// Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Indiana University. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Authors: Douglas Gregor // Andrew Lumsdaine #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_PARALLEL_DIJKSTRA_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_PARALLEL_DIJKSTRA_HPP #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_USE_MPI #error "Parallel BGL files should not be included unless has been included" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace graph { namespace detail { template struct parallel_dijkstra_impl2 { template static void run(const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, typename property_traits::value_type lookahead, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, ColorMap color_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis) { eager_dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, s, predecessor, distance, lookahead, weight, index_map, color_map, compare, combine, inf, zero, vis); } }; template<> struct parallel_dijkstra_impl2< ::boost::param_not_found > { template static void run(const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, ::boost::param_not_found, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, ColorMap color_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis) { crauser_et_al_shortest_paths(g, s, predecessor, distance, weight, index_map, color_map, compare, combine, inf, zero, vis); } }; template struct parallel_dijkstra_impl { template static void run(const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, Lookahead lookahead, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, ColorMap color_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis) { graph::detail::parallel_dijkstra_impl2 ::run(g, s, predecessor, distance, lookahead, weight, index_map, color_map, compare, combine, inf, zero, vis); } }; template<> struct parallel_dijkstra_impl< ::boost::param_not_found > { private: template static void run_impl(const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, Lookahead lookahead, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, ColorMap color_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis) { BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(u, g, DistributedGraph) BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(u, e, g, DistributedGraph) local_put(color_map, target(e, g), white_color); graph::detail::parallel_dijkstra_impl2 ::run(g, s, predecessor, distance, lookahead, weight, index_map, color_map, compare, combine, inf, zero, vis); } public: template static void run(const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, Lookahead lookahead, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, ::boost::param_not_found, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type; vertices_size_type n = num_vertices(g); std::vector colors(n, white_color); run_impl(g, s, predecessor, distance, lookahead, weight, index_map, make_iterator_property_map(colors.begin(), index_map), compare, combine, inf, zero, vis); } }; } } // end namespace graph::detail /** Dijkstra's single-source shortest paths algorithm for distributed * graphs. * * Also implements the heuristics of: * * Andreas Crauser, Kurt Mehlhorn, Ulrich Meyer, and Peter * Sanders. A Parallelization of Dijkstra's Shortest Path * Algorithm. In Lubos Brim, Jozef Gruska, and Jiri Zlatuska, * editors, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), * volume 1450 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages * 722--731, 1998. Springer. */ template inline void dijkstra_shortest_paths (const DistributedGraph& g, typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor s, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis, const bgl_named_params& params BOOST_GRAPH_ENABLE_IF_MODELS_PARM(DistributedGraph,distributed_graph_tag)) { typedef typename graph_traits::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type; // Build a distributed property map for vertex colors, if we need it bool use_default_color_map = is_default_param(get_param(params, vertex_color)); vertices_size_type n = use_default_color_map? num_vertices(g) : 1; std::vector color(n, white_color); typedef iterator_property_map::iterator, IndexMap> DefColorMap; DefColorMap color_map(color.begin(), index_map); typedef typename get_param_type< vertex_color_t, bgl_named_params >::type color_map_type; graph::detail::parallel_dijkstra_impl ::run(g, s, predecessor, distance, get_param(params, lookahead_t()), weight, index_map, get_param(params, vertex_color), compare, combine, inf, zero, vis); } } // end namespace boost #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_PARALLEL_DIJKSTRA_HPP