesigned from Geodan's Geographic Library // (geolib/GGL), copyright (c) 1995-2010 Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.Dimension. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_POINT_ON_BORDER_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_POINT_ON_BORDER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace point_on_border { struct get_point { template static inline bool apply(Point& destination, Point const& source) { destination = source; return true; } }; template struct midpoint_helper { template static inline bool apply(Point& p, InputPoint const& p1, InputPoint const& p2) { typename coordinate_type::type const two = 2; set(p, (get(p1) + get(p2)) / two); return midpoint_helper::apply(p, p1, p2); } }; template struct midpoint_helper { template static inline bool apply(Point& , InputPoint const& , InputPoint const& ) { return true; } }; template struct point_on_range { // Version with iterator template static inline bool apply(Point& point, Iterator begin, Iterator end) { Iterator it = begin; if (it == end) { return false; } if (! Midpoint) { geometry::detail::conversion::convert_point_to_point(*it, point); return true; } Iterator prev = it++; // Go to next non-duplicate point while (it != end && detail::equals::equals_point_point(*it, *prev)) { prev = it++; } if (it != end) { return midpoint_helper < Point, 0, dimension::value >::apply(point, *prev, *it); } return false; } // Version with range template static inline bool apply(Point& point, Range const& range) { typedef typename geometry::cs_tag::type cs_tag; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((! Midpoint || boost::is_same::value)); return apply(point, boost::begin(range), boost::end(range)); } }; template struct point_on_polygon { template static inline bool apply(Point& point, Polygon const& polygon) { return point_on_range < Midpoint >::apply(point, exterior_ring(polygon)); } }; template struct point_on_box { template static inline bool apply(Point& point, Box const& box) { if (BOOST_GEOMETRY_CONDITION(Midpoint)) { Point p1, p2; detail::assign::assign_box_2d_corner(box, p1); detail::assign::assign_box_2d_corner(box, p2); midpoint_helper < Point, 0, dimension::value >::apply(point, p1, p2); } else { detail::assign::assign_box_2d_corner(box, point); } return true; } }; template struct point_on_multi { template static inline bool apply(Point& point, MultiGeometry const& multi) { // Take a point on the first multi-geometry // (i.e. the first that is not empty) for (typename boost::range_iterator < MultiGeometry const >::type it = boost::begin(multi); it != boost::end(multi); ++it) { if (Policy::apply(point, *it)) { return true; } } return false; } }; }} // namespace detail::point_on_border #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DISPATCH namespace dispatch { template < typename GeometryTag, bool Midpoint > struct point_on_border {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::get_point {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::point_on_range {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::point_on_range {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::point_on_polygon {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::point_on_box {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::point_on_multi < detail::point_on_border::point_on_polygon > {}; template struct point_on_border : detail::point_on_border::point_on_multi < detail::point_on_border::point_on_range > {}; } // namespace dispatch #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DISPATCH /*! \brief Take point on a border \ingroup overlay \tparam Geometry geometry type. This also defines the type of the output point \param point to assign \param geometry geometry to take point from \return TRUE if successful, else false. It is only false if polygon/line have no points \note for a polygon, it is always a point on the exterior ring */ template inline bool point_on_border(Point& point, Geometry const& geometry) { concepts::check(); concepts::check(); return dispatch::point_on_border < typename tag::type, false >::apply(point, geometry); } /*! \tparam Midpoint boolean flag, true if the point should not be a vertex, but some point in between of two vertices \note for Midpoint, it is not taken from two consecutive duplicate vertices, (unless there are no other). */ /* template inline bool point_on_border(Point& point, Geometry const& geometry) { concepts::check(); concepts::check(); return dispatch::point_on_border < typename tag::type, Midpoint >::apply(point, geometry); } */ }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_POINT_ON_BORDER_HPP