\name{BiocParallel-NEWS} \title{BiocParallel News} \section{CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.5}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{multicoreWorkers()} determines the number of workers based on operating system (Windows: 1), user preference (via the global option \code{options(mc.cores=...)}), or system capability (\code{detectCores()}). \item \code{bpparam()} selects a default \code{BiocParallelParam}, from global options or, if that fails, the most recently \code{registered()} back-end. } } \subsection{SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES}{ \itemize{ \item Rename argument controlling resumption on error as \code{BPRESUME} \item Default to parallel back-end (multicore on non-Windows; snow on Windows). } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item bpvec,ANY,MulticoreParam-method with fewer tasks than cores evaluates only the cores for which tasks are defined. } } } \section{CHANGES IN VERSION 0.5.2}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{mclapply()}, \code{pvec()} require only \code{length}, \code{[}, and (for \code{mclapply}) \code{[[}. \item \code{pvectorize()} creates a parallel version of its vectorized function argument. \item \code{MulticoreParam}, \code{SnowParam}, \code{DoparParam} (foreach-derived), \code{SerialParam} to parameterize back-ends. \item \code{bplapply}, \code{bpvec} as parallel evaluation models. \item \code{bpstart}, \code{bpstop}, \code{bpisup} for back-end management. \item \code{bpvec} has a new argument \code{AGGREGATE}, a function to specify how results are to be combined. \item Support for BatchJobs back-end added, via GSOC Michel Lang. } } \subsection{SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{BPPARM} is now used as the argument name for passing BiocParallelParam instances to functions. \item \code{bplapply} and \code{bpvec} now only dispatch on \code{X} and \code{BPPARAM}. } } %% \subsection{BUG FIXES}{} }