// Copyright John Maddock 2010. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_MATH_CONSTANTS_GENERATE_INCLUDED #define BOOST_MATH_CONSTANTS_GENERATE_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_MPFR #include #elif defined(USE_MPREAL) #include #elif defined(USE_CPP_FLOAT) #include #else #include #endif namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace constants{ #ifdef USE_MPFR typedef mpfr_class generator_type; #elif defined(USE_MPREAL) typedef mpfr::mpreal generator_type; #elif defined(USE_CPP_FLOAT) typedef boost::multiprecision::number > generator_type; #else typedef ntl::RR generator_type; #endif inline void print_constant(const char* name, generator_type(*f)(const mpl::int_<0>&)) { #ifdef USE_MPFR mpfr_class::set_dprec(((200 + 1) * 1000L) / 301L); #elif defined(USE_MPREAL) mpfr::mpreal::set_default_prec(((200 + 1) * 1000L) / 301L); #elif defined(USE_CPP_FLOAT) // Nothing to do, precision is already set. #else ntl::RR::SetPrecision(((200 + 1) * 1000L) / 301L); ntl::RR::SetOutputPrecision(102); #endif generator_type value = f(boost::mpl::int_<0>()); std::stringstream os; os << std::setprecision(110) << std::scientific; os << value; std::string s = os.str(); static const regex e("([+-]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d{0,36})?)(\\d*)(?:e([+-]?\\d+))?"); smatch what; if(regex_match(s, what, e)) { std::cout << "BOOST_DEFINE_MATH_CONSTANT(" << name << ", " << what[1] << "e" << (what[3].length() ? what[3].str() : std::string("0")) << ", " << "\"" << what[1] << what[2] << "e" << (what[3].length() ? what[3].str() : std::string("0")) << "\");" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Format of numeric constant was not recognised!!" << std::endl; } } #define BOOST_CONSTANTS_GENERATE(name) \ boost::math::constants::print_constant(#name, \ & boost::math::constants::detail::BOOST_JOIN(constant_, name)::get) }}} // namespaces #endif // BOOST_MATH_CONSTANTS_GENERATE_INCLUDED