mapToAlignments {GenomicAlignments}R Documentation

Map range coordinates between reads and genome space using CIGAR alignments


Map range coordinates between reads (local) and genome (reference) space using the CIGAR in a GAlignments object.

See ?mapToTranscripts in the GenomicRanges package for mapping coordinates between features in the transcriptome and genome space.


## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GAlignments'
mapToAlignments(x, alignments, ...) 
## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GAlignments'
pmapToAlignments(x, alignments, ...) 

## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GAlignments'
mapFromAlignments(x, alignments, ...) 
## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GAlignments'
pmapFromAlignments(x, alignments, ...) 



GenomicRanges object of positions to be mapped. x must have names when mapping to the genome.


A GAlignments object that represents the alignment of x to the genome. The aligments object must have names. When mapping to the genome names are used to determine mapping pairs and in the reverse direction they are used as the seqlevels of the output object.


Arguments passed to other methods.


These methods use a GAlignments object to represent the alignment between the ranges in x and the output. The following CIGAR operations in the "Extended CIGAR format" are used in the mapping algorithm:


An object the same class as x.

Parallel methods return an object the same shape as x. Ranges that cannot be mapped (out of bounds) are returned as zero-width ranges starting at 0 with a seqname of "UNMAPPED".

Non-parallel methods return an object that varies in length similar to a Hits object. The result only contains mapped records, out of bound ranges are not returned. xHits and alignmentsHits metadata columns indicate the elements of x and alignments used in the mapping.

When present, names from x are propagated to the output. When mapping locally, the seqlevels of the output are the names on the alignment object. When mapping globally, the output seqlevels are the seqlevels of alignment which are usually chromosome names.


V. Obenchain, M. Lawrence and H. Pagès

See Also


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## A. Basic use 
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## 1. Map to local space with mapToAlignments()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Mapping to local coordinates requires 'x' to be within 'alignments'.
## In this 'x', the second range is too long and can't be mapped.
alignments <- GAlignments("chr1", 10L, "11M", strand("*"), names="read_A")
x <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(12, 12), width=c(6, 20)))
mapToAlignments(x, alignments)

## The element-wise version of the function returns unmapped ranges
## as zero-width ranges with a seqlevel of "UNMAPPED":
pmapToAlignments(x, c(alignments, alignments))

## Mapping the same range through different alignments demonstrates 
## how the CIGAR operations affect the outcome.
ops <- c("no-op", "junction", "insertion", "deletion")
x <- GRanges(rep("chr1", 4), IRanges(rep(12, 4), width=rep(6, 4), names=ops)) 
alignments <- GAlignments(rep("chr1", 4), rep(10L, 4), 
                          cigar = c("11M", "5M2N4M", "5M2I4M", "5M2D4M"),
                          strand = strand(rep("*", 4)),
                          names = paste0("region_", 1:4))
pmapToAlignments(x, alignments)

## 2. Map to genome space with mapFromAlignments()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## One of the criteria when mapping to genomic coordinates is that the
## shifted 'x' range falls within 'alignments'. Here the first 'x' 
## range has a shifted start value of 14 (5 + 10 - 1 = 14) with a width of 
## 2 and so is successfully mapped. The second has a shifted start of 29
## (20 + 10 - 1 = 29) which is outside the range of 'alignments'.
x <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(5, 20), width=2, names=rep("region_A", 2)))
alignments <- GAlignments("chr1", 10L, "11M", strand("*"), names="region_A")
mapFromAlignments(x, alignments)

## Another characteristic of mapping this direction is the name matching
## used to determine pairs. Mapping is only attempted between ranges in 'x' 
## and 'alignments' with the same name. If we change the name of the first 'x' 
## range, only the second will be mapped to 'alignment'. We know the second
## range fails to map so we get an empty result.
names(x) <- c("region_B", "region_A")
mapFromAlignments(x, alignments)

## CIGAR operations: insertions reduce the width of the output while
## junctions and deletions increase it.
ops <- c("no-op", "junction", "insertion", "deletion")
x <- GRanges(rep("chr1", 4), IRanges(rep(3, 4), width=rep(5, 4), names=ops)) 
alignments <- GAlignments(rep("chr1", 4), rep(10L, 4), 
                         cigar = c("11M", "5M2N4M", "5M2I4M", "5M2D4M"),
                         strand = strand(rep("*", 4)))
pmapFromAlignments(x, alignments)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## B. TATA box motif: mapping from read -> genome -> transcript
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## The TATA box motif is a conserved DNA sequence in the core promoter
## region. Many eukaryotic genes have a TATA box located approximately
## 25-35 base pairs upstream of the transcription start site. The motif is 
## the binding site of general transcription factors or histones and
## plays a key role in transcription.

## In this example, the position of the TATA box motif (if present) is 
## located in the DNA sequence corresponding to read ranges. The local 
## motif positions are mapped to genome coordinates and then mapped
## to gene features such as promoters regions.

## Load reads from chromosome 4 of D. melanogaster (dm3):
fl <- untreated1_chr4()
gal <- readGAlignments(fl)

## Extract DNA sequences corresponding to the read ranges:
dna <- extractTranscriptSeqs(BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3, grglist(gal))

## Search for the consensus motif TATAAA in the sequences:
box <- vmatchPattern("TATAAA", dna)

## Some sequences had more than one match:

## The element-wise function we'll use for mapping to genome coordinates
## requires the two input argument to have the same length. We need to
## replicate the read ranges to match the number of motifs found.

## Expand the read ranges to match motifs found:
motif <- elementNROWS(box) != 0
alignments <- rep(gal[motif], elementNROWS(box)[motif])

## We make the IRanges into a GRanges object so the seqlevels can
## propagate to the output. Seqlevels are needed in the last mapping step.
readCoords <- GRanges(seqnames(alignments), unlist(box, use.names=FALSE))

## Map the local position of the motif to genome coordinates:
genomeCoords <- pmapFromAlignments(readCoords, alignments) 

## We are interested in the location of the TATA box motifs in the
## promoter regions. To perform the mapping we need the promoter ranges 
## as a GRanges or GRangesList.

## Extract promoter regions 50 bp upstream from the transcription start site:
txdb <- TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene
promoters <- promoters(txdb, upstream=50, downstream=0)

## Map the genome coordinates to the promoters:
names(promoters) <- mcols(promoters)$tx_name  ## must be named 
mapToTranscripts(genomeCoords, promoters) 

[Package GenomicAlignments version 1.14.2 Index]