nearest-methods {GenomicRanges}R Documentation

Finding the nearest genomic range neighbor


The nearest, precede, follow, distance and distanceToNearest methods for GenomicRanges objects and subclasses.


## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges'
precede(x, subject, 
    select=c("first", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,missing'
precede(x, subject, 
    select=c("first", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges'
follow(x, subject, 
    select=c("last", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,missing'
follow(x, subject, 
    select=c("last", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges'
nearest(x, subject, 
    select=c("arbitrary", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,missing'
nearest(x, subject, 
    select=c("arbitrary", "all"), ignore.strand=FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges'
distanceToNearest(x, subject, 
    ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,missing'
distanceToNearest(x, subject, 
    ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges'
distance(x, y, 
    ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)



The query GenomicRanges instance.


The subject GenomicRanges instance within which the nearest neighbors are found. Can be missing, in which case x is also the subject.


For the distance method, a GRanges instance. Cannot be missing. If x and y are not the same length, the shortest will be recycled to match the length of the longest.


Logic for handling ties. By default, all methods select a single interval (arbitrary for nearest, the first by order in subject for precede, and the last for follow).

When select="all" a Hits object is returned with all matches for x.


A logical indicating if the strand of the input ranges should be ignored. When TRUE, strand is set to '+'.


Additional arguments for methods.



For nearest, precede and follow, an integer vector of indices in subject, or a Hits if select="all".

For distanceToNearest, a Hits object with a column for the query index (queryHits), subject index (subjectHits) and the distance between the pair.

For distance, an integer vector of distances between the ranges in x and y.


P. Aboyoun and V. Obenchain <>

See Also


## -----------------------------------------------------------
## precede() and follow()
## -----------------------------------------------------------
query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(5, 20), width=1), strand="+")
subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(rep(c(10, 15), 2), width=1),
                        strand=c("+", "+", "-", "-"))
precede(query, subject)
follow(query, subject)
strand(query) <- "-"
precede(query, subject)
follow(query, subject)
## ties choose first in order
query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(10, width=1), c("+", "-", "*"))
subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(5, 5, 5, 15, 15, 15), width=1),
                        rep(c("+", "-", "*"), 2))
precede(query, subject)
precede(query, rev(subject))
## ignore.strand=TRUE treats all ranges as '+'
precede(query[1], subject[4:6], select="all", ignore.strand=FALSE)
precede(query[1], subject[4:6], select="all", ignore.strand=TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------
## nearest()
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## When multiple ranges overlap an "arbitrary" range is chosen
query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(5, 15))
subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 15), c(5, 19)))
nearest(query, subject)
## select="all" returns all hits
nearest(query, subject, select="all")
## Ranges in 'x' will self-select when 'subject' is present
query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 10), width=5))
nearest(query, query)
## Ranges in 'x' will not self-select when 'subject' is missing

## -----------------------------------------------------------
## distance(), distanceToNearest()
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## Adjacent, overlap, separated by 1
query <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(1, 2, 10), c(5, 8, 11)))
subject <- GRanges("A", IRanges(c(6, 5, 13), c(10, 10, 15)))
distance(query, subject)

## recycling
distance(query[1], subject)

## zero-width ranges
zw <- GRanges("A", IRanges(4,3))
stopifnot(distance(zw, GRanges("A", IRanges(3,4))) == 0L)
sapply(-3:3, function(i) 
    distance(shift(zw, i), GRanges("A", IRanges(4,3))))

query <- GRanges(c("A", "B"), IRanges(c(1, 5), width=1))
distanceToNearest(query, subject)

## distance() with GRanges and TxDb see the 
## ?'distance,GenomicRanges,TxDb-method' man 
## page in the GenomicFeatures package.

[Package GenomicRanges version 1.30.3 Index]