// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2015. // Modifications copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_CARTESIAN_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_CARTESIAN_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION_DEBUG #include #include #include #endif namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace strategy { namespace side { namespace detail { // A tool for multiplication of integers avoiding overflow // It's a temporary workaround until we can use Multiprecision // The algorithm is based on Karatsuba algorithm // see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm template struct multiplicable_integral { // Currently this tool can't be used with non-integral coordinate types. // Also side_of_intersection strategy sign_of_product() and sign_of_compare() // functions would have to be modified to properly support floating-point // types (comparisons and multiplication). BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(boost::is_integral::value); static const std::size_t bits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(T); static const std::size_t half_bits = bits / 2; typedef typename boost::make_unsigned::type unsigned_type; static const unsigned_type base = unsigned_type(1) << half_bits; // 2^half_bits int m_sign; unsigned_type m_ms; unsigned_type m_ls; multiplicable_integral(int sign, unsigned_type ms, unsigned_type ls) : m_sign(sign), m_ms(ms), m_ls(ls) {} explicit multiplicable_integral(T const& val) { unsigned_type val_u = val > 0 ? unsigned_type(val) : val == (std::numeric_limits::min)() ? unsigned_type((std::numeric_limits::max)()) + 1 : unsigned_type(-val); // MMLL -> S 00MM 00LL m_sign = math::sign(val); m_ms = val_u >> half_bits; // val_u / base m_ls = val_u - m_ms * base; } friend multiplicable_integral operator*(multiplicable_integral const& a, multiplicable_integral const& b) { // (S 00MM 00LL) * (S 00MM 00LL) -> (S Z2MM 00LL) unsigned_type z2 = a.m_ms * b.m_ms; unsigned_type z0 = a.m_ls * b.m_ls; unsigned_type z1 = (a.m_ms + a.m_ls) * (b.m_ms + b.m_ls) - z2 - z0; // z0 may be >= base so it must be normalized to allow comparison unsigned_type z0_ms = z0 >> half_bits; // z0 / base return multiplicable_integral(a.m_sign * b.m_sign, z2 * base + z1 + z0_ms, z0 - base * z0_ms); } friend bool operator<(multiplicable_integral const& a, multiplicable_integral const& b) { if ( a.m_sign == b.m_sign ) { bool u_less = a.m_ms < b.m_ms || (a.m_ms == b.m_ms && a.m_ls < b.m_ls); return a.m_sign > 0 ? u_less : (! u_less); } else { return a.m_sign < b.m_sign; } } friend bool operator>(multiplicable_integral const& a, multiplicable_integral const& b) { return b < a; } template void check_value(CmpVal const& cmp_val) const { unsigned_type b = base; // a workaround for MinGW - undefined reference base CmpVal val = CmpVal(m_sign) * (CmpVal(m_ms) * CmpVal(b) + CmpVal(m_ls)); BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(cmp_val == val); } }; } // namespace detail // Calculates the side of the intersection-point (if any) of // of segment a//b w.r.t. segment c // This is calculated without (re)calculating the IP itself again and fully // based on integer mathematics; there are no divisions // It can be used for either integer (rescaled) points, and also for FP class side_of_intersection { private : template static inline int sign_of_product(T const& a, U const& b) { return a == 0 || b == 0 ? 0 : a > 0 && b > 0 ? 1 : a < 0 && b < 0 ? 1 : -1; } template static inline int sign_of_compare(T const& a, T const& b, T const& c, T const& d) { // Both a*b and c*d are positive // We have to judge if a*b > c*d using side::detail::multiplicable_integral; multiplicable_integral ab = multiplicable_integral(a) * multiplicable_integral(b); multiplicable_integral cd = multiplicable_integral(c) * multiplicable_integral(d); int result = ab > cd ? 1 : ab < cd ? -1 : 0 ; #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION_DEBUG using namespace boost::multiprecision; cpp_int const lab = cpp_int(a) * cpp_int(b); cpp_int const lcd = cpp_int(c) * cpp_int(d); ab.check_value(lab); cd.check_value(lcd); int result2 = lab > lcd ? 