rule {cli}R Documentation

Make a rule with one or two text labels


The rule can include either a centered text label, or labels on the left and right side.


rule(left = "", center = "", right = "", line = 1, col = NULL,
  line_col = col, background_col = NULL, width = console_width())



Label to show on the left. It interferes with the center label, only at most one of them can be present.


Label to show at the center. It interferes with the left and right labels.


Label to show on the right. It interferes with the center label, only at most one of them can be present.


The character or string that is used to draw the line. It can also 1 or 2, to request a single line (Unicode, if available), or a double line. Some strings are interpreted specially, see Line styles below.


Color of text, and default line color. Either a crayon style function or a color name that is passed to crayon::make_style().

line_col, background_col

Either a color name (used in crayon::make_style()), or a style function from crayon, to color the line and background.


Width of the rule. Defaults to the width option, see base::options().


To color the labels, use the functions from the crayon package directly, see examples below. To color the line, either use the crayon colors directly, or the line_col option.


Character scalar, the rule.

Line styles

Some strings for the line argument are interpreted specially:


## Simple rule

## Double rule
rule(line = 2)

## Bars
rule(line = "bar2")
rule(line = "bar5")

## Left label
rule(left = "Results")

## Centered label
rule(center = " * RESULTS * ")

## Colored labels
rule(center = crayon::red(" * RESULTS * "))

## Colored line
rule(center = crayon::red(" * RESULTS * "), line_col = "red")

## Custom line
rule(center = "TITLE", line = "~")

## More custom line
rule(center = "TITLE", line = crayon::blue("~-"))

## Even more custom line
rule(center = crayon::bgRed(" ", symbol$star, "TITLE",
  symbol$star, " "),
  line = "\u2582",
  line_col = "orange")

[Package cli version 1.0.0 Index]