/* [auto_generated] boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/adams_moulton.hpp [begin_description] Implementation of the Adams-Moulton method. This is method is not a real stepper, it is more a helper class which computes the corrector step in the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method. [end_description] Copyright 2011-2012 Karsten Ahnert Copyright 2011-2013 Mario Mulansky Copyright 2012 Christoph Koke Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_STEPPER_ADAMS_MOULTON_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_STEPPER_ADAMS_MOULTON_HPP_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace odeint { /* * Static implicit Adams-Moulton multistep-solver without step size control and without dense output. */ template< size_t Steps , class State , class Value = double , class Deriv = State , class Time = Value , class Algebra = typename algebra_dispatcher< State >::algebra_type , class Operations = typename operations_dispatcher< State >::operations_type , class Resizer = initially_resizer > class adams_moulton { private: public : typedef State state_type; typedef state_wrapper< state_type > wrapped_state_type; typedef Value value_type; typedef Deriv deriv_type; typedef state_wrapper< deriv_type > wrapped_deriv_type; typedef Time time_type; typedef Algebra algebra_type; typedef Operations operations_type; typedef Resizer resizer_type; typedef stepper_tag stepper_category; typedef adams_moulton< Steps , State , Value , Deriv , Time , Algebra , Operations , Resizer > stepper_type; static const size_t steps = Steps; typedef unsigned short order_type; static const order_type order_value = steps + 1; typedef detail::rotating_buffer< wrapped_deriv_type , steps > step_storage_type; adams_moulton( ) : m_coefficients() , m_dxdt() , m_resizer() , m_algebra_instance() , m_algebra( m_algebra_instance ) { } adams_moulton( algebra_type &algebra ) : m_coefficients() , m_dxdt() , m_resizer() , m_algebra_instance() , m_algebra( algebra ) { } adams_moulton& operator=( const adams_moulton &stepper ) { m_dxdt = stepper.m_dxdt; m_resizer = stepper.m_resizer; m_algebra = stepper.m_algebra; return *this; } order_type order( void ) const { return order_value; } /* * Version 1 : do_step( system , x , t , dt , buf ); * * solves the forwarding problem */ template< class System , class StateInOut , class StateIn , class ABBuf > void do_step( System system , StateInOut &x , StateIn const & pred , time_type t , time_type dt , const ABBuf &buf ) { do_step( system , x , pred , t , x , dt , buf ); } template< class System , class StateInOut , class StateIn , class ABBuf > void do_step( System system , const StateInOut &x , StateIn const & pred , time_type t , time_type dt , const ABBuf &buf ) { do_step( system , x , pred , t , x , dt , buf ); } /* * Version 2 : do_step( system , in , t , out , dt , buf ); * * solves the forwarding problem */ template< class System , class StateIn , class PredIn , class StateOut , class ABBuf > void do_step( System system , const StateIn &in , const PredIn &pred , time_type t , StateOut &out , time_type dt , const ABBuf &buf ) { do_step_impl( system , in , pred , t , out , dt , buf ); } template< class System , class StateIn , class PredIn , class StateOut , class ABBuf > void do_step( System system , const StateIn &in , const PredIn &pred , time_type t , const StateOut &out , time_type dt , const ABBuf &buf ) { do_step_impl( system , in , pred , t , out , dt , buf ); } template< class StateType > void adjust_size( const StateType &x ) { resize_impl( x ); } algebra_type& algebra() { return m_algebra; } const algebra_type& algebra() const { return m_algebra; } private: template< class System , class StateIn , class PredIn , class StateOut , class ABBuf > void do_step_impl( System system , const StateIn &in , const PredIn &pred , time_type t , StateOut &out , time_type dt , const ABBuf &buf ) { typename odeint::unwrap_reference< System >::type &sys = system; m_resizer.adjust_size( in , detail::bind( &stepper_type::template resize_impl , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) ); sys( pred , m_dxdt.m_v , t ); detail::adams_moulton_call_algebra< steps , algebra_type , operations_type >()( m_algebra , in , out , m_dxdt.m_v , buf , m_coefficients , dt ); } template< class StateIn > bool resize_impl( const StateIn &x ) { return adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_dxdt , x , typename is_resizeable::type() ); } const detail::adams_moulton_coefficients< value_type , steps > m_coefficients; wrapped_deriv_type m_dxdt; resizer_type m_resizer; protected: algebra_type m_algebra_instance; algebra_type &m_algebra; }; } // odeint } // numeric } // boost #endif // BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_STEPPER_ADAMS_MOULTON_HPP_INCLUDED