LL2homology {annotate}R Documentation

DEPRECATED Functions that find the homology data for a given set of LocusLink ids or HomoloGeneIDs


These functions are DEPRECATED. All this functionality has been replaced by inPARANOID packages. Given a set of LocusLink ids or NCBI HomoloGeneIDs, the functions obtain the homology data and represent them as a list of sub-lists using the homology data package for the organism of interest. A sub-list can be of length 1 or greater depending on whether a LocusLink id can be mapped to one or more HomoloGeneIDs.


LL2homology(homoPkg, llids)
HGID2homology(hgid, homoPkg)
ACC2homology(accs, homoPkg)



llids a vector of character strings or numberic numbers for a set of LocusLink ids whose homologous genes in other organisms are to be found


hgid a named vector of character strings or numberic numbers for a set of HomoloGeneIDs whose homologous genes in other organisms are to be found. Names of the vector give the code used by NCBI for organisms


accs a vector of character strings for a set of GenBank Accession numbers


homoPkg a character string for the name of the homology data package for a given organism, which is a short version of the scientific name of the organism plus homology (e. g. hsahomology)


The homology data package has to be installed before executing any of the two functions.

Each sub-list has the following elements:

homoOrg - a named vector of a single character string whose value is the scientific name of the organism and name the numeric code used by NCBI for the organism.

homoLL - an integer for LocusLink id.

homoHGID - an integer for internal HomoloGeneID.

homoACC - a character string for GenBank accession number of the best matching sequence of the organism.

homoType - a single letter for the type of similarity measurement between the homologous genes. homoType can be either B (reciprocal best best between three or more organisms), b (reciprocal best match between two organisms), or c (curated homology relationship between two organisms).

homoPS - a percentage value measured as the percent of identity of base pair alignment between the homologous sequences.

homoURL - a url to the source if the homology relationship is a curated orthology.

Sub-lists with homoType = B or b will not have any value for homoURL and objects with homoType = c will not have any value for homoPS.


Both functions returns a list of sub-lists containing data for homologous genes in other organisms.


Jianhua Zhang




## Not run: 
    ## hsahomology is a deprecated package! 
        llids <- ls(env = hsahomologyLL2HGID)[2:5]
        LL2homology("hsahomology", llids)

## End(Not run)

[Package annotate version 1.56.2 Index]