strsplit_ctl {fansi}R Documentation

ANSI Control Sequence Aware Version of strsplit


A drop-in replacement for base::strsplit. It will be noticeably slower, but should otherwise behave the same way except for CSI SGR sequence awareness.


strsplit_ctl(x, split, fixed = FALSE, perl = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE,
  warn = getOption("fansi.warn"), term.cap = getOption("fansi.term.cap"))



a character vector, or, unlike base::strsplit an object that can be coerced to character.


character vector (or object which can be coerced to such) containing regular expression(s) (unless fixed = TRUE) to use for splitting. If empty matches occur, in particular if split has length 0, x is split into single characters. If split has length greater than 1, it is re-cycled along x.


logical. If TRUE match split exactly, otherwise use regular expressions. Has priority over perl.


logical. Should Perl-compatible regexps be used?


logical. If TRUE the matching is done byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character, and inputs with marked encodings are not converted. This is forced (with a warning) if any input is found which is marked as "bytes" (see Encoding).


TRUE (default) or FALSE, whether to warn when potentially problematic Control Sequences are encountered. These could cause the assumptions fansi makes about how strings are rendered on your display to be incorrect, for example by moving the cursor (see fansi).


character a vector of the capabilities of the terminal, can be any combination "bright" (SGR codes 90-97, 100-107), "256" (SGR codes starting with "38;5" or "48;5"), and "truecolor" (SGR codes starting with "38;2" or "48;2"). Changing this parameter changes how fansi interprets escape sequences, so you should ensure that it matches your terminal capabilities. See term_cap_test for details.


list, see base::strsplit.


Non-ASCII strings are converted to and returned in UTF-8 encoding. The split positions are computed after both x and split are converted to UTF-8.

See Also

fansi for details on how Control Sequences are interpreted, particularly if you are getting unexpected results, base::strsplit for details on the splitting.


strsplit_ctl("\033[31mhello\033[42m world!", " ")

[Package fansi version 0.3.0 Index]