// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 1995, 2007-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Copyright (c) 1995 Maarten Hilferink, Amsterdam, the Netherlands // This file was modified by Oracle on 2015. // Modifications copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Menelaos Karavelas, on behalf of Oracle // Parts of Boost.Geometry are redesigned from Geodan's Geographic Library // (geolib/GGL), copyright (c) 1995-2010 Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGY_AGNOSTIC_SIMPLIFY_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGY_AGNOSTIC_SIMPLIFY_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_HPP #include #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER #include #endif namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace strategy { namespace simplify { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { /*! \brief Small wrapper around a point, with an extra member "included" \details It has a const-reference to the original point (so no copy here) \tparam the enclosed point type */ template struct douglas_peucker_point { Point const& p; bool included; inline douglas_peucker_point(Point const& ap) : p(ap) , included(false) {} // Necessary for proper compilation inline douglas_peucker_point operator=(douglas_peucker_point const& ) { return douglas_peucker_point(*this); } }; template < typename Point, typename PointDistanceStrategy, typename LessCompare = std::less < typename strategy::distance::services::return_type < PointDistanceStrategy, Point, Point >::type > > class douglas_peucker : LessCompare // for empty base optimization { public : // See also ticket 5954 https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5954 // Comparable is currently not possible here because it has to be compared to the squared of max_distance, and more. // For now we have to take the real distance. typedef PointDistanceStrategy distance_strategy_type; // typedef typename strategy::distance::services::comparable_type::type distance_strategy_type; typedef typename strategy::distance::services::return_type < distance_strategy_type, Point, Point >::type distance_type; douglas_peucker() {} douglas_peucker(LessCompare const& less_compare) : LessCompare(less_compare) {} private : typedef detail::douglas_peucker_point dp_point_type; typedef typename std::vector::iterator iterator_type; LessCompare const& less() const { return *this; } inline void consider(iterator_type begin, iterator_type end, distance_type const& max_dist, int& n, distance_strategy_type const& ps_distance_strategy) const { std::size_t size = end - begin; // size must be at least 3 // because we want to consider a candidate point in between if (size <= 2) { #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER if (begin != end) { std::cout << "ignore between " << dsv(begin->p) << " and " << dsv((end - 1)->p) << " size=" << size << std::endl; } std::cout << "return because size=" << size << std::endl; #endif return; } iterator_type last = end - 1; #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER std::cout << "find between " << dsv(begin->p) << " and " << dsv(last->p) << " size=" << size << std::endl; #endif // Find most far point, compare to the current segment //geometry::segment s(begin->p, last->p); distance_type md(-1.0); // any value < 0 iterator_type candidate; for(iterator_type it = begin + 1; it != last; ++it) { distance_type dist = ps_distance_strategy.apply(it->p, begin->p, last->p); #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER std::cout << "consider " << dsv(it->p) << " at " << double(dist) << ((dist > max_dist) ? " maybe" : " no") << std::endl; #endif if ( less()(md, dist) ) { md = dist; candidate = it; } } // If a point is found, set the include flag // and handle segments in between recursively if ( less()(max_dist, md) ) { #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER std::cout << "use " << dsv(candidate->p) << std::endl; #endif candidate->included = true; n++; consider(begin, candidate + 1, max_dist, n, ps_distance_strategy); consider(candidate, end, max_dist, n, ps_distance_strategy); } } public : template inline OutputIterator apply(Range const& range, OutputIterator out, distance_type max_distance) const { #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER std::cout << "max distance: " << max_distance << std::endl << std::endl; #endif distance_strategy_type strategy; // Copy coordinates, a vector of references to all points std::vector ref_candidates(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range)); // Include first and last point of line, // they are always part of the line int n = 2; ref_candidates.front().included = true; ref_candidates.back().included = true; // Get points, recursively, including them if they are further away // than the specified distance consider(boost::begin(ref_candidates), boost::end(ref_candidates), max_distance, n, strategy); // Copy included elements to the output for(typename std::vector::const_iterator it = boost::begin(ref_candidates); it != boost::end(ref_candidates); ++it) { if (it->included) { // copy-coordinates does not work because OutputIterator // does not model Point (??) //geometry::convert(it->p, *out); *out = it->p; out++; } } return out; } }; } #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL /*! \brief Implements the simplify algorithm. \ingroup strategies \details The douglas_peucker strategy simplifies a linestring, ring or vector of points using the well-known Douglas-Peucker algorithm. \tparam Point the point type \tparam PointDistanceStrategy point-segment distance strategy to be used \note This strategy uses itself a point-segment-distance strategy which can be specified \author Barend and Maarten, 1995/1996 \author Barend, revised for Generic Geometry Library, 2008 */ /* For the algorithm, see for example: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer-Douglas-Peucker_algorithm - http://www2.dcs.hull.ac.uk/CISRG/projects/Royal-Inst/demos/dp.html */ template < typename Point, typename PointDistanceStrategy > class douglas_peucker { public : typedef PointDistanceStrategy distance_strategy_type; typedef typename detail::douglas_peucker < Point, PointDistanceStrategy >::distance_type distance_type; template static inline OutputIterator apply(Range const& range, OutputIterator out, distance_type const& max_distance) { namespace services = strategy::distance::services; typedef typename services::comparable_type < PointDistanceStrategy >::type comparable_distance_strategy_type; return detail::douglas_peucker < Point, comparable_distance_strategy_type >().apply(range, out, services::result_from_distance < comparable_distance_strategy_type, Point, Point >::apply(comparable_distance_strategy_type(), max_distance) ); } }; }} // namespace strategy::simplify namespace traits { template struct point_type > { typedef P type; }; } // namespace traits }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGY_AGNOSTIC_SIMPLIFY_DOUGLAS_PEUCKER_HPP