1 : lab < lcd ? -1 : 0 ; BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(result == result2); #endif return result; } template static inline int sign_of_addition_of_two_products(T const& a, T const& b, T const& c, T const& d) { // sign of a*b+c*d, 1 if positive, -1 if negative, else 0 int const ab = sign_of_product(a, b); int const cd = sign_of_product(c, d); if (ab == 0) { return cd; } if (cd == 0) { return ab; } if (ab == cd) { // Both positive or both negative return ab; } // One is positive, one is negative, both are non zero // If ab is positive, we have to judge if a*b > -c*d (then 1 because sum is positive) // If ab is negative, we have to judge if c*d > -a*b (idem) return ab == 1 ? sign_of_compare(a, b, -c, d) : sign_of_compare(c, d, -a, b); } public : // Calculates the side of the intersection-point (if any) of // of segment a//b w.r.t. segment c // This is calculated without (re)calculating the IP itself again and fully // based on integer mathematics template static inline T side_value(Segment const& a, Segment const& b, Segment const& c, Point const& fallback_point) { // The first point of the three segments is reused several times T const ax = get<0, 0>(a); T const ay = get<0, 1>(a); T const bx = get<0, 0>(b); T const by = get<0, 1>(b); T const cx = get<0, 0>(c); T const cy = get<0, 1>(c); T const dx_a = get<1, 0>(a) - ax; T const dy_a = get<1, 1>(a) - ay; T const dx_b = get<1, 0>(b) - bx; T const dy_b = get<1, 1>(b) - by; T const dx_c = get<1, 0>(c) - cx; T const dy_c = get<1, 1>(c) - cy; // Cramer's rule: d (see cart_intersect.hpp) T const d = geometry::detail::determinant ( dx_a, dy_a, dx_b, dy_b ); T const zero = T(); if (d == zero) { // There is no IP of a//b, they are collinear or parallel // Assuming they intersect (this method should be called for // segments known to intersect), they are collinear and overlap. // They have one or two intersection points - we don't know and // have to rely on the fallback intersection point Point c1, c2; geometry::detail::assign_point_from_index<0>(c, c1); geometry::detail::assign_point_from_index<1>(c, c2); return side_by_triangle<>::apply(c1, c2, fallback_point); } // Cramer's rule: da (see cart_intersect.hpp) T const da = geometry::detail::determinant ( dx_b, dy_b, ax - bx, ay - by ); // IP is at (ax + (da/d) * dx_a, ay + (da/d) * dy_a) // Side of IP is w.r.t. c is: determinant(dx_c, dy_c, ipx-cx, ipy-cy) // We replace ipx by expression above and multiply each term by d #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION_DEBUG T const result1 = geometry::detail::determinant ( dx_c * d, dy_c * d, d * (ax - cx) + dx_a * da, d * (ay - cy) + dy_a * da ); // Note: result / (d * d) // is identical to the side_value of side_by_triangle // Therefore, the sign is always the same as that result, and the // resulting side (left,right,collinear) is the same // The first row we divide again by d because of determinant multiply rule T const result2 = d * geometry::detail::determinant ( dx_c, dy_c, d * (ax - cx) + dx_a * da, d * (ay - cy) + dy_a * da ); // Write out: T const result3 = d * (dx_c * (d * (ay - cy) + dy_a * da) - dy_c * (d * (ax - cx) + dx_a * da)); // Write out in braces: T const result4 = d * (dx_c * d * (ay - cy) + dx_c * dy_a * da - dy_c * d * (ax - cx) - dy_c * dx_a * da); // Write in terms of d * XX + da * YY T const result5 = d * (d * (dx_c * (ay - cy) - dy_c * (ax - cx)) + da * (dx_c * dy_a - dy_c * dx_a)); boost::ignore_unused(result1, result2, result3, result4, result5); //return result; #endif // We consider the results separately // (in the end we only have to return the side-value 1,0 or -1) // To avoid multiplications we judge the product (easy, avoids *d) // and the sign of p*q+r*s (more elaborate) T const result = sign_of_product ( d, sign_of_addition_of_two_products ( d, dx_c * (ay - cy) - dy_c * (ax - cx), da, dx_c * dy_a - dy_c * dx_a ) ); return result; } template static inline int apply(Segment const& a, Segment const& b, Segment const& c, Point const& fallback_point) { typedef typename geometry::coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; coordinate_type const s = side_value(a, b, c, fallback_point); coordinate_type const zero = coordinate_type(); return math::equals(s, zero) ? 0 : s > zero ? 1 : -1; } }; }} // namespace strategy::side }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_CARTESIAN_SIDE_OF_INTERSECTION_HPP