CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-7 BUG FIXES o All .Call routines are now registered CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-6 NEW FEATURES o New method str.integer64 shows the integer64 and no longer the underlying double (wish of Matt Dowle) o New integer64 methods is.nan, is.finite, is.infinite (wish of Florent Angly USER VISIBLE CHANGES o as.integer64.double and as.double.integer64 now have an argument keep.names=FALSE (wish of Dirk Edelbüttel and Leonardo Silvestri) BUG FIXES o We now protect our SEXP return-vector before calling R_Busy (reported by Thjomas Kalibera) o median.integer64 now gets a ... argument if the generic has it (wish of Kurt Hornik) o we migrated all files to UTF-8 CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-5 USER VISIBLE CHANGES o The following functions are converted to S3 generics and mask package:base :, is.double, match, %in%, rank, order o NA_integer64_ is now available and exported BUG FIXES o ramsort.integer64 no longer complains about misssing return value when stable || optimize == "time" (reported by Dan Southern) o removed a harmless warning on request of CRAN maintainers gcc had complained about using %lli format which is not supported under the windows MCPP compiler, under which %lli and thus as.character.integer64 will fail. o now uses R's RNG instead of the system RNG CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-4 BUG FIXES o The packages now uses clone(x) instead of x[] o log(x) tests no longer fail under valgrind (Thanks to Heisenberg it only failed under Valgrind) o UBSAN should no longer complain about left shift CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-3 USER VISIBLE CHANGES o The following functions are converted to S3 generics and mask package:base :, is.double, match, %in%, rank, order o table.integer64 now automatically converts non-integer64 arguments to integer64 rather than stopping on error (but gives a warning for each column) o table.integer64 called with return="table" returns empty cells now with 0 rather than NA o %in%.integer64 no longer has arguments 'nunique' and 'method' in order to match the generic with only two arguments 'x', 'table' and ... BUG FIXES o c(x,x,x) failed with integer64 type because R no longer copies the arguments in list(...) as from R-3.0.2 . Presumably now the ugly workaround in table.integer64 is no longer needed but that has NOT been fixed yet o round.integer64 no longer removes the "integer64" class attribute (reported by Dan Southern) CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-2 BUG FIXES o match.integer64 (and %in%.integer64) now call correctly with method="hashpos" and method="hashrev" o removed platform specific timing code that was not needed and prevented compiling under MacOS CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-1 NEW FEATURES o new methods for 'match', '%in%', 'duplicated', 'unique', 'table' , 'sort', 'order', 'rank', 'quantile', 'median' and 'summary' o new generics and methods for data management: 'unipos' (positions of the unique values) , 'tiepos' (positions of ties) , 'keypos' (positions of values in a sorted unique table) and derived methods 'as.factor' and 'as.ordered' o new generic caching scheme, see ?cache and ?hashcache o new low level functions for fast sorting, ordering and hashing, see ?sortnut and ?hashmap USER VISIBLE CHANGES o the package is back on CRAN. Method 'as.vector.integer64' has been removed at request of the CRAN maintainer. The starting point for this request was: 'matrix(integer64())' does not work. The result of removing 'as.vector.integer64' is a deterioration: 'array(integer64())' does not work anymore. You can restore 'as.vector.integer64' if you prefer. o package 'bit64' now shares generics for low-level sorting with package 'ff' and depends on package 'bit' for those generics CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.8-3 FIXES o removed chonst char warning (thanks to Murray Stokely) o reduced R dependency down to version 2.12.1 (wish of Murray Stokely)