test_shift_Ranges <- function() { ir0 <- IRanges(0, 0) ir1 <- shift(ir0, .Machine$integer.max) checkTrue(validObject(ir1)) checkIdentical(.Machine$integer.max, start(ir1)) checkIdentical(.Machine$integer.max, end(ir1)) checkIdentical(1L, width(ir1)) checkIdentical(ir1, shift(ir1)) checkIdentical(ir1, shift(shift(ir1, -10), 10)) ir2 <- shift(ir0, -.Machine$integer.max) checkTrue(validObject(ir2)) checkIdentical(-.Machine$integer.max, start(ir2)) checkIdentical(-.Machine$integer.max, end(ir2)) checkIdentical(1L, width(ir2)) checkIdentical(ir2, shift(ir2)) checkIdentical(ir2, shift(shift(ir2, 10), -10)) ## shift() would produce an object with ranges that are not within the ## [-.Machine$integer.max, .Machine$integer.max] range. checkException(suppressWarnings(shift(ir1, 1)), silent=TRUE) checkException(suppressWarnings(shift(ir2, -1)), silent=TRUE) ir3 <- IRanges(1999222000, width=1000) checkException(suppressWarnings(shift(ir3, 188222000)), silent=TRUE) ir4 <- IRanges(1:20, width=222000000) checkException(suppressWarnings(shift(ir4, 1:20 * 99000000L)), silent=TRUE) } test_narrow_Ranges <- function() { ir1 <- IRanges(c(2,5,1), c(3,7,3)) checkIdentical(narrow(ir1, start=1, end=2), IRanges(c(2, 5, 1), c(3, 6, 2))) checkException(narrow(ir1, start=10, end=20), silent = TRUE) } test_narrow_RangesList <- function() { range1 <- IRanges(start=c(2,5), end=c(3,7)) range2 <- IRanges(start=1, end=3) for (compress in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { collection <- IRangesList(range1, range2, compress = compress) checkIdentical(narrow(collection, start=1, end=2), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 5), c(3, 6)), IRanges(1, 2), compress = compress)) checkException(narrow(collection, start=10, end=20), silent = TRUE) } } test_resize_Ranges <- function() { ir1 <- IRanges(c(2,5,1), c(3,7,3)) checkIdentical(resize(ir1, width=10), IRanges(c(2, 5, 1), width=10)) checkIdentical(resize(ir1, width=10, fix="end"), IRanges(c(-6, -2, -6), width=10)) checkIdentical(resize(ir1, width=10, fix="center"), IRanges(c(-2, 1, -3), width=10)) checkIdentical(resize(ir1, width=10, fix=c("start", "end", "center")), IRanges(c(2, -2, -3), width=10)) checkException(resize(ir1, -1), silent = TRUE) } test_resize_RangesList <- function() { range1 <- IRanges(start=c(2,5), end=c(3,7)) range2 <- IRanges(start=1, end=3) for (compress in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { collection <- IRangesList(range1, range2, compress = compress) checkIdentical(resize(collection, width=10), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 5), width=10), IRanges(1, width=10), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(resize(collection, width=10, fix="end"), IRangesList(IRanges(c(-6, -2), width=10), IRanges(-6, width=10), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(resize(collection, width=10, fix="center"), IRangesList(IRanges(c(-2, 1), width=10), IRanges(-3, width=10), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(resize(collection, width=10, fix=CharacterList(c("start", "end"), "center")), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, -2), width=10), IRanges(-3, width=10), compress = compress)) checkException(resize(collection, -1), silent = TRUE) } } test_flank_Ranges <- function() { checkIdentical(flank(IRanges(), 2), IRanges()) ir1 <- IRanges(c(2, 5, 1), c(3, 7, 3)) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, 2), IRanges(c(0, 3, -1), c(1, 4, 0))) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, 2, FALSE), IRanges(c(4, 8, 4), c(5, 9, 5))) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, 2, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)), IRanges(c(4, 3, 4), c(5, 4, 5))) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, c(2, -2, 2)), IRanges(c(0, 5, -1), c(1, 6, 0))) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, 2, both = TRUE), IRanges(c(0, 3, -1), c(3, 6, 2))) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, 2, FALSE, TRUE), IRanges(c(2, 6, 2), c(5, 9, 5))) checkIdentical(flank(ir1, -2, FALSE, TRUE), IRanges(c(2, 6, 2), c(5, 9, 5))) checkException(flank(ir1, 2, both = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)), silent = TRUE) # not vectorized checkException(flank(ir1, 2, c(FALSE, TRUE, NA)), silent = TRUE) checkException(flank(ir1, NA), silent = TRUE) } test_flank_RangesList <- function() { range1 <- IRanges(start=c(2,5), end=c(3,7)) range2 <- IRanges(start=1, end=3) for (compress in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { collection <- IRangesList(range1, range2, compress = compress) checkIdentical(flank(collection, 2), IRangesList(IRanges(c(0, 3), c(1, 4)), IRanges(-1, 0), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(flank(collection, 2, FALSE), IRangesList(IRanges(c(4, 8), c(5, 9)), IRanges(4, 5), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(flank(collection, 2, LogicalList(c(FALSE, TRUE), FALSE)), IRangesList(IRanges(c(4, 3), c(5, 4)), IRanges(4, 5), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(flank(collection, IntegerList(c(2, -2), 2)), IRangesList(IRanges(c(0, 5), c(1, 6)), IRanges(-1, 0), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(flank(collection, 2, both = TRUE), IRangesList(IRanges(c(0, 3), c(3, 6)), IRanges(-1, 2), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(flank(collection, 2, FALSE, TRUE), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 6), c(5, 9)), IRanges(2, 5), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(flank(collection, -2, FALSE, TRUE), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 6), c(5, 9)), IRanges(2, 5), compress = compress)) checkException(flank(collection, 2, both = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)), silent = TRUE) # not vectorized checkException(flank(collection, 2, LogicalList(c(FALSE, TRUE), NA)), silent = TRUE) checkException(flank(collection, NA), silent = TRUE) } } test_promoters <- function() { ir <- IRanges(c(10, 10), width=c(0, 1)) checkIdentical(width(promoters(ir, 0, 0)), c(0L, 0L)) checkIdentical(width(promoters(ir, 1, 0)), c(1L, 1L)) checkIdentical(start(promoters(ir, 1, 0)), c(9L, 9L)) checkIdentical(width(promoters(ir, 0, 1)), c(1L, 1L)) checkIdentical(start(promoters(ir, 0, 1)), c(10L, 10L)) ir <- IRanges(c(5, 2, 20), width=1) checkIdentical(start(promoters(ir, 5, 2)), c(0L, -3L, 15L)) rl <- RangesList("A"=IRanges(5:7, width=1), "B"=IRanges(10:12, width=5)) current <- promoters(rl, 0, 0) checkIdentical(names(current), names(rl)) checkIdentical(start(current), start(rl)) current <- promoters(rl, 2, 0) checkIdentical(unique(unlist(width(current))), 2L) library(XVector) subject <- XInteger(10, 3:-6) view <- Views(subject, start=4:2, end=4:6) current <- promoters(view, 0, 0) checkIdentical(start(current), start(view)) current <- promoters(view, 2, 0) checkIdentical(unique(width(current)), 2L) cmp <- IRangesList("A"=IRanges(5:7, width=1), "B"=IRanges(10:12, width=5)) current <- promoters(rl, 0, 0) checkIdentical(names(current), names(rl)) checkIdentical(start(current), start(rl)) current <- promoters(rl, 2, 0) checkIdentical(unique(unlist(width(current))), 2L) } test_reflect_Ranges <- function() { ir1 <- IRanges(c(2,5,1), c(3,7,3)) bounds <- IRanges(c(0, 5, 3), c(10, 6, 9)) checkIdentical(reflect(ir1, bounds), IRanges(c(7, 4, 9), c(8, 6, 11))) checkException(reflect(ir1, IRanges()), silent = TRUE) } test_restrict_Ranges <- function() { ir1 <- IRanges(c(2,5,1), c(3,7,3)) checkIdentical(restrict(ir1, start=2, end=5), IRanges(c(2, 5, 2), c(3, 5, 3))) checkIdentical(restrict(ir1, start=1, end=2), IRanges(c(2, 1), c(2, 2))) checkIdentical(restrict(ir1, start=1, end=2, keep.all.ranges=TRUE), IRanges(c(2, 3, 1), c(2, 2, 2))) } test_restrict_RangesList <- function() { range1 <- IRanges(start=c(2,5), end=c(3,7)) range2 <- IRanges(start=1, end=3) for (compress in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { collection <- IRangesList(range1, range2, compress = compress) checkIdentical(restrict(collection, start=2, end=5), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 5), c(3, 5)), IRanges(2, 3), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(restrict(collection, start=1, end=2), IRangesList(IRanges(2, 2), IRanges(1, 2), compress = compress)) checkIdentical(restrict(collection, start=1, end=2, keep.all.ranges=TRUE), IRangesList(IRanges(c(2, 3), c(2, 2)), IRanges(1, 2), compress = compress)) } } test_zoom_Ranges <- function() { ir <- IRanges(c(1,5), c(3,10)) checkIdentical(ir*1, ir) checkIdentical(ir*c(1,2), IRanges(c(1,6), c(3, 8))) checkIdentical(ir*-2, IRanges(c(-1,2), c(4, 13))) checkException(ir*NA_integer_, silent = TRUE) checkException(ir*numeric(), silent = TRUE) checkException(ir*c(1,2,1), silent = TRUE) checkException(ir[rep(1,3)]*c(1,2), silent = TRUE) }