// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_CARTESIAN_BUFFER_JOIN_ROUND_BY_DIVIDE_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_CARTESIAN_BUFFER_JOIN_ROUND_BY_DIVIDE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_BUFFER_WARN #include #endif namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace strategy { namespace buffer { class join_round_by_divide { public : inline join_round_by_divide(std::size_t max_level = 4) : m_max_level(max_level) {} template < typename PromotedType, typename Point, typename DistanceType, typename RangeOut > inline void mid_points(Point const& vertex, Point const& p1, Point const& p2, DistanceType const& buffer_distance, RangeOut& range_out, std::size_t level = 1) const { typedef typename coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; // Generate 'vectors' coordinate_type const vp1_x = get<0>(p1) - get<0>(vertex); coordinate_type const vp1_y = get<1>(p1) - get<1>(vertex); coordinate_type const vp2_x = (get<0>(p2) - get<0>(vertex)); coordinate_type const vp2_y = (get<1>(p2) - get<1>(vertex)); // Average them to generate vector in between coordinate_type const two = 2; coordinate_type const v_x = (vp1_x + vp2_x) / two; coordinate_type const v_y = (vp1_y + vp2_y) / two; PromotedType const length2 = geometry::math::sqrt(v_x * v_x + v_y * v_y); PromotedType prop = buffer_distance / length2; Point mid_point; set<0>(mid_point, get<0>(vertex) + v_x * prop); set<1>(mid_point, get<1>(vertex) + v_y * prop); if (level < m_max_level) { mid_points(vertex, p1, mid_point, buffer_distance, range_out, level + 1); } range_out.push_back(mid_point); if (level < m_max_level) { mid_points(vertex, mid_point, p2, buffer_distance, range_out, level + 1); } } template inline bool apply(Point const& ip, Point const& vertex, Point const& perp1, Point const& perp2, DistanceType const& buffer_distance, RangeOut& range_out) const { typedef typename coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; typedef typename geometry::select_most_precise < coordinate_type, double >::type promoted_type; geometry::equal_to equals; if (equals(perp1, perp2)) { #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_BUFFER_WARN std::cout << "Corner for equal points " << geometry::wkt(ip) << " " << geometry::wkt(perp1) << std::endl; #endif return false; } // Generate 'vectors' coordinate_type const vix = (get<0>(ip) - get<0>(vertex)); coordinate_type const viy = (get<1>(ip) - get<1>(vertex)); promoted_type const length_i = geometry::math::sqrt(vix * vix + viy * viy); promoted_type const bd = geometry::math::abs(buffer_distance); promoted_type prop = bd / length_i; Point bp; set<0>(bp, get<0>(vertex) + vix * prop); set<1>(bp, get<1>(vertex) + viy * prop); range_out.push_back(perp1); if (m_max_level > 1) { mid_points(vertex, perp1, bp, bd, range_out); range_out.push_back(bp); mid_points(vertex, bp, perp2, bd, range_out); } else if (m_max_level == 1) { range_out.push_back(bp); } range_out.push_back(perp2); return true; } template static inline NumericType max_distance(NumericType const& distance) { return distance; } private : std::size_t m_max_level; }; }} // namespace strategy::buffer }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_CARTESIAN_BUFFER_JOIN_ROUND_BY_DIVIDE_HPP